Free sample of Attrape Coeur

Sharing the love. For the first five people who comment here or e-mail me at, just e-mail me your address, and I’ll send out a free 1 ml sample of Attrape Coeur. I know it’s not in wide distribution, and I seriously hope it becomes more accessible and affordable. It’s too lovely to be so hard to get.

  • Patty says:

    You are indeed no. 5. Send me your snail mail address, and I’ll happily send you a sample!

  • Anonymouse says:

    Do comments to yourself count, or am I indeed #5?

  • Patty says:

    Marina, don’t worry about it, you’ll run across something I don’t have. I think I still have your address from our swap.

    Katie, absolutely! Just e-mail me your address, and I’ll zip you one out.

  • Katie says:

    Pick me, too? Pretty please? If the offer still stands and your quota has not been filled yet, that is. 🙂

  • Marina says:

    ahem…would love to try it…but still owe you big for YDAN, P…is there anything you might like? Moon, stars…? 🙂

  • mireille says:

    wow. that’s very nice of you … and thanks for visiting the blog, P. xoxo

  • Patty says:

    Absolutely! Hope you enjoy it!

  • ChristinaH says:

    Oh, Pick me, pick me!!!Pretty please with sugar on top?
    I would love to try Attrape Coeur
    Email coming your way!