August in Vanityville

This is me.  I am 48.  I look okay for 48, but with a title of a post like this… y’all know what’s coming.

I’ve been asked, why do I talk so publicly about doing anything cosmetic to myself, and my answer is, why not?  I don’t need to give anyone the illusion that I have great genetics and need no cosmetic help.  Vanity for me is only extended to how I look, not that nobody knows how I got that way.  My thinking is that there are hundreds of you out there reading this, or more, who have either had cosmetic enhancement or are thinking about it for now or later on,and you genuinely appreciate firsthand information.  Not talking about it makes it some kind of dirty little secret that we become ashamed of, as we whisper furtively to each other, “I think she’s had her eyes done.”  “No!”  “Yes, yes,I’m sure of it!”

Once you get to a certain age, you have three paths:

  1. Accept nature’s gift of wrinkles, crow’s feet and your face slowly melting down to your throat.  YMMV and you may be aging great,and y’all have my envy.  This is not a bad option, and it is one most people take.
  2. Take on a little enhancement, but just a skosh, no surgery
  3. Don’t go gentle into that aged night. And absolutely don’t go down without a hell of a fight.

Now, I’m not one of those that wants to be overdone, and so far, I’ve been really careful and conservative in all of my treatments.  Having said that, there are still two things that are seriously bothering me about what Father time and Mother Nature are doing to my face that I’m going to get fixed next week.  Blepharoplasty on my upper eye and Lipo on my neck.  My eyes have always been my best feature. They are were wide open and big and expressive.  Note in that picture above the subtle drooping and lack of a lower eyelid when I smile.  Over the laast 5-10 years, that lower eyelid real estate has been getting smaller  and the upper fold is now touching my eyelashes.  I look sleepy and tired too often when I’m not.  The second thing on the surgery block is the sag under my chin, just that little extra fat that’s been my constant companion since I hit about 30 or so, much smaller then, but growing over the years, and if it keeps on, it will start to sag and stretch and not go back in place and will require a chin lift, which I don’t want to do until I may or may not go in for a mini facelift in my later 50s.

There are people that will argue with me, tell me I don’t need anything.  I recognize I’m my own worst critic about my face, but I generally like my face and am happy with how I look.  When you have just one or two things that stand out as really bothering you that surgery can correct, I’m all in favor of just getting them fixed.

Guess what you guys get to look forward to for next week on Thursday? Probably some pictures, if they’re not totally hideous and I can get a picture snapped.  The weak of stomach might want to skip that day.

So how much would you do, if anything? And if you’re not old enough to be thinking about this yet, and you say no, do you think your mind will change as you get older?  For me, I definitely changed my mind, and cosmetic procedures got better. I swore when I was in my 20s and 30s I would never touch my face with anything or get surgery.  And, well, here I am!

But on a more frivolous note, how about that Wii Fit?  I hate yoga, and I seriously mean that, but that darn littl Wii Fit thingie has talked me into doing it every day, and I’m really loving it.  How can that happen?

  • chanel22 says:

    Patty! You look great! I’ll be 47 this year, so I kinda understand. I remember reading an article in Town & Country about cosmetic surgery. The doctor being interviewed was a highly respected NYC surgeon. He said that when a woman came to him about surgery, he told them to come back after them followed his regime. He said too many of the woman weren’t taking good care of themselves and if they would give up alcohol, give up caffeine, get 8 hours sleep each might, drink 8 glasses of water each day, give up all fatty and junk foods, and exercise daily, it would do more for their faces than anything he could do! The added benefit was that taking care of themselves also resulted in feeling wonderfully healthy. There are surgery, like for the upper eye lids that have medical justifications, but there is a temptation once started to ‘fix’ everything. My older sister has gotten totally carried away and now at 65 looks like Mary Tyler Moore. Yuck!

  • Kathryn says:

    You do look lovely in your picture and I’m sure will look lovelier still in the future. Not just because of cosmetic procedures, but because in your heart you know that you are worth your efforts. Beauty comes from within and all that. Whatever help you want or find, you deserve.

