Hey Hey POSSE! Portia from AustralianPerfumeJunkies with you again from Sydney, Australia! After the madness of LA Scentsation I am home again in the late Autumn cool sunlight. I have so many great memories of my LA visit. Meeting Patty, Anita (Musette), March, Tom and a slew of you readers, trolling the Californian Niche and Mainstream Perfume Giants together, eating food that came on plates as big as my thorax and overflowing with delicious calories and carbs, seeing the sights, meeting the people and mostly having a ball. I fell in love about 15 times a day and was given some of the best fragrance service I have ever been subject to.
Here is a little look see at my week in LA.
Portia’s Scentsation 2013 and LA Photo Montage
Reported to be Katy Perry Aptm at top across the road from where I was staying with my buddy Miss Bradley, Bette Davis and Jamie Lee Curtis lived in the block too.
This is the house where they shot Whatever Happened To Baby Jane with Bette Davis and Joan Crawford
My coffee date with Brent Leonesio from Smell Bent, he is deliciously sweet tempered with a healthy dose of up himself and humour. I liked him. We didn’t get enough Brent time at Scentsation but you can find him at Smell Bent Site
Tom and I visited Roxana of Illuminated Perfumes and her handsome husband Greg, they welcomed us warmly and conversation was excellent, I learned so much. Then Roxana took Tom and I to her office and we smelled amazing oils, even made a Portia Accord that smells like FEET!!! Go see her Roxana Illuminated Perfumes Etsy Shop
This is Carrie, the Bloomingdale’s SA who was so helpful and fun. We talked fragrance, religion, holidays, Israel and after I purchased she gave us some fabulous samples and Tom got some Hermes wipes, like the KFC ones but POSH!!!
This is Justin James, the Le Labo specialist who came to see us on the Scentsation bus ride at Barney’s. We didn’t purchase that day but Tom, Daniel and I went to his shop in Venice CA and did our purchasing there. Santal33 and Labdanum18 x 15ml Travel Size. we love you Justin!!
Here is Ashleigh at Strange Invisible Perfumes. What an excellent SA she is, so pretty and her knowledge is out of the ballpark. SNAPS!! We had a great time smelling with another lovely customer, Sarah (who I kept calling Susan), and it was a toss up between Libra and Black Rosette for me. I took the Black Rosette but I wish I was currently rich enough to take a few more. There was a fabulous SIP giveaway on the Scentsation bus, we were all given a Parfum!! I was lucky enough to be given Epic Gardenia value over $250
Here we are at Sweet Lady Jane LA, the original and best!! From left you can see me, Jane (the proprietor), Mac (my buddy) and Tom (from Perfume Posse) and we are demolishing cake and coffee and hearing stories about Jane’s 25 years in business on this spot. She is awesome and definitely worth a visit if you’re in LA
Here is a pristine Scent Bar, It certainly didn’t look like this at Scentsation, it was BEDLAM!!
Here is Tom and our lovely SA Laura who was so damn beautiful. We went back to Scent Bar to see my new boyfriend Stevie but it was his birthday and he was off gallivanting. Check how many scents we have sniffed before I decided on two of the Untitled, #7 by Hilde Soliani & #8 by Brent Leonesio, and Ambre Ceruleen by Huitieme Art Parfums

courtesy Jeffrey Dame/Hypoluxe Here I am at Scentsation behind the bar with Amouage Opus VII. Scent Bar have us 2 FB to give away and MUCH MUCH MORE!!
Here is my only shot of the bus. We were waiting for everyone to get on the bus after Scent Bar and as you can see we are having a SPECTACULAR time. I made everyone say “Cheesy Dick” when we took photos and even the nice girls did it. HE HE HE!!
Here are Jackie Loeb and I at my buddy Matt and his partner Steve’s gorgeous Hollywood Hills home, boozy and about to have dinner. Tom was hiding at this poi8nt from the camera. We were SCORCHED by booze.
On my last day in LA Tom and Mac took me to the Downtown Cathedral where we went down to the catacombs and found the mortal remains of Gregory Peck. My Mum would have been thrilled with this photo because he was one of her favourite actors. I’m sharing it with you instead.
Sorry there are not more photos of our stops but I was hosting and didn’t get a chance to happy snap. GRRRR! I know many of you are asking yourselves what other perfumes did Portia buy. I’m saving that for a photo montage in a couple of weeks. I’m sorry but you’ll have to wait. It will be a good fill while I’m away in India. Wish me Bon Voyage.
