The Olympics and Tom’s teleporting

I was going to write about the last Replica sample I got but that will wait a week because my brain got stuck on Tom’s idea of teleporting to corporate Posse meetups.

And then I was watching the opening ceremony for the Paris 2024 games so a mishmash is where we are today.

First off, people sometimes complain about the commentators for these sorts of events. However, we here in Britain got seriously lucky this time. The truly wonderful Andrew Cotter was on air.

If you don’t know who Andrew Cotter is, well, he’s a BBC sports commentator. But he is also a celebrity for a different reason. During Covid, when he was clearly off-air, he started doing commentated videos of his two labradors, Olive and Mabel, doing stuff: competitive breakfast eating, being loopy on walks, hill walking in Scotland with him, wearing Go-Pros while running on the beach, being influencers. If you’ve never watched one you really really should. Get off to YouTube as soon as you can. Just search Olive and Mabel. You will thank me.

Anyway, Andrew Cotter in Paris. Beyond providing very good information on who was doing what for which country, he came up with side titbits from his experience over the years. He has a wonderful Scottish accent, is very good off the cuff, has a very dry sense of humour, and speaks French, so was able to translate some of the speeches – very amusingly, with asides.

Beyond the torrential rain, I really enjoyed the ceremonies. But, I want to know what the character was which carried the torch through most of the four hours. Oh, and I love the former footballer, Zenedine Zedane.

Tom and teleporting. After the spectacle I thought I’d hang teleporting off Paris: even in pouring rain, the centre of Paris is unfathomably beautiful.

And we could make a day of it, given we can, of course, all teleport.

So, to my mind we would start by meeting up for brunch in one of the grand five star hotels, linger over things and then do some group sampling. Maybe Guerlain, a place in the Marais called the Nose, which I’ve never been too, I’m sure the fancy department stores have wonderful fragrance departments.

That would take till late afternoon, at which point we could decamp to a fancy bar for cocktails. I’ve read that the Hemingway bar at the Ritz is too touristy. So, something still fancy but less on the beaten path. I don’t drink alcohol but mocktails apparently have become a thing in Paris – and some places even have specialty drinks. We could do whatever serious discussion if any was required over drinks.

Once we were all restored, dinner.

Because the opening ceremonies ended up at the Eiffel Tower (well, not really – things then really finished in the Tuileries), my mind turned to the Jules Verne restaurant, which is housed in the tower itself. I’ve always wanted to go there – it’s the upmarket option for food (ie, there’s a café as well). Reviews are somewhat mixed but I’m sure we could find decent things to eat and we’d make sure we reserved a table by the windows.

With that over, we’d all stumble out and teleport wherever (I can imagine this being Paris, some would want to stay a bit longer – I’d just go home and recover in semi-rural Southwest England with the rabbits and the cows and the fairly constant construction work in my village).

So, did you watch the opening ceremony? Thoughts? Where would you go and what would you do if you could teleport anywhere?

Pics: Pexels

  • March says:

    If we can teleport then we can certainly have a driver standing by if/when needed, although I’m with you — I want to walk everywhere in Paris! Which is usually what I do, supplemented by the Metro as needed. I haven’t watched the opening ceremony but enjoyed reading about it, including all the pearl-clutching.

    • cinnamon says:

      Yes, metro — and even buses are fine. What do you mean by pearl-clutching? In relation to the segment of the opening ceremony related to the Greek gods (at least I think that’s what it was)?

  • alityke says:

    Could we not only teleport to Paris but from place to place whilst there? It pretty hard on the shoe leather & teleporting between stops would be way quicker!
    I’d add the Musee D’Orsay for the Impressionists. Such talent & beauty.
    I watched the Opening Ceremony & was unimpressed overall. The concept must have looked great on paper but on the night? It went on too long, the cauldron lighting fiasco felt uncomfortable to watch & did no one plan for rain?
    I liked the horse but 5 minutes would have been more than enough!

    • cinnamon says:

      Hmmm, I liked it. Pure spectacle. Agree someone should have thought about the potential for rain. I guess because it was Paris and a hundred (?) years since last olympics that they wanted to open with a bang. As to teleporting around Paris, no, from my perspective. I’d want to walk as much as possible — given it’s Paris. Except, of course, if it were raining 🙂

  • Portia says:

    Hey Cinnamon,
    Opening Ceremonies are a bit like Xmas for me. They were utterly amazing in my childhood, now I spend the whole time looking for the tricks.
    Paris! We don’t need to do Hemingway when the Ritz high tea is so freaking good.
    Portia xx

    • cinnamon says:

      It was long but I don’t think it would have mattered as much if it hadn’t rained. Don’t know if you saw the London one however many years ago. I felt like that was compelling most of the way through — except the silly section of the supermodels. Who came up with that???

      Tricks? Example?

      High tea would be fine too. It just occurred to me that I haven’t been in a fancy bar in years so added it to the list.

      • Portia says:

        Like how they lit it, choreographed it and costumed it.
        AHA! I like the bar in the Hotel du Louvre, very chill.
        Portia xx

  • Tom says:

    Thank you for Olivia and Mabel. I’m addicted. I didn’t get to see the opening ceremonies since they were on Peacock and I don’t subscribe. I believe we had someone rather less effective emceeing here..

    The inaugural Posse TeleportPalooza itinerary is a winner.

    • cinnamon says:

      Love Olive and Mabel. And Mr Cotter is pretty good himself.

      Peacock? Will have to look up. Is everything on that platform or can some things been seen on a regular network?

  • Dina C. says:

    I’m a big fan of the Olympics, and I’ve been watching the opening ceremonies as well as lots of different sports. I’m envious of your commentary by Mr. Cotter — I loved his Olive and Mabel videos during lockdown! They were priceless! I also like the teleportation daydream. My husband and I are going to Europe IRL this fall, so I’m curious to read everyone’s desired locations. I’ve already warned hubby that perfume shopping will be happening. 🙂

    • cinnamon says:

      Cotter is still doing the videos — just not as often. There’s a really bittersweet on of Olive doing what was probably her last Scottish hill walking, as she’s getting older.

      Oooh, autumn trip! Where might you be going? Agree about perfume shopping. If you are in Paris, Nose does look quite good.

      • Dina C. says:

        We’re spending extra days in Paris then doing a Viking river cruise thru the Moselle Valley, down the Rhine (my husband used to be stationed in Germany when in the USAF), and moving on towards Zurich.

        • cinnamon says:

          Sounds like a great trip. You could get brands that don’t ship to the US (or aren’t available there) to ship to your hotels…

  • Maggiecat says:

    I love the idea of a Paris meet-up – your plan sounds perfect. Now to work on my teleporting skills…I live in Dallas so I might need a midway stop….

    I did not watch the opening ceremonies, though I was tempted to because it was Paris. But other activities, plus a husband who is not at all interested in the Olympics ( my interest is mild at best and we do not have an Andrew Cotter to help)

    • cinnamon says:

      The contrast between Cotter and the other commentators is sort of stark. He’s just that good.

      So, some in-between stops for teleporting. What about doing a hop to New York, then Greenland (I once flew over the southern coast of Greenland on a flight west — totally extraordinary), some place in Ireland and then on to Paris?