    I am quite inspired by the current issue of Vogue, with the theme of timeless beauty. There are feature stories and pictures of women from all decades of life, up to their nineties. If all you young ones out there think that your beauty must die at 50, think again. Betty Fussell at 80 and Roberta McCain at 96 are still knockouts.

  • sara says:

    I’m a big believer in doing what makes you feel happy and feel good about yourself. I wish you the best of luck!! I’m 48 so I do think “what if I…?” sometimes but so far I’m just sticking with whatever hand I was cosmically dealt. Can’t wait to see your after pics.


  • BBJ says:

    You look darn good for forty-eight, ma’am!

    Have a safe surgery and a quick recovery–and enjoy the new look.

  • moi says:

    “Don’t go gentle into that aged night. And absolutely don’t go down without a hell of a fight.”

    Hear ya.

    What I’m looking at now, at 44, is Restylane for some minor facial folds and regular micro-dermabrasion treatments. I’ll cross the bridges of other work as I come to them. Only no body/boob work – I’ve always been highly athletic so am blessed with good muscle tone and I actually like being a b-cup.

    BTW, you look stunning.

    • Patty says:

      Great saying. Are you doing Restylane or Juvederm? I did restylane first around my mouth, and then I did Juvy, and I really preferred the look of Juvy on me. It seemed much more subtle, though that time I also had her inject slightly on the bottom too to make sure I didn’t get the too big upper lip look that I really hated.

      and thank you.

  • Olfacta says:

    Hi Patty,

    First of all, you look amazing. I’d bet that everybody here looks at least ten years younger than they are. It’s just logical that people who are into smelling good take care of themselves in other ways too.

    When I was 47, I had reconstructive jaw surgery. It wasn’t cosmetic; I had constant terrible headaches because my lower jaw was shorter than the upper. I won’t go into the details; they’re gruesome — but a necessary part of the package was a chin implant and (yay!) chin lipo. The best part. The reshaping of my jaw changed totally and forever how I look. I’m in early fifties now, and my profile is far superior to what it would’ve been, my teeth are straight (still wearing my retainer) and best of all, only occasional headaches.

    BUT…there is this little horizontal crease appearing across the bridge of my nose. I’ve already told the DH that someday I’m going to have that taken care of. And yeah, the blobs of fat over the eyes. I think I’m too old to have the girls done, but if I wasn’t, I’d have a lift, because they could use one. And of course the hair, well, THAT’s not real; I’m not ready to be grandma yet.

    I never thought I’d fix anything, but that decision was made for me early. What the heck is wrong with it anyway? A little tweak here and there, if you can afford it, isn’t the same as the Joan Rivers mummy or the eyes-on-side-of-your-head look. There’s nothing wrong with being older, we’re better. We just want to LOOK the way we feel.

    • Patty says:

      Oh, thanks!

      I’m so glad the surgery helped your headaches. What a horrible thing to live with. That you got a cosmetic benefit? Even better!

      I think it’s good that we’ve gotten to an age where women can either do cosmetic procedures/surgery or not, and either way is good. The more people are open about it, the easier it is for women to make the choice that’s right for them.

      Now, showing up at the office with dark glasses and an around the head compress isnt’ sometehing I’m quite ready to do yet. 🙂

    • Olfacta says:

      Remember how Grace Kelly wore a scarf in “To Catch a Thief?” When she was riding with Cary Grant along the Corniche in that convertible? It was an oblong scarf, which she (or, more likely, the wardrobe person)placed over her hair, then crossed under her chin and let the ends trail down her back (or blow fetchingly in the breeze, a good idea unless you’re Isadora Duncan.) Anyway, that’s what I did to cover the sides of my pumpkin-like head after the jaw surgery. Not that I went anywhere except the doctor’s office for awhile. (I didn’t want to scare anybody sufficiently enough to make them drive off the side of the freeway.) It worked well and the women in the office were very complimentary. I know it’s summer and all but it just might work for covering, well, half your face after surgery.

  • Sharon says:


    I had upper and lower eyes done when I was 26 (22 years ago–yes, I’m also 48). I had fat deposits (inherited/genetic) removed, and the skin tightened up a bit. It was the BEST investment I’ve made, for both my appearance and, more importantly, mental health and emotional well-being. I’m very fair, like you, and had minimal bruising and quick healing. Be sure to follow the Dr.’s orders about bending over, etc., and hopefully your recovery will be rapid.

