Fracas and Friends

Hey, everyone – for those who “do” Thanksgiving, I hope it was a nice one. Carolyn and I cooked several delicious dishes here, including dessert. On my gratitude list was the fact that I didn’t have to leave the house on one of the busiest travel holidays of the year in the U.S.

So a few weeks ago, Fracas popped into my head, as these things do. I was lamenting the fact that I’d owned and then swapped away my bottle. I loved the way it smelled, but I’d become hypernosmic to it, and even spraying in the air and walking through was too much. It wasn’t a vintage bottle, I think I picked it up years ago at … Sephora? Can that be right? That’s what I’m remembering, unlikely as it seems. Carolyn saw me poking around her collection to see if she had a bottle, and we talked about scent memories.

A week or so later, a tiny package showed up in the mail for Carolyn, and she handed it to me … I bet you can guess where this is going, can’t you? Yes, it was a mini (5ml?) splash bottle of vintage Fracas parfum.

Piguet’s Fracas was launched in 1948; the nose was the esteemed Germaine Cellier. Technically, it’s one of those kitchen-sink fragrances with fruits and green notes and a musky-woody base, but in practice it’s a ginormous tuberose plus jasmine, muguet, gardenia etc., and probably wearable (bearable?) only if you really like big white flower fragrances. Which, fortunately, I do. If Fracas were a color it would be bright pink, like the frame around the lettering on the bottle’s label.

Well. Of course I had to put some on immediately (good thing I wasn’t heading to the gym, eh?) I think the top notes are just a hair off, and it doesn’t have that almost bubblegum sweetness at first blast, but I can’t decide how much of that is vintage and how much is dabbing vs. spraying.

That drydown, though? It is glorious — even better than I remember, less powdery and much richer, with an almost buttery aspect. It’s not the sillage monster that Fracas can be when sprayed; but it’s hardly a timid little thing either. I could smell the two tiny dabs I’d put on my wrist the next day.

There are several of these wee bottles for sale on eBay and I’ve already bought a backup.

How do you feel about Fracas? Has anyone tried Petit Fracas, the 2012 fruity-floral interpretation by Aurélien Guichard? I know Portia’s a fan. How about the eau fraiche? Aren’t friends the best? Have you been gifted something you loved from a friend, just because?

(images via Pexels, plus mine of the bottle)

  • Portia says:

    Heya March,
    I have an older travel set of Fracas Parfum. It sits in a spray case and came with two refills. The opening isn’t as super powered as the EdP and after about 30 minutes is a beautiful soft buttery white floral with only the merest hints of breathy blue cheese flying very low under the radar.
    Thanks for the reminder. Now I have to go find it. It’s not in the Piguet box so must have been put somewhere for safe keeping…
    Portia xx

    • March says:

      Oh, that sounds FABULOUS, you’re probably getting the same general scent that I am. hahaha yep just a breath of blue cheese. Go dig it up!

  • Musette says:

    I LOVE Fracas, though I usually on wear it to bed – but I wear the living daylights out of it: the bath gel/lotion/dusting powder and my vinty spray bottle of perfume, which I spray until my bedroom (and I) smell like a whorehouse on payday!

    • March says:

      HOLY COW they can probably smell you the next town over! You’re lucky they’re not hanging around outside the door like dogs.

      • Musette says:

        oddly…no. 😉 but if you remember, this is the perfume that I sprayed on El O at Neil Morris’s suggestion – and the women at the event we attended were circling him like lionesses around a gazelle (though I can’t imagine comparing El O to a gazelle – maybe a wounded water buffalo?)

  • Alityke says:

    Fracas! Bought it at Jenners in Edinburgh on one of my quarterly work trips. Yes, I used to get the earliest train just so I had an hour shopping on arrival! Jenners was catnip to me.
    I loved it but rarely wore it. She was just too brassy, buxom & haute femme.
    As I’ve said before I have boobage that has its own postcode, a buxom perfume sort of emphasises it!
    Still have good memories of Fracas but now I’ll wear the scent that pays homage but dials it down

  • cinnamon says:

    I love Fracas in the bottle and on paper and so want it to love me. But, no. Last time I sampled it was with Portia during our sniffs a ways ago. I can do loads of tuberose perfumes — just not this one. So sad.

    • cinnamon says:

      That was Sniffa, not sniffs. I detest autocorrect.

      • March says:

        ah good ol autotrash… I think you’re a fan of Tubereuse Criminelle? I’m more a Carnal Flower gal. I think this wee bottle of Fracas is at the right “volume” for me.

        • cinnamon says:

          TC and CF both. Have them in travel sizes. More warm weather wear but like smelling the bottles when it’s cold. My tuberoses didn’t come up this past summer. Not sure what that’s about. Hoping they appear in 2025.

  • Dina C. says:

    In college, a girl on my hallway gave me a large bottle of Fracas, and I wore it for years till it was gone. Loved the tuberose and green aspects of it, especially those opening top notes. Nowadays it’s too much for me. Maybe I could do one dab, but not a spray. Definitely love gifts from friends. It makes the item more elevated and precious every time I use it.

    • March says:

      I think the dabber is the way to go for me too — thought for a second about decanting it into a sprayer but no. Love that you wore it in college!

  • Sarah says:

    I love Fracas and have worn it for decades. I like to wear it in the summer heat. I must be crazy but it isn’t fearsome to me and I had a friend that wore it daily who always just smelled good… succulent I’d say.

    • March says:

      It’s wild, some of those big fragrances are actually awesome in the summer heat. I will have to try mine when it warms up.

  • Cyndi says:

    I have worn Fracas on and off for nearly 40 years. Yes, I am that old! I love it and have always gotten many, many compliments whenever I wear it

    • March says:

      I think with this little dabber bottle I can stop worrying about my level of scent being room-clearing and enjoy it more often. Love that you’ve worn Fracas for decades!

  • Tom says:

    I love Fracas. It’s such a big butch girly (yes, I get the dichotomy there) Barbara Stanwyck sort of scent- from her scheming, sultry “Double Indemnity” through her sexy “Lady Eve” and even her heart-on-her-sleeve “Stella Dallas.” Shy it isn’t. I wear it when I need a lift and have even worn it out of the house. The last time was when I was up for Jury Duty. Trust me when I tell you nobody is going to choose to empanel you when you smell like you just plugged the dad from “My Three Sons.”

    A friend of mine years ago gave me some kiehls original musk, back when I was young and only liked Eau Sauvage and the Hermès in the green bottle. Off to the races I was..

    • Maya says:

      I also love Fracas and your description is perfect. It’s what you wear when your bf is motorcycle crazy and you always ride with him.

    • March says:

      Bahahahaha love your jury duty move! I always dress in my sternest rich lady clothes and get struck by the defense every time. Love that someone gave you Kiehls!