Smell Bent Holiday Edition

[Hey, everyone — Patty’s in India and we’ll be mixing up the schedule for the next couple of weeks.   Here’s Tom.]

By Tom

A couple of years ago I met Brent Leonesio, the youthful founder of smell bent, the West Hollywood based house known for its playful packaging, low price points, and seriously good scents.  He has released his limited Holiday line for 2010, and sent me samples of them to try.

Dr. Dreidel is woody, with cool anjelica balanced with spices.  He writes its pimento leaf.  I swear there’s cardamom or mace in there.  I like the way it dances from warm to cool- like coming in from a snowball fight to a warm fire and the smell of baking.

Sexy Turtleneck is a resiny tonka with a disconcerting butter element that’s discernible and surprising.  (Hey, Uncle Serge is going to do a butter scent in 2011,(LINK) I read this morning…)  Luckily after finishing his croissant, Mr. Turtleneck snuggles in to share reading the paper, and his soft musk and patch makes you not mind so much that he insists on hogging the style section…

Elf-Fulfilling Prophecy lists “cinnamon sugar cookie, naughty pipe tobacco and toy shop sawdust”.  There’s also some funk in there; like Santa needs to remind the Elves to dryclean, and a fatty nuttiness to it.  Not my thing until the drydown when the sweeeeetnessss burns off and its all tobacco and woods.

Reindeer Games is bergamot, incense and woods and is the polar opposite of “Elf”.  While I wish “Elf” was diluted by about half (at least the beginning), I wish “Reindeer” was about three times stronger.  Maybe I need the oil?

Bi-Polar Express starts with comb honey, complete with wax.  It’s closer to Botrytis than Miel de Bois- no cats here.  Chamomile joins in cutting the sweetness with a fresh wood note at the base.  I never thought I would like to smell like sweetened tea.  Well, that kind.  Live and learn.

Once again I have to marvel that smell bent manages to come up with scents that are this good (even the ones that I wouldn’t wear personally) at this price point.  $20 for 8ML oils and $45 for 55ML EDT make these practically stocking stuffers.  I gave some to my godchild for her birthday and she was thrilled- and this is a young lady who wears Bandit, Asja and Norell (courtesy moi) and Lutens (pilfering from her mother).  I have three of his scents in my rotation and enjoy them immensely, and not in a palate-cleanser sort of way.

Brent’s been kind enough to offer a pack of samples of these five to one commenter.  Please leave a comment today saying that you wish to be entered in the draw. I’ll pick a winner and announce next week.

My samples: came from smell bent.

  • Lorinczi Zoltan says:

    Hi there!

    Didn’t find the contact email address, that’s the reason why I am asking about this as a comment.
    I’d be glad to advertise on your website, please tell me whether it’s possible and what your rates are. Would like to start as soon as possible.

    Have a nice day,
    Zoltan (

  • Daniele says:

    I’d like to try these — I’ve never tried any Smell Bent. I’m not even sure where to get them around these parts (rural Canada).

  • Alice C says:

    I would love to be in the drawing. I’ve never even seen the Smell Bent line, but would love to try it. Thanks!

  • Amy K says:

    I still haven’t tried any of the Smell Bent fragrances, but I would like to. Thanks for the drawing!

  • Mary says:

    I might be late for this– but basically, I seem to like what Tom likes, so if I could be entered in the draw, I would be most grateful. I have smelled a few of these– I hunted some down at urban outfitters, but could not really appreciate them on the spritz– I was tired, hungry and the music and noise level in those stores is just too much for my tired old self. A leisurely sample exploration would hit the spot–Thanks for the offer. I enjoy the humor in the packaging and naming– that’s for certain–Mary :)>-

  • Wing Manion says:

    Well, I’ve been lurking for a while, and this looks like a good time to jump in! please enter me in the draw.

    Many thanks!

  • Rosiegreen says:

    I would love to try these, especially Reindeer Games and Dr Driedel. I haven’t yet smelled anything in this line. Please enter me in the draw.

  • Geordan1244 says:

    Ooh. I’d love to try a few, if not all, of these!

  • aaron says:

    Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!

  • zeram1 says:

    I’d love to be in the drawing as well. Thank you as well as SB for the offer!

  • tammy says:

    Oh my stars, the names alone make these must-trys! Thanks so much for a chance to win!

  • mariekel says:

    Yes, please, enter me in the draw!

  • Olfacta says:

    Late but…I love the name, and the scent names and the prices…would love to try these!

  • Lilybug says:

    Oh they sound divine! Please enter me in the draw :)

  • Dante's Bra says:

    Yes, thanks so much, they sound fun! Throw me in the pit, please!

  • Fragrant Witch says:

    Thanks to the Posse and Smell Bent for the generous giveaway. Please enter me in the draw- I would love to find a Sexy Turtleneck!

  • Valentine says:

    Hi, I’d love to be entered in the draw.