    • Patty says:

      Oh, thanks for letting me know! I know a lot of the pictures Dr. Huang had in her office were of younger people with the same problem, just too much skin on the eyes, and most of them were 20s and 30s. such a subtle surgery, but it made an amazing difference in how they looked. Just like themselves, but awake and alert and happier.

  • Kim says:

    I’m with Divalano – if it takes anesthesia, I’ll only do it if medically necessary. Plus I’m a pain wimp so no surgery or needles for this woman! Instead, I have used sunscreen since adolescence and I’ve been covering my early gray for years. Despite the fact that I won’t be doing any of the procedures, I am glad that you are open about it – it sholdn’t be a closeted secret.

    Also, I try and work out almost daily, and I have started to focus more on upper body and chest work (home hand held weights) in order to give me a bit more lift up top. I think an important key is to work out, work out, work out….. (snore) which is why I would LOVE for you to do more on your Wii experience – pics? recommended workouts? does that little platform wobble?

    • Shelley says:

      Kim, the platform thingie doesn’t wobble, but it does sense weight shift (L-R, front-back). In fact, it senses weight, period. The combination is what allows it to determine how you are doing on “events” like downhill ski slalom, yoga positions, and step aerobics patterns, among others.

      The hula-hoop game(?) is hilarious. My friend says it reminds her of a move she does in Zumba.

      The system offers activities in these areas: Aerobics, strength, balance, and yoga. Strength exercises include upper body (of course). I haven’t gotten far enough in yoga yet to see what upper body strength poses there are. :-$

      I like it. It’s fun, you can do it in your own house at any time, and yet has a bit more motivation factor than knowing you could just drop and do 10. 😉 Oh…and I REALLY like the rhythm boxing…but then, I like boxing on Wii Sports. Makes me feel like o-+ (pretend that’s a combination of Diana Rigg in the Avengers and Jennifer Garner in Alias).

    • Patty says:

      Oh, these procedures are done with a local. I wouldn’t be quite so blase if I was going under. 🙂

      The Wii, I’ll do more on it this Thursday, promise! It’s just a blast. The board doesn’t wobble a bit. It measures your balance, where you have your weight distributed, so it gives you feedback all the time by giving you a zone to stay in for balance. It’s pretty incredible. Then if you are having trouble staying in that balanced zone, it gives you tips, like pulling up through your spine (usually the best thing to do) to help you stabilize.

      Hula hoops, like Shelley says, it great. I haven’t unlocked a bunch of the other stuff yet, but the more you do, the more you unlcok, so you wind up doing some boring stuff, just to get more fun stuff.

      I like the running thing too. You actually just run in place, but you’re chasing your trainer and then a dog on the short run, and the faster you go, the faster they go. It really is a big game and make exercise a lot more fun, which is the part of exercise I hate… the boredom!!!!!

  • Lora says:

    I used to think I was “against” cosmetic surgery (despite a breast reduction I had) until I was in a meeting with a woman who was probably 60 or so, and found myself thinking “I bet she used to be really beautiful.” She had that wattle thing going on with her neck, and I realized at that time that, for me personally, there’s no reason to have that sort of thing hanging around! :)I’m in my early thirties, and if pieces of my face/skin/body start to really irk me, I will definitely be having something done about it.

    • Patty says:

      So wasn’t the breast reduction the best thing you ever did? I still am happy every day that I did mine. One of the things that truly changed my life.

      Agree about the wattle. I mean, it can be considered cute, but I just don’t want it for me. I’m okay with lines and wrinkles to a certain extent, but excess skin hanging around? Um, just no. 🙂

  • MollyPenny says:

    First off, you look fantastic for 48. Wish I had your skin, and I’m only 34. I don’t need facial surgery yet, although I definitely want to do some botox on my frown lines between my eyes, some say I look angry. My mom, who is 60, just recently had botox and line filler, she says it doesn’t last as long as she would like. As far as plastic surgery on the body, if I only had the money!

