February Perfume Sample Fairy Godmother


perfume sample fairy godmother

Esperanza the Perfume Fairy Godmother

First things first – the two wishes I’m granting from January – flowergirlbee, Misia and Gourmand Coquin and allgirlmafia for some Amouage Gold and Ann Gerard Cuir de Nacre.  Both of you, click on Drop us a Note at the top, send me your address, list what I just said I’d send you. I’ll send you a note back to let you know I got the e-mail, and then they’ll be on their way.

Hey, it is time again for the Perfume Sample Fairy Godmother for February 2016.   First the general guidelines on how Fairy Godmother works – this post will be open for the entire month of February.   I’ll start a new one at the beginning of March 2016.   For those of you new or that need a reminder of how this works – in comments you can list one or two things that you are yearning for and can’t seem to get –  a perfume sample is the easiest wish to grant.  Or you can wish for a full bottle, decant, vintage perfume or discontinued perfume you can’t find.  If someone has it and can help you out, they can reply to you in comments and then you can arrange to go offline through e-mail to work things out.   Please don’t post e-mails in comments unless you spoof them somehow, like this – patty at perfumeposse dawtcawm (spelling the dotcom at the end that way prevents robots from finding it as easily).   Caveat Emptor and all that, don’t send people money, check out their references on MUA or Basenotes or the Facebook groups before you send something in a swap, if you wind up doing a swap.  We have some amazing Fairy Godmothers that show up every month, granting wishes right and left. If you’ve been the recipient of some kindness, do give back when you can. I know people have gotten wishes granted, and every month they comb through the posts trying to find one or two people they can help out, and it just makes my heart happy.  If it’s a gift, send away.  I should note that  it’s more likely that a Fairy Godmother will happen along if you are a fairly regular commenter on The Posse and people recognize your name. I will play Perfume Posse Fairy Godmother and go through the list and grant at least two perfume sample wishes. I’ll pick from ones that nobody has been able to help with – I’ll spin my random.org wheel  – and send them The Precious.   If I can’t find two I can help with or you’re not sure what to wish for and you get picked, I’ll send you a little sample pack of some new releases, which you can wish for too!  I’ll announce who those people are when I put up February’s post.  Good luck!

perfume sample magic wand So what is it that your heart desires?  (pulling out wand from the back of the closet and blowing off an inch of dust)  

  • Lisa D says:

    Late request! Does anybody have a sample of L’Artisan Explosions d’Emotions Amour Nocturne that they’d be willing to send me? I’d be happy to respond with a random sample pack, or with something specific. Please email me at lisadarty in the land of hot mail. Thanks!

    • Koyel says:

      Lisa, I am SO EXCITED to say that I have some for you!!! This is the first time I’ve seen someone ask for something that I’ve got!!! E-mailing you now 🙂

  • Hello fairies! It’s been a while since I’ve participated in this.. But right now I am really wanting to try Papillon Salome if anyone happens to have any to spare.

  • Tania says:

    Lovely fairies, can any of you send me a little of Oriza Legrand Chypre Mousse, or Papillon Salome , Bogue Maai, anything by Profumum Roma?
    I’m in Europe. Thanks!

  • P.grain says:

    Greetings fairies! Anyone holding Aveda? Thanks!

    Cheers ????

  • LaDona says:

    Anyone have a wee dram of Ambre Russe?

  • katrin says:

    Dear Fairies,
    I’d like to try What Do We Do in Paris Is Secret or Eau Duelle. Thanks!

  • Stacie says:

    Hello! I would really love to sample 1889 Moulin Rouge, and any other good ones from HdP. I hope you don’t mind mailing to Canada. 🙂
    You can contact me at sihattori in the land of Gee Male. Thanks!

  • PJ says:

    I’d love to have even a tiny sample of Jicky. I have read so much about it and being kind of a fan of stinky, nasty scents (as it’s many times described) I figure it’s something I want to invest in but would love to actually smell it on me first.

  • Ashley A says:

    Hello lovely fairy Godmothers! This month, I’d really like to try anything by The Different Company or Perfumes Delrae if anyone has any to spare!

  • Peppermoon says:

    I’d love to try Kenzo Jungle L’Elephant! It’s been on my list forever but I’m really craving spices this winter. Or Sarah Horowitz Perfect Coconut Milk. rsmith3 (at) uga (dot) edu

  • AllGirlMafia says:

    Flowergirl, are you in the US? I think you forgot to list your contact info but if you are stateside I have a sample of Apres L’Ondee that might interest you. Let me know if you’ve tried it before yahoo address realmizz04

    • flowergirlbee! says:

      hello allgirlmafia,
      i am in australia…i have tried apres and love it but sadly don’t own it.it had a big influence on a couple of the malle perfumes i really love..l’eau d’hiver and dans tes bras.
      thanks for thinking of me : )

  • flowergirlbee! says:

    this month i would really like to smell some iris poudre by frederic malle and tubereuse criminelle by serge lutens.it is tuberose season in australia and i am dying to smell the lutens and the real thing side by side to understand the menthyl aspect of tuberose better.i am also interested in cross overs between iris poudre and l’heure bleue and of course i would love to chance to wear both for pleasure : )

  • Jenny Katz says:

    I’ve read such gorgeous things (many of them here) about Soivohle Rosa Sur Reuse, but I can’t seem to find even a sample anywhere. (Maybe it’s a dumb idea to GET a sniff, if I then can’t buy it anywhere 🙂 … anyone have any advice? I’m in the USA.

