Oops, more pestilence!

Hey friends — I was in Vancouver last week, which was fabulous (gardens! food! fragrance!) but I managed to catch COVID at the tail end of my trip. I’m home now, recovering. It’s not as bad as Omicron in 2022, and I … will spare you further details. I’m not up to writing today.

Instead here’s an interesting WaPo article on the increasing popularity of the concept of the “fragrance wardrobe.”

Here’s an interesting (and yet somehow alarming?) NY Times article on how teenage boys are wanting luxury scents; I guess we can blame Tik Tok for this nonsense, like 12 year old girls bugging their moms for fancy skincare from Sephora.

I don’t know that I miss the goat-y hormonal stench of a pack of teenage boys, possibly masked by Axe, but a spotty 6th-grader talking about sillage and smellmaxxing and seems weird to me.

Separate from pricing, how do you feel about the onslaught of new brands or any of these trends?


  • Portia says:

    Get Well Quick March.
    Boys smelling fine is OK by me.
    Portia xx

  • Musette says:

    Well… it’s been (quite) awhile… but WAIT! The 6’3” spotty 15 yr old who demo’d my bathroom and my 13 yr old grandson… I doubt they even know what ’ scent’ is… unless it’s used as a mask for deer season

  • Dina C. says:

    So sorry you are sick with the crud and hope you get better very fast. Last week, my girl pal and I stepped into a mall Sephora to buy new mascara, and I SAW one of those tween gangs hanging out by the high end makeup! They looked like baby models. Totally unchaperoned. There were lots of SAs around looking ready to rumble, cue the Sharks and Jets music from “West Side Story!” As for teen boys getting into scent: as long as they don’t overspray it, or rob mom’s purse to pay for it, then anything that makes them take more showers and smell better is great!

    • March says:

      I find those teenage girl gangs terrifying 😀 And I’m not entirely confident that it’s possible to make an adolescent male smell better hahaha. I found it fascinating when they were that age.

  • cinnamon says:

    Feh, not fair. But, pleased to hear it’s not as bad as last Covid. Do you think you caught on plane?

    Can’t read the WaPo article. There’s been a lot recently on ‘fragrance wardrobes’. Journos seem to get bugbears and then they all run with an idea. Young men wanting fancy … better than Axe and Lynx? There are so many very nice much cheaper fragrances out there to play with.

    I’ve stopped retinol and my skin is much happier. I can’t imagine someone young actually wanting to go down that path when you might well be better off with just some fun serum, a good moisturiser and a great SPF. There’s loads of luxurious stuff that doesn’t cost the earth.

    • March says:

      I was masked on the plane, who knows. Lots of people are coming down with it … sorry about the WaPo article, I did the paywall-free link, allegedly! Yeah, other than getting teens on board with daily sunscreen (think what a difference that would make) and acne help if they need it, leave your young, gorgeous skin alone!

  • alityke says:

    Get well soon. Only yesterday I commented to DH that Covid seemed to be on the rise again worldwide. Just from the blogs, IG & Facebook I follow, so many people are reporting they have it.

    As for teenager wanting to wear the latest “niche” fragrances. Daft parents for giving in to them. Same with preteen girls wanting retinols etc! It’s the same as the latest trainers were 20 years ago.

    Am I the only fraghag who refuses to sample this “new niche but not niche, all about the sillage” perfumery?

    Then their are the self declared IG “Perfume Experts” who get thrown these fragrances & promote them as if their lives depended on it yet have never heard of Chamade & didn’t know Chanel Exclusifs used to be EdTs!

    • March says:

      Loooooots of people here coming down with COVID right now. My hallmark is the awful sore throat, but again not as bad as 2022. Yeah my mom would have laughed in my face if I told her I “needed” a fragrance that didn’t come from the drugstore. And influencer “culture” on IG and Tik Tok is definitely changing the consumer desires in a way I am not a fan of.

  • Tom says:

    I’m sure I’m turning (turning, Tom? Ha! Try past tense) but I getting so over all these new houses popping up with a bazillion new scents right off the bat, all with some backstory, all around $250 for 50ml. At this point it could be the resurrection of Patous in the original formulae and it would get drowned out in the flood of new releases.

    Was it always like this and I just wasn’t paying attention?

    Fell better soon..

    • Maya says:

      No, it wasn’t like this. It has become so bad and there are so many that they rarely interest me and none have been more that a “that’s kinda nice”.

      On the plus side, I got my AE today, and yes, I’m a fan! The fun with perfume is still there.

      • March says:

        Hehe glad you love your AE! That’s a Godzilla classic that endures (like plutonium I guess?) and we’re all the better for it. And yeah … “that’s kinda nice” is the boring place we are at right now. I breezed through Sephora recently and there was so much stuff I’ve not heard of, much less tried.

    • March says:

      It takes a lot of the fun out of it … I miss the “golden age” of the early aughts when we were all sniffing the same releases which came out at a reasonable pace. So it wasn’t always like this. Makes me feel very “get off my lawn!”