    • Patty says:

      Oh, gosh, thanks! That picture was taken riht after my last laser treatment, about a week. I’m due again, but I need to wait some period of time post-surgery before I can go in again. It makes such a big difference as far as making my skin glow.

      Frown lines bother most people a lot. I don’t mind mine if they would just stop getting bigger. 🙂

  • Sarah says:

    I’m quite unfortunate in that I come from a line of small-chested, large bottomed women. However, when I was breastfeeding, my chest finally caught up to my posterior and I actually had a proportionate figure. Now that I’m back to my pre-pregnancy weight, it’s not really as noticeable, but I’d love to have a slight breast augmentation done; not much, seriously-just up one cup size, to where I was when breastfeeding. I’ll have to wait until I’m done having kids though, so probably around 30…
    Also, you’re lucky if you made it into your 30s before your upper eyelids started drooping onto your eyelashes. I’ve noticed this God-forsaken thing happening to me (I’m 23), and it’s really disturbing. In addition to that, since my son was born two years ago, I’ve developed the dreaded dark, under-eye puffy bags and circles that are the mark of parenthood. If I cared more and were maybe richer, I might be tempted to do something about it, but as it is, I’d rather have lasik before I worried about the cirlces. I’m not a fan of the heavy duty stuff though. I hope (beside aforementioned issues) to age gracefully and just accept whatever face nature deals me.

    • Patty says:

      I thnk that’s a perfect attitude to have, just figure out what you really don’t want to live with. I did breast reduction surgery several years ago, and it was the best thing I ever did. I’m not sure why so many people get “blessed” with too little or way too much, but they do.

  • tmp00 says:

    I would love to have the same thing done- I’ve always had droopy eyelids and a bit extra under the chins. Actually at this point lifting the whole thing wouldn’t be out of the question. I just don’t want to end up looking like Wayland Flowers should be operating me with rods… :d

    • MattS says:

      I just snorted out loud while laughing. I loved Wayland Flowers and Madame…

    • Patty says:

      Oh, Lord, don’t ever say something like that again when I’m taking a bit of sushi.:)

      I loved Wayland Flowers and Madame! You know, I’ve seen those mini facelifts, and the results are really great, subtle, people don’t look pinched and overpulled. I was impressed. I’m not there yet, but I sure won’t hesitate to pull the trigger on it when my cheeks melt down a little more on my face. 🙂

  • Denise L. says:

    Aww, Patty, I honestly don’t think you need anything! I hope my skin is still that good when I’m 48!

    As for me, I’m 24, so all I have (for now) is this frown line between my eyebrows. My mother keeps telling me to just stop grimacing. Ah, if only that works. I’ll probably try to get rid of it someday; it probably makes me look constantly angry but I can’t afford to do anything about it right now.

    • Patty says:

      I’ve got two lines between my forehead,and everyone told me to stop furrowing my brow too, but I can’t help it, it needs to furrow when I’m thinking! I don’t need it to completely go away, but I just like it softened a little.

      and thanks for the kind words!

  • Kristy Victoria says:

    I am dying to get my hands on a wiifit but they have been sold out everywhere I’ve been looking for the past month.

    I once was told “You’d be perfect if only you had larger breasts, why don’t you just get implants?”

    I hate that people view plastic surgery that way. To me, it’s not about completely changing what I have, but continuing to look and feel like myself. I’m young (23) but I already have the start of lines in my forehead – from my father, I imagine, who has a brow so droopy it almost obstructs his vision. I intend to get botox to prevent that from happening. To me, Cosmetic procedures are like my favorite lipstick – the one that looks like “My Lips but Better!” I want to look like “Me but Better!” 🙂

    • Patty says:

      I had to get my wii fit on ebay. Someone told me Target had them near her? You’ll overpay a little for the ones on ebay, but at least you can get one. Once they go into october, the Christmas crowd shows up,and then the price goes up.

      I agree, nobody should think, I’d be pretty if…. I completely want to look just like me, but I look at this as no different than tooth whitening or veneers or waxing. 🙂

  • Nava says:

    Hi Patty,

    I think you should do whatever makes you happy. Just promise you won’t end up looking like a science experiment – like Joan Rivers or that Jocelyn Wildenstein woman who looks like her plastic surgeon needs to have his license revoked.