Portia xx
Portia, thanks for sharing your pics and stories! I must say I’m a little worried about you. You visit Roxana Villa, have an accord named after you and it smells like FEET??
Imagine my thrill to see I was mentioned at Strange Invisible! My time with Portia, Tom, Daniel and the lovely Asleigh made for the best afternoon. So happy I eavesdropped and joined in! I bought Virgo and I love it. I never did hit Scent Bar (their recommendation) since I was struck down by a severe allergic reaction to my car rental! Next time …. What a day! Sarah ( but it’s really Susan)
oh- I so so wish I’d been there!! I’m definitely going next year..
Aaand I am so jealous you are going to India!!! I haven’t been in 2.5 years..:(
Have a safe journey and a wonderful trip and eat a lot of mangoes on my behalf (and buy a bunch of tuberoses). Are you going to mostly be in Delhi?
Oh, I just love these! I’m glad you got the SIP Black Rosette (my next SIP), and wondering if you tried Persica, my favorite. And what was your favorite from Roxana? I love her, Gracing the Dawn
Hey Portia, love the photos! Is it Carrie that tracked down Thruth or Dare Naked? What a legend. Looking forward to your India snaps. Have fun. Katrina xx
Brilliant seeing the photos – and Portia, it’s just not fair…. not only are you a fab gal, but you are also a good looking guy! Also great to see Tom, who reminds me of the young Montgomery Clift. I wish I had been with you all, it was obviously such a fantastic party. Sigh. Safe journey.
I love your posts, Portia. It’s too bad I’ve relocated to the San Francisco area (heh, to be fair, I’m head over heels with living here) – I’m a Los Angeles native and would have LOVED to have been on that bus with you all! Have an amazing time in India : )
LOVE the photos, Portia! Everyone is sooo goood-lookin’!!!
Who does Tom remind me of, y’all? Some actor…
Portia – I have to tell you that I went to Barney’s last week and a very darling man who works there that you flirted with was STILL flustered. This was almost a week later. In our brief chat, he actually blushed. You are devastating, my dear!
We did have the best time!
Yes we did Thomas Pease. THANK YOU!! A million times thank you and thank you again, you are the best buddy and tour guide ever.
Portia xx
Ah Portia! Even the name conjures up wine and fast cars. Ha! Lovely post capturing highlights of your trip here. It was a pleasure meeting the grand dame of perfume and wit. Until next time…
Hey Greg!!
Your postcards are all starting to arrive and people are LOVING them. What a wonderful set they are, so emotional and evocative.
Can’t wait to see you guys next year.
Portia xx
Sounds like you had an absolutely fabulous time. The picture were great too. Have a great time in India and can’t wait to here what you got up to:)
OMG Kelly,
You just made the understatement of this century. It was beyond. I’m so lucky.
I will have a ball in India too and try to remember all my stories to pass them on,
Portia xx
What a grand time we had with you and Tom! Ah, but you didn’t give tell the readers the details about that dirty, stinky chord we built, guess that will get posted on my blog. Thanks for sharing your bounty of wonderful ness with all of us, we are so lucky. xo
Hey Roxanna,
I am saving that story for the write up of your fragrances which I will order on my return from India. It was a magical day and so many people have gone green with envy at Tom and my luck. You guys are awesome.
Thank you Princess for stopping by.
Portia x
Oh, of course, that makes sense, how silly of me. While at the Spectrum Fantastic Art Live show I told everyone about you and our fun visit, you would have fit in quite perfectly there by the way. Bon voyage dear heart, I have no doubt that an enchanted time awaits you in India. More love xo.
Have a fantastic time in India, Portia – bring back photos and tales of your adventures (scent and otherwise)!
Thank you Lisa D,
I will endeavour to remember to take photos while being caught up in the moment. Sometimes I forget.
Portia xx
Love the photos & stories, keep them coming! Be safe.
Thank you Rosarita. I will do my best to keep safe in India. I haven’t been there since October 2010 and am SO excited.
Portia xx
fab photos!
Hey Jeffrey,
When does your fragrance Grand Cuir by Parfumns Retro hit the stores. As soon as it does let me know, I want a bottle BADLY!! How did you get such a fragrance to cost only $155 for 100ml? I am deeply impressed..
Look for my review when I’m back from India.
Portia xx
Love these pictures and your story. 🙂
Thanks Susan.
