Perfume Gardening and The Guerlain Winner

I finally had to get the roses and other things in the ground this weekend while I was under the weather from some unknown something or the other that seems to require a healthy dose of sleep to get past.  That was fun. Me and my husband (both in the same condition) digging a couple of holes, then having to lay down on the lawn just to build up enough energy to get them in and dig the next hole or two.  Why did we not put this off? Because I already had been for about two weeks, and they all needed to go in the ground this week or they’d be swirling around the drain. Listen, nobody can call me a plant killer.

So you don’t get the idea that we are really weak and sad, we normally are pretty healthy, we walk on the treadmill, ride bikes, and have a minimal level of decent endurance.  Not those super-fit people at all, but strong enough that something like this is pretty humbling, so it has to be some kind of illness because the alternative is that we are just weak and getting older ‘n dirt.

Hours later, we finally get the plants all in. We crawled into the shower, and I’ve been in a coma the rest of the day.

While this was exhausting, I now have the coolest flower bed in front. I tried to create a perfume smell that I would love together   in my bed.  I have a bunch of new old roses that went in. Those big old garden roses have a smell that is just intoxicating, and they bloom profusely. I’m partial to the old bourbons, but there are other varieties that work great.  The picture to the left is the Reine Victoria, which is one of the species I planted.  I also got two varieties of lavender to plant in and around the roses.  While I can’t take any lavender in a perfume at all, when it is still in the ground, I adore it.  It also creates a great setting around the roses, keeping it from looking like a rose ghetto.  I used to have Catmint around my last old roses at my old house, and they were pretty awesome too, but they could get a little clumpy.  Russian Sage also works well from a scent aspect, but they can quickly overwhelm the roses, if you’re not careful, and they get a little tall so they have to be in the back, which works too in some areas.  The last thing that went in was some super-smelly dianthus (also know as the carnation).  That peppery smell they put off is just delicious and blends so great with the sweet rose and the tart lavender.

Now, you would think I’d be done, right? Nope!  We also put in two lilac bushes, one is yellow and the other is… can’t remember.  The last is the two daphnes, one on each side of the porch.  There is nothing better in the world than the sweet smells that come wafting in when you walk up to your house.

The Guerlain Djedi sample is almost at an end.  March the Magnificent, munificent, muniferous got it from Colombina the Terrible (direct links aren’t working, so you’ll have to search), and then she sent it on to me.  Based on the description and that whole leathery chypre ambience, and I usually can’t wear leather, nor dry chypres, nor the things that March and Marina agree on, I was pretty stunned when I put this on and had a little swoon on a par with March’s, and I’ll quote her “In the end what fascinates me about this composition is not the presence of anything – “there is no gentle rose, no healing rain, no worn leather. Instead, it is defined by the absence of the familiar roots and flowers and any of the velvety vanilla whisper of the Guerlinade, leaving me stranded in a desolate place where nothing is familiar, and yet I am not afraid.”  That’s the perfect description, running through all the poetic words and thoughts I have will not improve on March’s comment. This is a place I’ve definitely never been, and it’s not comforting at all, but it is fascinating.  I’m still not entirely sure if I like it or not, but it isn’t something anyone would be indifferent to.

If Sous le Vent, their new green chypre, has any similarity at all to this, but with green notes, it’s going to be fun soon!  My shipper has just notified me that it’s going through customs in Denver now, so it should be in my hot little hands on Monday or Tuesday, along with Plus que Jamais.  What a happy day that will be, much cavorting around here, well, until I get too feeble to cavort and have to lay down until my old age wears off.  Of course, they will be included as the give-away samples for the week after this.

Then I have a question. Do you spritz lightly or douse yourself?  I like to think I’m in the middle, but then I’m not sure.  I do douse to a certain extent, but pulling up short of obnoxious. I know this because most people can’t smell my perfume until I’m within a foot or so of them, though I can leave a decent sillage wake in the morning as I walk through.

Winner for last week’s drawing is Josey.  Josey, just let me know which Guerlain you’d like to try, and I’ll jet you off that sample.  If you would also like a Guerlain bee bottle or a Serge Lutens bell jar (empty), let me know that. Just click on the Contact Us over on the left to give me your address so I can get this to you.  Thanks for everyone that commented to enter.

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