    Interestingly enough, the cover of the August 11 issue of New York magazine is of Madonna, and the story is called “The New New Face”, all about how the ideals of beauty have changed as well as the advancement of injectable fillers and new surgery techniques. Apparently, the “ideal” face is a bit chunky now to balance out the fact that these celebrities are so thin. It’s interesting reading if you can find a copy where you are. If not, I’d be happy to copy the article and send it to you. Let me know. And good luck! 🙂

    • Patty says:

      I’m incrediblly conservative with this stuff, so no worries on my face starting to look like someone else. And I’ve got enough extra weight, that I have natural fillers already! 😉

      that article does sound interesting. I’d love to see it!

  • Catherine says:

    Dear Patty,

    I’ve *loved* your discussions. Before reading your experiences, I thought all cosmetic surgeries were the slice-em-up variety, and needles share the sh-t out of me. Actually, I’m assuming that all of your treatments involve needles, which makes it near impossible that I could ever indulge in such procedures (seriously, I can’t look at them, or I go into full panic mode, although I’ve found that hospitals have ways of getting around that by treating me like I’m six-years-old, in a good way)…Still, learning from you what is available has been wonderful. If I could do some procedures (big IF, see above), I would–particularly to even out my skin. I never went into the sun, but genes have given me less-than-perfect skin, and I would like to get my sister and me into that laser-thingy you talked about before. As I’m 35, I don’t know what other kinds of treatments I would need later. I’m focusing on proper moisture, learning to work out (women in my family start off then, then *bloom* with pre-menopause), learning to eat well, and getting my eyebrows waxed (big day, that last one–I’m so far outside the beauty knowing).

    Good luck to you, Patty–although, squeamish girl that I am, I will stay away on Thursday.

  • perfumequeen says:


    You look great. But think of it this way, it is not cosmetic surgery/procedure, it is maintence to upkeep the gorgeous bodies we were given. It’s like taking care of your clothes properly–your mother would want you to do fold them nicely after ironing etc, so therefore, god, if you belive in that, wants you to maintain the body he gave you. right? Just be careful choosing a doctor and make sure you have friends who will tell you to stop before you go too far.
    ANd give us lots of details on the eye work. I know I’ll be getting that someday. damn genetics.

    • Patty says:

      Oh, I will be giving more details that probably most people want to hear. 🙂

      My doc is excellent, and I looked at tons of pictures of her work, and she’s very subtle and conservative, which is what I wanted. I think every result I saw, if I hadn’t seen the before pictue, I wouldn’t have guessed they had had a bleph or mini facelift or anything. If I get to the point in ten years or so when I think I need anything else, she’s my doc for sure.

  • MJ says:

    Hey, go for it. I am very low maintenance in all ways, but I WILL be getting eye work when the time comes. My mother’s family has inherited fleshy upper eyes which don’t sag like many (my father in law has, and DH soon will, have mandatory/insurance covered surgery on the uppers to keep light coming in and keep the eye seeing) but crack into deep vertical wrinkles. Weird and gross – as soon as I start seeing the Mom & Grandpa vertical fault lines, I’m goin’ in.

    That said, I don’t care enough to think about doing anything with my small breasts and uneven nose tip. What-ever…….

    To each, her own.

    • Patty says:

      I think just knowing the feature that could age badly and knowing ahead of time, that once you get there, you’re fixing it, is pretty healthy. I don’t expect to look like I’m in my 30s when I get done, I just want to look like a better age 48, a refreshed, relaxed one. The first time I did the lip filler and a skosh of botox, the most frequent comment I had was, “You look great, have you been on vacation?”

  • Shelley says:

    I’ll start with the frivolous…that Wii Fit is an almost disturbing wonder, isn’t it? Is it being able to watch your avatar slim down? Or the way you can easily trace your progress, which we always knew was a good thing, but so manageable here? Or just that we can let go of our egos a little bit because it’s “just a video game”? I have a couple of small not-likes about it…like, you really shouldn’t be prompted to do a body test EVERY day, but you can just ignore that and keep up the progress.