Portia xxx
I’m so glad you enjoyed the rest of your time in LA and can’t wait to hear stories about India. Do you have a chance to shop for perfume/attars when you’re there?
What a wonderful town LA is. Heaven. A little bit of attar shopping is definitely in order I think.
I’ll buy some extra Janice so I can do a GIVEAWAY at a later date
Portia xx
Nice pics. Gregory Peck is class. Ashleigh at SIP is strikingly beautiful.
India sounds like an adventure,
bon voyage.
Thanks Elia,
GP was the bomb wasn’t he? Ashleigh is so sweet, she has written already to thank me for including her in the pics and recommending her. I am a bit crushy on her to be honest.
Thanks, stories of Indian adventures to follow.
Portia xx
Well I saw To Kill a Mocking Bird and The Boys from Brazil when very young. Those memories stick with you.
Ooh and safe travels to you, dahhling !
Please put it in your diary for next year CC, we’d LOVE to meet you in person. Thanks for your safe wishes.
Portia xx
What great photos! I am so glad it was a wonderful experience for all. Perhaps I will be lucky enough to join next time. 🙂
Gregory Peck! Baby Jane! Sweet Lady Jane! SIP! OMG! I wish I’d been able to spend some downtime in LA – I miss it so and …lord, I don’t think I’ve ever been to the catacombs! You are so handsome! And you are wearing the Cold Chisel singlet that confused me so! LOL!
Have a great time in India. Don’t forget: sari in Turquoise. Also, there is an amazing attar shop in Hyderabad that I would loooooove to visit – if you are going there, visit for me, okay? Purandas Motilal. Neela offered to connect me via phone/email but you can have the in-person experience!
Safe travels, darling!!!
I’m having some copies of the pink coat made in India, would you like me to have it sewn for you? The turquoise one?
We are not visiting Hyderabad on the itinerary yet but I’ll see what I can do, everything is open to negotiation.
Thanks Musette you SEXY Biatch!! I love you so much and was blessed to even spend the short amount of time together that we did.
Portia x
Portia, I’m not in the know about the turquoise vs the pink, but I *do* know that if you ever come to Washington DC I’d love to have you take me shopping in exchange for something yummy to eat or smell. I love that yellow/turquoise/pink outfit!
Portia would rock DC! Portia, you would have to dress for them. I would make the drive for this meet-up (even though just the thought of being in DC leaves me numb)
Thanks for the info, Musette-I am so going to Purandas Motilal the next time I go to India (my husband’s from Hyderabad)..I’ve also heard great things about this shop called Nizam’s Attars.
Enjoy your trip to India- see if you can’t find Jain Perfumers’ attars (itr) if you’re going to Delhi – they are excellent! Very glad to hear you got one of the last ‘Untitled #8’s… no comment on “cheesy dick” except to say that you are a brat. 🙂
Hey Pelicano,
I always go to the Jain Superstore when I’m in Delhi. Those guys are the best. I am bringing back a bunch of oils and will host a little GIVEAWAY here when I’m back in Sydney. I love the Palika Bazaar, so fun.
Portia xx
hey- are you the pelicano who comments on Manisha’s (IFR) blog? This is the first time that I’ve found an Indian food blog and perfume overlap person (I don’t know if that made any sense..lol)
By the way, Portia, I hear that there was some incident involving you winning a chef in a drawing? Do tell…we won’t tell anyone, we promise.
Ha Ha HA!! Yes, it’s a true story FeralJasmine,
They were doing these fabulous giveaways at BeautyHabit while we were there and I commandeered the microphone and gave myself the Rock Chef as a prize. He was Paula’s(?) husband from Beauty Habit and took it all in good fun.
Portia xx
What incredible fun! I can’t wait until one occurs that I can go to.
Wowza! What fun you had and what great photos! Thanks so much for posting them, and sharing some of your adventures. BTW, what a handsome bunch you are!
Hey Ann,
Please come hang with us next year. It was a fabulous event and I feel like I’ve made some friends for life from it. How great if you could come and be a part of it all.
They are an extremely fetching bunch of buddies, aren’t they? Not only lovely to look at but a really clever, loving and interesting crew too. When I look at my friends sometimes I feel overwhelmed with gratitude.
Portia xx
I definitely will, if at all possible! It would be so cool to meet up with you and the whole Posse gang, plus so many great perfume people. Perfumistas really really are the best: funny, kind and generous!