Parfumerie Generale just keeps slamming


(Portrait from Alexander Kosnichev)

Now we have to start another campaign, and that is to make Bois Blond, Psychotrope and L’ombre Fauve (haven’t gotten my Lilas yet) part of their permanent line. 

Many of you are already aware that if there is a hay note in a perfume, I start writhing around on the floor in ecstasy. Well, not quite that bad, but it’s darn close.  Everyone has the places they used to go as a child… to dream, to escape, to imagine. For some, it is the smell of leather bindings in the library, for others it is the sweet smell of horses.   For me, the smell of hay is intertwined with the solitude of my childhood  — it is the one scent that has wormed so far and deep in my head, it is a part of my core smell-entity. When I think of who I am, I think of hay. In all forms. Alfalfa growing in the fields and then compacted into bales so its sweet, rough aroma was all contained with baling wire.  Timothy hay growing by the side of the road in the summer.  Scratchy straw in the hayloft of our barn where I spent so many days snuggled up in its scratchy warmth with sometimes my sister and sometimes a good book and baby kittens and a wet dog with the sound of rain beating down on the roof.

When I read the notes in Parfumerie Generale’s Bois Blond, I squee’ed and collapsed. Listen, I’m no quivering daisy here, so anything that even approaches swooning in a heap is big news in PattyPerfumeVille ®.  Notes of cereals, grass, galbanum, cedar, hay, blond tabac, amber and musk. Okay, read that list of notes again.  That’s a sure-fire ticket to my enthusiastic approval and love just based on the notes, but would it be True Love? 

When my bottle finally arrived, I was just atwitter. Could it possibly live up to my expectations? I spritzed…. thud!…. yes, that good.  There are many other notes in this that make it even better, but my nose will not get past the main course hay and grass and cereal, which kind of all go together to make up some of the best memories of my life.  This is rich and deep and dry and not sweet in the least. There’s an elegance to it that rounds out the rough edges that you would expect with some of those notes. I put it under my long-suffering husband’s nose, without telling him anything, and he says… Wow, hay!!!  Yes, he loves it too. For me, it is elegant, earthy comfort, the scent of daydreaming with a scented backdrop that did not interfere with my thoughts, but lifted them higher while keeping them grounded to who I was.  Definitely for men or women.   (Painting by Phil Douglis)

Winner of the Posse Slogan voteLet Us Spray (Fragrant Funster).  Winner of the Thing to Put it on: Coffee Mugs (Marina was the first to suggest that), followed pretty closely by Sticky Notes and Notepads. We reserve the right to put it on more than one thing, and I can guarantee you that I can’t resist the sitcky notes and notepads thing. I also reserve the right to use my Darling Husband’s very clever “I Smell Myself” that March and Lee shot down early on — on something!  A thong maybe.  EW!  So I’m waiting for the art to be done (saw the draft, and it is super-cute!) first and getting quotes on merchandise, look for this space for more info when we are ready!  We may eventually do t-shirts, etc., if these go over pretty well, and we may incorporate other slogans, like Slaves to Scent.

Minor winners: Cheezwiz, Elle, Skye, Maria, Tom, Dana, Robin.  Random winner for entering of the Two Serge Scents of her/his choice: Rosalva.  Okay, y’all need to shoot me your address. FF and Marina will get the first Thing we Put it on as their gift. The rest of you, except Rosalva, get  some samples I want to send out of my choice. 🙂  If I missed anyone, let me know!  The Thing to put it on was hard to pick out in the comments, so I hope I got everyone.

  • evilpeony says:

    hey patty! glad to hear all about your dervish moments 😉

    yey for mugs and sticky notes and notepads. i want some…

  • Cheezwiz says:

    How wonderful that you’ve found a scent that brings back favorite childhood memories. That’s what perfume should be all about don’t ya think?

    Parfumerie Generale has a scent called LILAS?! Have you ever sampled it before? Do tell if you have! (This is Cheezwiz the Lilac freak talking here!).

    Also – Woohoo! to the coffee mugs and notepads and stickies! Can’t wait to see the artwork! Psst, can you refresh my memory on how we contact you with our info? I’ve forgotten… 🙂

  • trinity says:

    Hi Patty
    Is the hay note in BB similar to that in Fleur de Narcisse at all? I just love FdN, but the lasting power is about 4-5 hours at best.
    I am a horsey girl myself, and love the smell of hay.

    • Patty says:

      There are a little similarities. I put them on side by side. BB is dryer, more to the grain and grass end of the spectrum, but both are that really great earthy smell that I think is perfection. I love FdN, if that helps. 🙂

  • AnnE says:

    And here I was, thinking that I didn’t need another FB of anything soon. Patty, you make this sound like heaven on earth! ::::sigh::::

    Can you tell me how this compares to PdN’s Vie de Chateau? I adore the latter, and if BB is similar (but not too similar, of course), I may have to shell out for it.

    • Patty says:

      Hahaha! Sorry, hey, my lemming is your lemming. A Lemming unfulfilled is like a tree falling in the forest or something like that. 🙂

      Haven’t ever smelled Vie de Chateau, I don’t think, sorry!

  • violetnoir says:

    Hooray! Notepads and sticky notes! I love that stuff. 😡

    I admit that I have ignored this line since their first offering last summer. However, I am off to sniff at luckyscent’s Scent Bar on Saturday, so I will be sure to test this one. It sounds totally original.

