From their site: The Institute for Art and Olfaction teamed up with artist and provocateur Austin Young for a very transformative collaboration, unleashing the olfactory prowess of Los Angeles based perfumerBrent Leonesio to create a new edition of perfume: ‘Accident’.The project was in support of Austin Young’s crowd-sourced participatory art experience and musical:‘TBD’. ‘Accident’ premiered at the ‘TBD’ Slumber Party and Final Workshop on Friday August 9, 2013.
They go on to list notes of “gasoline vapor, safety glass, smoking tires, face powder and a mechanic”
Quoting Brent: “the lingering whiff of gasoline on your fingertips that you can’t stop sniffing; the familiar and the strange; the contrast elucidated when exotic floral extracts hold hands with other-worldly aroma chemicals. Accident is a collision of ideas, a harmonic discord.”
Well, that about says it. This in a way reminds me of Andy Tauer’s one off “Hyacinth and a Mechanic” in the slightly odd oiliness to it and a soupçon of the gasoline effect from Lutens’ Tubereuse Criminelle. I also get a fair hint of leather and citrus. It’s an interesting scent that unfortunately is an extremely limited edition- only 100 bottles (hand blown) will be produced. I’d be interested to see this in an oil concentrate joining his line at some point, but I can’t say of there’s a possibility of that actually happening.
There is also rather riotous YouTube video commercial for the scent featuring one of my favorite comediennes, the lovely Deven Green. I am embedding the commercial (at least I hope I am.. ) so you can have a nice chuckle in your AM (WARNING- slightly NSFW {language and suggestive content})
$150 for a 40ML bottle. The Institute sent me my review sample. Photo credit: Institute website
Brent is phenomenal! I love his approach to perfumery. Alas, I think I’ll have to side with Tiara on this. We own a machine shop. My guys already smell like this – a LOT! I much prefer meeting with them, post-shower. Alas, that is not always possible 🙁 It’s an honest smell, resulting from hard, honest work…. but that doesn’t mean I have to like it! LOL!
like most smells from hard honest for the poetic abstraction is a lt easier to take
I’m going to start calling my son “Accident” because that’s how already smells (minus face powder but that could be remedied). He’s a mechanic and I must say that scent is not my thing. Love him dearly but enjoy him oh-so-much-more after he showers. Thankfully you’ve posted about something I can skip for a change. Gotta agree with the vid–no one SHOULD expect you to smell this way! 🙂
It’s an acquired taste methinks.
Hey Tom,
Thank you for reminding me of this. I need to follow Brent up, I thought I’d ordered it.
I totally agree that Brent is a frag genius, and a spunk. Thank you for introducing me to him while I was in LA. He was sweet.
Portia xx
I hope you like it!
Very cool, Tom! This collaboration sounds quite interesting. And that list of notes — well, it’s certainly no wallflower! Would love to try it one day.
I liked it! It was entertainingly odd..