    I love yoga, btw, but had found there was little time for it. Indeed, what about Wii Fit that makes it work? Flexible schedule, non-judging coach (TRULY not–not real!!), what?

    Which leads in to my sideways response to the main part of your post. Y’all probably know about this, but here is Helen Mirren, age 62, in a bikini:
    She looks fabulous. I like to think it’s working out, perhaps with more time and attention than the average citizen has/is inclined to. Yet…seeing her picture offers a good goal, no?

    I’ll be spending time with the Wii/in the garden/riding my bike/etc. etc. I’ll skip knives and needles. My version of “fight” will be different…but I understand the urge.

    • perfumequeen says:

      DAY–UM! Helen Mirren looks hot! way hotter than me and I am not even thirty! *runs off to find a gym membership*

      • MattS says:

        Helen Mirren is one of the hottest women alive…watch The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover to see how awesomely she wears and disrobes Gaultier. And she proves the point spectacularly that if you’re ever plotting revenge, wear a cape. It’s much more effective.

        • Shelley says:

          So true to both points! And capes…we could just list “capes that add oomph”…look what one did for Meryl Streep in “The French Lieutenant’s Woman,” or your favorite hottie vampire. 8-}

    • Patty says:

      I had seen that picture of Helen before,and she is truly amazing. She also seems to be like a broad i’d love to hang out with, too!

      The yoga thing seems to have this benign competitive thing on the Wii Fit that works for me. Every day I can see that my balance is better, that I’m a little stronger, more steady, especially on my left ankle, which is wobbly as can be compared to my right. Then I see other poses I do great on, and that just feels really good to nail some.

      it is an amazing little thing!

  • Lee says:

    You know you’re a fox to me, however you look. Good luck with it all – I think I might end up with droopy upper lids myself and might consider that if it makes me look asleep all the time – but with myopia, it’s hardly gonna affect my vision…=))

    I wonder if there’s any way to get a penis reduction for health reasons…?

    Just kiddin, just kiddin!

    • Louise says:

      I beleive that insurance only covers that procedure if you (or others) suffer extreme pain as a result…:-?

      • Judith says:

        Yeah, the surgeon I consulted, at least, seemed to think that my query about insurance possibly covering it was comical (“NO,” she kept repeating, “it needs to be REALLY BAD” (though she did not think it was at all comical for me to get a bleph; she was ready to sign me up immediately)!

        • Judith says:

          OOOOps—I didn’t read Lee’s comment and I assumed your reply was to an earlier comment about insurance/blephs. I am not really a humorless idiot:d–I only play one on TV.

      • MattS says:

        Define suffer…

    • Patty says:

      Need more details and perhaps a snap or two?

  • Lindsey9107 says:

    Hi Patty! Your skin looks awesome. I’m 27 and definitely would have procedures done as I get older, if I can afford them (errrr, this is feeling like a big “if” right now!) I have a great dermatologist. I feel like other procedures will just be an extension of what I do for my skin now (acne treatments including retinoids & accutane, sunscreen, and in the not too distant future, laser treatments to reduce redness).

    • Patty says:

      ah, thanks! I think the single biggest thing you can do for your skin, that I didn’t do until too far along, is stay out of the sun as much as possible and use sunscreen religiously. I do now, but I didn’t always.

      But if you take care of your skin, just a little laser to freshen the collagen in your later years is about all a lot of people would even need to do

  • March says:

    I think done well, the eyelid thing is a huge improvement. I believe the risks and downtime are fairly minimal, and obviously you don’t want some freaky result (brow lifts scare me), but the eyes are such an important feature, and I second Matt — yours probably aren’t bad enough, but I know if they’re really saggy you can sometimes get insurance to cover it as a vision issue.

    I have also seen some remarkable results from neck lipo. I’d assumed it would also require surgery to remove the stretched excess skin, but apparently if your skin has decent elasticity it shrinks right back up to where it’s supposed to be. They have these teeny cannulas (?) now that do the sucking that are a lot more precise.

    So, good luck! Remember, I think depending on bruising/swelling it takes awhile before you get the “final” result.