    By the way, do you detect a hay-like note in the Rumeur, Patty?

    Hugs and love!

    • Patty says:

      They will be too cute, wait till you see the artwork for them, adorable!

      Any excuse to put on Rumeur! I do think there is a hay’ish note in rumeur. It’s not the same as the BB, it’s more sweet/leather. BBlond is dry and earthy and grainy. Do make sure to sniff it. If you don’t care for hay/grain notes, it probably won’t be your thing.


  • tmp00 says:

    PG is a uniformly brilliant line. I could go seriously broke due to them. Even the ones that don’t work on me at least I can appreciate their beauty. I fervently hope BB is a permanent addition.

    • Patty says:

      I have written… Then Lionel teases me about the new things coming after these and they won’t commit if these will wind up in Chapter 3.

      I just *want* that Jasmin Predateur, that’s all!

  • Marina says:

    Where is the petition to make the LEs permanent? I’ll sign it, if only for Ether alone.

    Sooo…what do I get for mentioning the mugs first? 😉

  • Elle says:

    Fellow hay sl*t here. I truly live and die for that note, but I’m feeling very illegitimate since I don’t actually have any idyllic memories associated w/ hay. But maybe it’s just that my soul deeply wishes it did. Whatever. Love is a mysterious thing. My heart starts beating faster every time I see it in a list of notes. And you are so right – Bois Blond does *not* disappoint. PG is a genius. And I’ll sign that petition for all these scents to be part of the permanent line.

    • Patty says:

      I wonder that perfumers don’t use it more often? I wonder if it is difficult or if most people don’t like it as much as we do?

      You don’t need any idyllic memories to love it. I would have loved that note regardless. That it is a memory trigger is just a bonus.

      I am off to write Lionel of our please 🙂

      • Elle says:

        Just wrote a note to Lionel. Also shamelessly begged for the wide release of Jasmin Predateur. Hopefully, they will take pity on us and make all of these permanently available.

        • Patty says:

          What a great idea! I forgot to beg about the Jasmin. We really need to be more organized about our pet begging projects. 8-|

  • March says:


    I’m hoping the galbanum is a minor player. Very minor. Really, a bit part. Maybe the bit-part guy in the background in a play, wearing the hat who doesn’t have any lines.

    • Patty says:

      I wish I could tel you! I don’t recall it jumping up and down at me, but my disclaimer is that I was all about the hay and grass and cereal,so it could have been doing a naked tapdance on my nose, and I”m not sure I would have noticed. And I don’t hate it like you. But I’m thinking it’s playing third chair, third section bassoon.

  • Louise says:

    BB is sooo lovely. I also spent many hours in the country as a kid, mostly mucking out barns, and this brings the good (non-horse-poop) parts rushing back. It also recalls the summer in Central Oregon-navy skies, red earth, Ponderosa pine. Lovely!
    But-what I really loved and bought instantly was the Fauve-I can’t wait to hear your views of that!

    • Patty says:

      Having spent way too many days mucking out calf pens, I can relate. I hated the work, but once it was all clean and you put down the fresh straw for the calves, it was just amazing, the transformation… and the smell! From the horrific to the sublime.

      I really liked the Fauve! I haven’t spent enough time with it yet, but it is so odd and different and in great ways.

  • Lee says:

    Bois Blond has, for me at least, the perfect drydown. I wasn’t a country boy, though I see this perfume as justification for all those Thomas Hardy novels I had to read at school and university…

    • Patty says:

      It is perfection, isn’t it? I wish this were in a candle, it would be burning everywhere in my house and truck.

  • Maria B. says:

    I lived in the city, but when I was little, my greatest joy was going to the country and riding horses or visiting the fair and seeing the animals and taking in the stall smells. I still love the smell of hay. It seems to purify–almost–the animal smells that may accompany it.

    I can’t wait for the Posse merchandise! The new Fragrant Fripperies magnet is on the refrigerator door.

    • Patty says:

      You know, Dzing does that for cotton candy, too — throws in aqll the peanutes and leather and makes one of the prettiest smells in the world, an idealized version of what I remember from the carnival and circus, Rat Money Purified.

      I did do some Frippery notepads and stickies already, which turned out so darling, I’m not sure what to do with them, though, besides using them, give away, sell? Now that I have the artwork (sqeeee! again), I’m going to be shopping for a better deal on plenty of notepads and stickies and, yes, mugs. 🙂

      • Maria B. says:

        So many people love Dzing! It sounds like something I’d enjoy wearing, were it not for the horrible wheezy cough I got when I tried some on. The cough was relieved when I washed it off. Never before and never since have I had a reaction like that to perfume. I don’t know what component might have caused it. I’m just relieved it wasn’t the leather!

  • Gina says:

    ahhhhhhhhhh, an amazing description of Bois Blond, so amazing that I’ve gone and bought it unsniffed. SIGH. It’s on back order at Luckyscent, but will arrive late March. YAY!

  • Bryan says:

    I am thrilled you have what sounds like a Holy Grail. I can relate (Carnal Flower, I’m pondering you now, my love). I will definitely be picking up a couple extra!! :d

    • Patty says:

      Keep in mind, I have about 35 HGs. 🙂 But I”m happy to add this one to the pack! I wonder if Arthur knew Grail was plural? Probably a typo. 🙂