  • Marianna says:

    Very curious to try parfums MDCI and anything by LM parfums – thank you

  • Melissa says:

    Hi, looking to get a sniff or two of Del Rae Amourouse (sp). . please advise!!

  • Swingsidesmile says:

    Oh yay! At last month’s FGM post, I talked to some awesome people and got some really exciting samples 🙂

    I’d love to get some FM Portrait of a Lady, or Neela Vermeire Ashoka, Bombay Bling, or Pichola! (I’ve tried Mohur and Trayee and they’re soooooo good!) I’d also love to try the Tauerville Flash series to avoid a very exciting-sounding blind buy. Also, any good saffron perfumes? I tried Safran Troublant and it instantly became (one of?) my favorites, so I’d love to try other versions of saffron!

    • jjlook says:

      I can help with something saffron-y–Theo fennel Scent. Same caveat as above, I am in Canada, but have yet to have a problem sending to people here or on NST. Click on my username, etc.

  • zelda1947 says:

    Ahhh, still looking for my holy grail of Angelique Encens. 🙂

    • bryangarwood says:

      I have plenty of this and you’re welcome to some. my email is my name with the middle initial m (obviously between bryan and garwood). and of course i use g mail. : )

      • bryangarwood says:

        Zelda, still haven’t heard from you. ; )

        • zelda1947 says:

          Dear Bryan Garwood, Oh my gosh, I hadn’t been online for a few days and I didn’t see your note to me! I cannot tell you how excited I was to see this. Please let me know how much you can spare and how much you would like for this treasure! A thousand thanks!! Email me at z3lda1947@gmail.com. (Can you tell I’m excited or what?!)

          • bryangarwood says:

            Zelda, darling, I wouldn’t accept payment if you tried. I am just happy to share something you clearly love. I have maybe an ounce…and since you adore it so much, I’ll happily give you most. I’ll keep a tiny bit just to have in my collection. Some day perhaps you’ll be able to thrill another perfumista. One question, is your email z3lda… or was that just to throw off the bots?
            I know, dumb question, but I’m new to this code thing.

          • zelda1947 says:

            Hi Bryan — you are an angel! I use crfleming@comcast.net for the most part. I think I must’ve forgotten about using my gmail when I wrote you. At any rate, if you have a holy grail, I’ve got at least 200 perfumes (probably more at this point) in my collection, mostly vintage — Caron, Guerlain, Givenchy, YSL, etc. Older stock, because it’s so much better! Let me know if anything is on your radar!! Again, thank you a zillion times!!!

  • LaDomna says:

    I have a couple of longshot lemmings. Slumberhouse Kere and Aftelier Tango. Any amount of these or even any info on where I might find some would be very much appreciated!

  • Neva says:

    Hi dear fairies! Could someone please help with anything from April Aromatics? I would like to try Unter den Linden in particular, but since I know nothing from this house I’d appreciate anything just to get to know them.
    You can reach me at modesty blaise 65 (all together) in yahoooooland. And thanks in advance!

  • Ellen says:

    Dear Perfume Fairy Godmothers, I am looking for a sample of Loewe’s Gala and
    Oud Mukhallat Mumaiyaz by Arabian Oud, I cannot find these anywhere and I would be so grateful if someone could help me out. Thank you so much.You can find me at NiceVULadyataoldotcom.

  • Fleurt4fleurs says:

    I would love to get a chance to try Fendi Theorema. The descriptions I’ve read lead me to believe it is a fragrance I would especially adore, but, I don’t want to commit to a full bottle unless it’s truly something I do love wearing, and I also don’t want to be the owner of something that’s in short supply. Only to have it gathering dust. Thank you!

  • Vanie says:

    Hi fairies!
    I’ve been hunting for Prada Infusion d’amande but I can’t find it anywhere. If you can help, you can reach me at gmailll dotcomm under the name vanessa dot b dot laperriere


  • springpansy says:

    Hello perfume fairies,

    I am looking for samples of a couple of things – TDC De Bachmakov or MFK Aqua Universalis. Anyone? I’m always happy to send something in return.

    Thanks. springpansy5 at g mail.