My poor mommy!

My uncle died this week, my mom’s brother. He was 74. Very unexpected, very quick. He had emphysema, and it was getting worse, but it was either a very quick, massive coronary or a brain hemorrhage.

Then my mommy stepped on an ice patch in the snow at his house and broke her ankle yesterday. She has to have surgery Monday. This is the same leg that had knee replacement surgery. At least she knows how to drive with her left leg already!

I never call her my mommy unless something is wrong with her and wish I was there with her.

But the lotions will cheer her up next week.

  • Katie says:

    I’m so sorry Patty. My sympathies for the loss of your uncle, and I hope your ma heals up soon and isn’t in too much pain.

  • Marina says:

    Patty, I am so sorry to hear about your loss and about your mom’s accodent. Hugs.

  • Patty says:

    Thanks for your concern, Christina, that’s very kind. She’s fine, just had a bad week. I’ve taken care of her through a torn rotator cuff surgery and a knee replacement surgery, so it feels weird not to be there for this.

  • ChristinaH. says:

    I hope your Mom recovers and I am sorry for the loss of your uncle passing away.This time of year is especially hard to have tragedies.I hope you are doing O.K.