    Sexy Turtleneck sounds most appealing, but I’m super curious to give Elf-fulfilling Prophesy a sniff.

  • Dionne says:

    Oh yes, included me in the draw. I was just showing the Smell Bent website this week to my teenage boys, they got a kick out of the great names and fun line drawings.

    Am I hearing that One is still available? I’m going over right now to check it out. Mals’ enthusiastic review really caught my attention.

  • AnnieA says:

    Are they only available online? Sure, include me in the draw if you’re counting Canadians…

    • Tom says:


      He is moving into having his wares in stores but he is going to keep the limiteds primarily online, I believe.

  • Elisa says:

    Please enter me in the draw! Would love to try these.

  • fleurdelys says:

    My, your godchild is a sophisticated young lady! I’d love to try these fragrances; please enter me in the drawing.

  • rednails says:

    Please enter me in the draw. Been itchin’ to try smellbents.

  • odonata9 says:

    I’d love to be entered in the drawing! I recently place my first order with Smell Bent and received my items super fast and with free samples. While I haven’t loved everything, I have enjoyed trying all of them and One and Blimey Limey are definite favorites.

  • maidenbliss says:

    Please enter me. Those names are stellar kooky fun!

  • lemonprint says:

    I love the names of these so much and would love to try them all – please do enter me in the draw!

  • Gretchen says:

    I’d enjoy trying these. Please put my name in the draw!

  • Claudia says:

    Enter me in the draw too. This perfumer is one my ever-growing list of “things I need to sample”.

  • jen says:

    Enter me, plx. Love the sound of some of these.

  • grizzlesnort says:

    Hi, add my name to the lottery! BTW, nothing from Smell Bent for Kwanzaa?

  • violetnoir says:

    Yeah, baby, I’ll jump for them since I missed the outing. So, please enter me in the drawing.

    Hugs to you, Tom!

  • LindaB says:

    Hi Tom!
    I enjoyed your post and now I’m intrigued by this line. Liking the sounds of Bi-Polar Express and Sexy Turtleneck.

    Please enter me in the draw! Thank you…

  • Julie says:

    These scents sound like fun – I’m in for the draw, please!

  • dremybluz says:

    please enter me in the draw.

  • maggiecat says:

    These sound intriguing and I’d love a chance to try them. My budget for scent samples will be limited through the holidays, but these unique scents are certainly tempting – and affordable!

  • annie says:

    OOOOOO!!!!!….New site(to me),and new smells….I’m totally in for the draw…thank you!!!

  • Isa says:

    I guess that I would love Dr. Dreidel, Reindeer Games and Bi-Polar Express (funny names, btw!).
    The notes of Bi-Polar Express make me think of Back to Black: honey, chamomile and woods are there too. And I absolutely adore Back to Black!

    I would like to be entered in the draw. Thank you!

  • Janet says:

    I would like to be included in the draw. I am not sure why I have never tried any of the Smell Bent line, they always sound good!

  • ladida says:

    I would love to try these. Please enter me in the drawing.

    The website reminds me a bit of the Lush brand. I wonder if the fragrances are as odd as the Lush fragrances?

  • jirish says:

    Please enter me in the draw. I haven’t had the opportunity to try their Holiday limited editions yet, but I did get two of the limited edition Halloween scents from last year, and really enjoy them. Their price point is terrific, and I love that this company doesn’t take itself too seriously.

  • Louise says:

    Why am I suddenly hungry? Please throw me in the draw, too!

  • kjanicki says:

    Oh, please enter me in the draw! I want to smell the dirty elves.

  • Cheryl says:

    I also am in this for the draw. But I do want to comment that anyone who can provide us with fun interesting perfume at this price point is a HERO! It makes me suspect that secretly this is the price point everything should be offered at!!!!

  • Suzy Q says:

    Hi Tom, I enjoyed reading your witty descriptions! And now I’m dying to try these for myself, so, yes, please enter me in the draw.

  • Dana says:

    These sound great, fun, and very creative. Would love to sample and the customer service experience described by Mals86 was terribly refreshing!

  • pyramus says:

    They do sound like a lot of fun, and I love cheap-and-cheerful perfumery that doesn’t take itself seriously.

  • jen says:

    Please enter me – these sound like a blast.

  • Mals86 says:

    No need to enter me in the draw, Tom – I just ordered a bottle of One, which to me is a lot like Dzing! without the dry-manure note. My order was somehow delayed, and when I sent an email to Smell Bent asking about it, I received a reply from Brent that he’d like to send me a sample set as an apology for the delay.

    That wasn’t necessary – but that is *excellent* customer service, people, and one more reason to give the indies like Smell Bent our business.