    Hey, your hair and your brows look awesome! Your hair is really shiny.

    • Patty says:

      You are so funny. 🙂

      Yeah, she said the skin on the neck isn’t all saggy so it should bounce back pretty well. the more stretched out it is, the more likely you’ll need a lift. She said one guy came in in his 30s because his whole family had the beefy neck thing, and as soon as he started growing his, he just had it all sucked out,which she said was great because he hadn’t stretched stuff out and got a great result.

      Brow lifts? Scare me too.

  • Melissa says:

    I never opposed cosmetic surgery, just bad cosmetic surgery. Overdone, overblown, the catwoman/alien look. Most of the women that I know who have done it look wonderful. They had reasonable expectations and chose their surgeons carefully.

    At age 47, with the luck of decent genetics and a history of reasonably good skincare behind me, (minus a few years of tanning-not many), surgery is not yet in the cards. Fillers and Botox? Whenever I can discipline myself enough to stop buying fragrances and save up a few extra dollars!

  • Divalano says:

    I think it’s a personal decision, totally up to the individual. If this is what you want, go for it! For myself, I think any surgery requiring anesthesia is potentially life threatening & I’m not concerned enough about the way my face has changed with time to put my life on the table for beauty. Real vision obstruction, disfigurement, things like that I’d feel differently about.
    And yes, if I had the money I’d do some less invasive stuff eventually, I’m quite sure of it. I don’t have that kind of money. I want to own a home someday & perking up my face isn’t more important than saving for that, or spending on my art work, or pampering myself once in a while with ‘fumes or great shoes. Personal priorities, ya know? Oh yes, I turn 50 next year.

    • Francesca says:

      Wow, 50? When I met you at the Sniffa I would have thought years younger. Good for you!

      • Divalano says:

        er … must be my juvenile behavior? just kidding … thanks for the compliment 😉 I guess we all see our aging bits more than others do, which makes sense I think. Now where’s that emoticon with the gray streaks in its hair & the foreshadowing of its Yiddishe grandmother’s jowl? hee

    • Patty says:

      You look great. I think doing it or not is going to be a personal choice people always make, dependent on lots of things.

      these procedures are done under a local. I’d have to think a lot longer if it was a general. But you’re basically awake, just groggy. it’s pretty minor, though any time they cut on you, you run risks. My surgeon is one of the best in Denver, so I feel pretty good about it.

      • Divalano says:

        Aw well, I think you look great, too. Like I said I think we all see our own “flaws” more than anyone else does. I’d love to have your skin! Doing this under a local makes it lower risk & should make it sound more attractive to me but the reality is that the idea of being awake while they’re coming at you with sharp things fills me with cold terror. Injections & lasery things I can imagine (sort of. maybe. if it doesn’t hurt too much.) but beyond that I’m just too wimpy to imagine doing anything like that voluntarily. So I guess we can put me in the “too wimpy for ageless beauty” camp, lol!

  • MattS says:

    Mornin’ beautiful; I’m just excited to finally get to see what you look like! I don’t know why I imagined you with platinum blonde hair. You as Marilyn to March’s Jane Russell, maybe?

    Anyway. Go for it (within reason) and as far as the eye business goes, my bf’s mom had it done and my bf is probably gonna have to have it done (genetics) and if you play your cards right…your insurance will cover it. Vision obstruction and all that. Seriously. Don’s 51 and his eyelid is starting to droop over his eye a bit and the doctors ’round here will write it up as a medical necessity.

    Lotsa luck, love.

    • Patty says:

      Thanks, sweetie. I’ve actually been thinking about going lighter, to a more platinum. Hmmm… maybe I’ll call Monica today and see if that can happen.

      No insurance will cover it for me. If I wanted to wait another couple of years, it might make it there, but I’m impatient. 🙂

      • Judith says:

        From what I learned (see misplaced comment to Louise below), I don’t think you would ever make it (my surgeon said I wouldn’t, and mine are MUCH worse than yours; it needs to be really affecting vision)–so you might as go for it when you want it!

  • kathleen says:

    Definately going to want to know more about whatever it is you are going to do about that under the chin thing. I don’t think there is anything wrong with doing whatever you can to make you look and feel the best that you can.

