Let’s talk about Amouage

So apparently we’re trying some overlooked classics here on the Posse.

My housemate/fellow perfumista Carolyn has an extensive fragrance collection of her own. I think I mentioned that the previous resident, a lawyer, had a home office with lots of built-in shelving that we repurposed for its (obviously!) better use as perfume storage. I was browsing her shelves recently and there was an Amouage bottle sitting there … it was missing its bottom label so I didn’t know what it was, but I spritzed some on absentmindedly.

And it was glorious.

I of course had to know what it was immediately. It’s Lyric, which … explains why I’d never tried it? I thought it was supposed to be a “rose” fragrance? and ehhhhhh not my thing. Boy, am I glad I corrected that tragic oversight.

Lyric Woman was launched in 2008; notes are cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, bergamot, rose, geranium, ylang, orris, angelica, jasmine, incense, sandalwood, woods, musk, patchouli, tonka, oakmoss, vanilla, vetiver.

It’s a floriental of the more-is-more variety, but soooo smoooooth. Yes, I can smell the rose which is prominent, but it’s in there with a whole bunch of other florals plus spices and incense and woods, so it’s not that sour-vase-water thing I get with some rose-forward scents. It reminds me a bit of my beloved Teo Cabanel Alahine, and google shows that there’s some overlap there in terms of notes.

I’m probably the last gal on Planet Perfume to try Lyric, but better late than never, right?

Talking about Amouage in general: I’ve certainly not tried all (or even most) of the 100+ Amouage fragrances in their various lines. I’m well past the point of wanting to hunt down every.single.thing, there’s just too much these days. But of those I have sampled, I think they’re just so well done – even the more modern “commercial” ones (Crimson Rocks, Ashore, etc.) would delight me if they fell into my hands.

Speaking of which, that’s another thing I love – the way the heavy, squat lady-bottle looks and feels when I pick it up. I’m glad they keep doing color variations of that bottle shape, which is perfect as far as I’m concerned. It’s luxe-looking but practical, easy to spray, and it doesn’t tip over. Also, you can get bottles for ~$200 at various online discounters, which these days is a bargain.

So, what are your favorite Amouages?  Is there one that stands out as “yours,” so to speak, as if they made it just for you? (Mine is Jubilation 25.)

  • Maggiecat says:

    I bought a bottle of Lyric when an unexpected insurance refund check came in the mail some years ago. I haven’t worn it in a while – it was my favorite “don’t f*** with me” scent at work, and I’m now happily retired. I need to dig it out though…I truly loved it!

  • Musette says:

    I’m coked to the gills in Lyric body creme – and EXTRAIT! in honor of your lovely post – and the 98F weather we’re having right now

    but lately I’ve been testing the new scent ‘Guidance’, both the extrait (46) and the original.

  • Lia says:

    Epic Woman for many years as a special go-to. Definitely different.

  • Dina C. says:

    I own two Amouage samples, Ciel and Dia, from Art with Flowers a bajillion years ago, so I dug them out and spritzed on some Ciel. It’s a floral with some aquatic and ozonic notes which makes it feel breezy and light. Good for a day in the 90s. I might have tried Lyric back in those AWF days, March, but I don’t remember. It sounds beautiful. I was reluctant to try stuff I couldn’t afford. Why fall in love and torture myself? But I do remember admiring that line of fancy luxurious bottles in their deep jewel tone colors. I also love the complexity of the Amouages. They feel multidimensional and layered like a book with a hundred characters.

    • March says:

      Oh, Art with Flowers. What a lovely shop that was, one of my early gateways to niche perfume! And they were always so nice. I don’t even remember the Amouages there! (I was obsessed with L’Artisan, I think, at the time.) And yes — they do feel multidimensional! They aren’t all “me” by a long shot, but I haven’t smelled one where I thought, that’s just lame.

  • Kathleen says:

    I’ve enjoyed all Amouage fragrances sampled. Fate, Gold, and Lyric are my favorites and were FB worthy. Sadly Fate is discontinued and impossible to find. I also have Journey, Uber, Jubilation 25, and Lilac Love. I keep looking at Amouage website for samples of Guidance and the new Guidance 46, very interested in these.

  • alityke says:

    Ubar was my first Amouage full bottle, then Gold Extrait. When the now married son needed money in a hurry I sold them both. Whilst I enjoyed Gold I have many, many aldehydic florals I wore more. Ubar? I wish I had kept a decant but I didn’t & I won’t chase another bottle.
    Lyric Woman is the one I will NEVER be without! It maybe the one that will have to be prised from my dying claws.
    Looks like many feel the same way

  • cinnamon says:

    Alas, so far Amouage does not love me. I think I need to have another look. Love the idea of your shelves — easy access.

  • Portia says:

    Woo Hoo March. Excited for you discovering a new love.
    Amouage is, or was, one of my favourite houses. Even now there are some excellent spots amongst the largely “not me” outpourings.
    Also, I remember the nearly annual excitement of a new pair of scents being released. It was mayhem on the blogs. So much talk and conjecture. The lucky few bloggers with large enough followings (or were buddies with Mr Chong) who got the famous 30ml press bottles. It was such a big deal.
    Still try and get a sniff of anything new they release and bought Meander when it came out.
    My most worn Amouage combo is Gold Man with Gold Woman Extrait. BOOM!
    It would be Uber but with it being DCd I tend to spritz it less.
    Portia xx

    • March says:

      Gold Man and Gold Woman extrait?!?! I bet I could smell you from here!!! Yeah, Musette had a connection w Christopher Chong and I think she got some lovely freebies!

  • Eldarwen22 says:

    Lyric Woman was one of those perfumes that truly spoke to me. When I got a dabber from Luckyscent when I bought Epic, the clouds parted and the angels started singing when I tried Lyric. I love Lyric to the point of 3 100ml bottles and the travel spray set. Epic is a close second and Jubilation 25 is 3rd. Gold Woman went all kinds of wrong on my skin. Gold smells like I stepped in dog poop. Must be the civet or something in it. I like Ubar but Ubar wears me and Memoir is a little too sweet for me.

    • March says:

      I love your description of the clouds and the angels! I may have to get my own bottle even though Carolyn’s is sitting right there … Gold didn’t work well on me but I can’t remember what the issue was.

  • SpringPansy says:

    Lyric Woman is “mine”. What a glorious, gorgeous fragrance. I only have a decant. Maybe I should remedy that soon.

    • March says:

      Well I didn’t look too closely but when googling for this post there seemed to be a lot of them available online for way less than the Amouage website? Must investigate further.

  • Tom says:

    I remember trying several of these and liking them a lot, but I think they were just a little pricey for me. Now they seem practically free.

  • Maya says:

    I had tried a bunch of Amouage perfumes, but none were anything special on me. Much later I decided to try again but only rose-centered ones and fell in love with Lyric Woman and got a bottle for a great price. I did try Lyric Man also but it was sour on me.
    I loved a comment I once read about Lyric Woman – it was about making love in a rose garden while lying on wolf pelts…..

  • MMKinPA says:

    Have never tried, but maybe I need to track down a sample if it’s similar to Alahine which is a favorite. I do think the bottles are pretty. I have sampled a couple of Amouages but never owned any. So I don’t have one that is “mine”.

    • March says:

      Isn’t Alahine divine?!? A staple around here in cooler weather … Lyric isn’t “the same” but IMO they share some DNA, might be worth sampling!