    I’m looking forward to testing them, although I’m not sure any of them will be quite “me.” A few months ago, I also tried several others from the SB line: Prairie Nymph, Never Never Land, Lucy Fur, Commando, Bollywood or Bust, and Chile Vanilli as well as the aforementioned One. Not all of them worked for me, but even the ones that didn’t were, at the very least, interesting failures. It’s a line worth trying.

    • Ann N. says:

      Hi Mals, I offer a hearty “hooray!!” to the great customer service you got. Wish more companies would do that. It might cost a bit to send someone an extra sample or upgrade shipping, etc., but its results are priceless in terms of customer good will and brand loyalty. I recently called a company with a question (no live person, had to leave a message) and got no answer. After waiting a week, I called again, and left the same query. No answer. So I voted with my feet and took my business elsewhere.

      • Musette says:

        Excellent customer service, Mals! I will definitely consider Brent’s site for my younger gifting (I dunno why I am focused on SB as ‘young’ – now watch me fall in love and be hoist on my own petard, yet again… /:)

        xo >-)

  • Ann N. says:

    Hi Tom, welcome aboard on this lovely Tuesday. Loved your fun descriptions of these. I’ve not tried this line but would love to. Please enter me in the draw. Thanks and have a great day!

  • Shari says:

    They sound so intriguing! Please enter me in the draw. Thank you!

  • Alica says:

    Eh, would not be bad to win them – thank for entering me in the drawing ;-)

  • Debbie R. says:

    They all sound great! Please enter me into the drawing. I really love to hear about new scents that I can actually afford to purchase later.

  • Tiara says:

    How generous…yes, please include me in the drawing.

    (And what a sweet uncle you are!)

  • DinaC says:

    I’ve never sniffed anything from smell bent, so I’d like to be entered into the drawing. Reindeer Games sounded particularly good to me. Thanks for the info, Tom. :-)

  • jen says:

    Would love to enter. I have had some good luck with the orig releases from Smell Bent. I think Commando was my fave.

  • Musette says:


    What a cute website – I’m not swoony-moved with the scent descriptions but that may be because I am OLD! But I love the adorable drawings juxtaposed with a serious respect for the perfume notes. Furriner, the description of One sounds lovely – perfect for this season!

    No draw fer meeee! but I did want to compliment Brent on a charming site!!

    xo >-)

  • dissed says:

    I’m interested. Would love a honey scent. Also really, really like Smell Bent’s name.

  • pam says:

    They sound interesting. Please enter me in the draw. Thanks.

  • Connie says:

    How generous of Brent and PP! Please enter me in the draw. Thank you!

  • mocards says:

    I love the Smell Bent website for its playfulness. It’s a fun website to browse. I would like to try the new holiday line, so, please enter me in your drawing.

  • gator grad says:

    I’m very interested in trying these and glad to hear that smell bent is getting the word out. I would guestimate that when you are at such a low price point (which is awesome!) that there’s not much room in the budget for promotion and viral marketing– but I have to admit that reviews on the blogs and giveaways are the way that I have met all my best perfumes. So I hope that they keep getting them to the major blogs for reviews!

  • karin says:

    Great post, Tom! Would love to try these. Thanks for the draw!

  • monkeytoe says:

    These sound fun–please enter me in he draw.

    Thank you.

  • RM says:

    Would love to be entered in the drawing! Thanks to the Posse for hosting this giveaway and Smell Bent for the loot!

  • Elizabeth says:

    Please enter me in the draw. These sound pretty interesting!

  • sybil says:

    Please enter me in the draw…I am charmed by your descriptions.

  • vicuna1 says:

    Please enter me in the draw. I own several Smell Bent scents and would love to try the latest batch.

  • Blessedme says:

    Please enter me in the draw.

  • Marsha says:

    These sound great! I would love to be entered in the draw.

  • rosarita says:

    These sound great, please enter me in the draw!

  • Monica says:

    I’d be interested in the draw too! Although if I don’t win there WILL be a sample pack coming regardless~ =)

  • Ines says:

    Oh, I definitely wish to be entered. :)
    I’ve already heard some nice things about Smell Bent but somehow still managed not to have tried anything of theirs.

  • hvs says:

    would love to be entered in the drawing – I’m very skeptical about this brand as the childish labels and cutesy names just don’t appeal to me, but what’s inside should be judged on its own merits…

  • dinazad says:

    Sounds interesting – I’d love to be in the draw!

  • dianawr says:

    Oh I am definitely in! I’ve wanted to try this line for a while.

  • hongkongmom says:

    Love the idea, the packaging,the notes and hey, great for Chanuka too!!! I would would love to win:”>

  • Taffy says:

    I would like to be entered in the draw. They sound like a lot of fun!

  • Furriner says:

    I recently bought a bottle of One. I’m glad to see it is still for sale past its initial limited run!

    I’m interested in smelling this new batch. Enter me into the draw!

  • Madea says:

    I’d like to be entered. I’ve never smelled his stuff, but it sounds cute, especially the turtleneck scent.