    • Patty says:

      I’m doing lipo under the chin. I don’t have much sag, if any, so lipo’ing out the little bit of fat makes an amazing difference in your profile. The surgeon tells me that that is a really low-pain procedure. not sure if it’s just done there, it is, or generally.

  • Francesca says:

    I think conservative enhancement is wonderful! I haven’t had anything done yet, but, boy, would I love to get my eyes done. I’m hoping losing a little weight will get rid of that little glob that’s forming under my chin, but if that doesn’t work, I would definitely consider doing something about that. I was once talking to a woman (OK, it was the “Mayflower Madam”) who had had a lot of work done, at only age 46, and boy, did she look gorgeous. A person doesn’t have to look like she’s standing in front of a wind machine. Good luck, and a big hug to you!

    • Patty says:

      I thought about waiting until I had lost a little more weight to see if more of the neck chub would come off, but I’ve had it even from when I was slim, but not as bad. it just bugs me. My mom is thin, and she has the wattle thing and says, if she were to do anything, that is the one cosmetic surgery she would do… then she goes on and addes doing a lower bleph or maybe fat injections under the eyes… She’s funny, she used to be completely opposed to any cosmetic stuff, but now that she sees me doing things subtly that are good changes, she seems to see how it’s a good thing.

      I’m thinking of giving her a neck lift for her 75th birthday, if she really wants one.

  • Louise says:

    Hi, Patty. May I step up first for potential excoriation? I’m all for doing what makes you feel good, while keeping expectations reasonable. And, it’s a highly personal decision, though others may feel free to chime in with strong opinions and/or opposition.

    Growing up, my mom bad-mouthed cosmetic surgery as frivolous…until she had a very disfiguring skin cancer on her face, and a beautifully done reconstrution. She then had a breast reduction, which eliminated years of pain and embarassment, and later a lower face lift. She was thrilled with her results, and decided aging gracefully was not for her.

    I’ve tried just a few procedures (injectables), most recently this summer, and am delighted with looking a bit refreshed at 51. My doc is conservative, and respects a natural look. I’ll likely continue, as funds allow (competes with perfume money), and may do more in time, including surgery if I feel drawn to a more major change.

    My one caveat is the reasonable expectations part. I’ve hung around the MUA and other cosmetic surgery boards, and have been surprised by quite young women (20s, 30s) feeling the need for lots of ongoing work.

    Then, there’s my cousin, who just can’t stop with the surgeries…her husband banned any further work, since she’s spending a fortune to look like another person. She agreed, then went off to Brazil, telling hubby that she needs to learn Spanish :d

    • Patty says:

      I bet you look great. You already did! but that refreshed look is so subtle and feels great to have. I couldn’t do the overdone thing, I want my face to always look like me, including some wrinkles, etc., but I just don’t want it melting off my face!

      I agree on young people. I read the cosmetic surgery MUA board, and when the 20-year-olds show up asking about botox, it scares the crap out of me. No way!

  • Judith says:

    On this subject, right now, I am all about ME! Until recently, I was a cosmetic-procedure virgin at a VERY advanced age. As you know, when you last saw me I was obsessing about my drooping upper lids. I went so far as to consult with an oculoplastic surgeon, but she was more expensive and the procedure looked like it would take up more downtime than I had hoped, so. . . . I decided to try Botox from my derm 1st, and I am VERY pleased with the results. As she said, I got a nice lift from it, in addition to other things. And a couple of people commented on how good I looked without seeming to know why. So now (this Friday), I am trying some NLF fillers, which I don’t think I need as desperately, but once you start down that road, . . . well, hmmmmm. . . Actually that is all for now, and I am very excited. Someday I will probably get that bleph, but I am putting it off for now. I am excited to see/hear about yours. You are my inspiration!:x

    • Patty says:

      Oh, congrats!!! You are already beautiful, but getting that “refreshed” or “on vacation” boost on a semi-permanent basis is so subtle, but it just has a refreshing effect on the part of me that doesn’t like not being 17 anymore, but I don’t want to look 17 either. I just don’t want to look every day of my 48. 🙂