January 2014 Perfume Sample Fairy Godmother!

perfume sample fairy godmother

Esperanza the Perfume Fairy Godmother

Happy New Year!!!

Hey, it is time again for the Perfume Sample Fairy Godmother for Janury.     So here’s how Fairy Godmother works – this post will be open for the entire month of January 2014.   I’ll start a new one at the beginning of January.   For those of you new or that need a reminder of how this works – in comments you can list one or two things that you are yearning for and can’t seem to get –  a perfume sample is the easiest wish to grant for me.  Or you can wish for a full bottle, decant, vintage perfume or discontinued perfume you can’t find.  If someone has it and can help you out, they can reply to you in comments and then you can arrange to go offline through e-mail to work things out.  

Please don’t post e-mails in comments unless you spoof them somehow, like this – patty at perfumeposse dawtcawm (spelling the dotcom at the end that way prevents robots from finding it as easily). Caveat Emptor and all that, don’t send people money, check out their references on MUA or Basenotes or the Facebook groups before you send something in a swap, if you wind up doing a swap.  We have some amazing Fairy Godmothers that show up every month, granting wishes right and left. If you’ve been the recipient of some kindness, do give back when you can. I know people have gotten wishes granted, and every month they comb through the posts trying to find one or two people they can help out, and it just makes my heart happy.  If it’s a gift, send away.  I should note that  it’s more likely that a Fairy Godmother will happen along if you are a fairly regular commenter on The Posse and people recognize your name. I’ll sometimes play Perfume Posse Fairy Godmother and go through the list and grant some perfume sample wishes. I’ll pick from ones that nobody has been able to help with – I’ll spin my random.org wheel  – and send them The Precious. 

perfume sample magic wand

So what is it that your heart desires?  (pulling out wand from the back of the closet and blowing off an inch of dust)  

  • Shawna says:

    Hello All!

    I’ve been lurking on this page since just before my wedding in August (the scent was Gardenia and Perfume Posse has by far the best reviews!) The gardenia scent by Estee Lauder was my first “big girl” perfume. I’ve been wanting to try Jungle Gardenia before I shell out the big bucks and buy a bottle! I’ve seen a lot of websites claiming to be able to recreate it, does anyone know if anyone has?

    • Jan Last says:

      If I might recommend Isabey Gardenia? It is the best gardenia I’ve ever worn. I did find some Tuvache Jungle Gardenia on EBay as well. If you’d like to try a few gardenias, I am jdeangeo at aol dot com. And Fragrantica has an add for a company which swears they can re create any fragrance. Hope this helps.

      • missyl says:

        Good afternoon Shawna,
        Since you liked the Estee I’d like to rec. Tuberose Gardenia to you. I have tried it three times now and I love it! It smells so beautiful, it lasts beautifully, and it is afordable and easily found. I’ve tried other Tuberoses and Gardenias and many are so strange or diva-ish for me. This was just beautiful and didn’t cost an outrageous sum. Happy smelling to you!

      • sweetharmony8 says:

        Thank you for the recommendation! I tried to email you but it just got sent back.

  • leathermountain says:

    I can share some Songes. You can contact me at alederberg, and that is in the town of hotmail.

  • Peppermoon says:

    Wow what a great idea! I’m still a newbie on my perfumed journey, but I’ve already amassed a horde of samples (unfortunately most are mainstream/department store frags). Hopefully I will be able to play fairy godmother to someone though! I’ve learned a lot from reading this site and others, and I’ve been exploring more niche lately. Recently I’m on a quest for white florals. I’d love to be able to sample Fracas, Carnal Flower, SL Un Voix Noire, SL A La Nuit, AG Songes or any other niche white floral. (sigh…I have no access to niche and I’ve sniffed everything in the department stores)

  • Brenda Hazen says:

    I am intrigued by the fragrance La Dame Aux Camilias by Jardin D’Ecrivans. I read a review of it that said it is a fragrance to be worn naked. I must find some please help me. Thank you Brenda

    • Jan Last says:

      Brenda, if you find any, will you let me know? I have not smelled anything from Jardin D’Ecrivans, and would love to advance my knowledge. I am jdeangeo at aol dot com. Nice of you to bring it up.

  • windicindi says:

    My sister loves the original perfume by Vera Wang, but feels as though they are phasing it out…
    I would love to have samples for her, even a little body lotion! I would love to try anything Dior!
    Many thanks, Fairy Godmother.

  • Carol S says:

    hi fairy perfume people !
    Last month I sent out a few samples so this month I would like to request a sample of Aedes de Venustas Iris Nazarena .
    I can share a sample of Ramon Monegal Cuirelle , or Sigilli Electra . Thank you and Happy New Year !

    • Carol S says:

      US only please , I sent to Cyprus last month and don’t think it ever arrived …f r e e h o l d at aug dawt com

      • Elia says:

        No not yet. But it might take a long time. Fortunately I’ve not had a lost parcel in the past 5 years although I have waited up to 8 weeks for some. I’ll definitely let you know when it comes.

    • leathermountain says:

      Hi, Carol,
      I’m afraid I don’t have the Iris Nazarena, but I might have something else you would enjoy. If they are available, I would be happy to make a good home for your samples of Cuirelle and Electra. Emailing you now.

    • Ann says:

      Hi, Carol! I have a little sample of Iris Nazarena that I would love to share with you. Am e-mailing you now …

  • SassyOne says:

    Oh my dear, my wishes are simple yet seem so hard to find….I am looking for my perfect winter perfume….plum, clove and bay with any base including amber, tonka/vanilla, even patchouli…is there such a thing in the universe that doesn’t smell too dated or immature?

  • Chiara says:

    Hello, new here to this community ! Would like to try a few drops anything by MDCI. I have many things I can send in return, not outside of EU unfortunately because I have had too many bad experiences cause of the terrible postal service : -(
    my email is chiaratororo at gmail.com . Thanks!

    • Elia says:

      I believe I might have a smidge of Chypre Palatin if you care for it. eliared a][ zoho do][ {om

  • JR says:

    Happy new year! One house I have wanted to try and have yet to is Eau d’Italie. I am known as tangogoer in the town of gmail.

    • CarolynC says:

      Hey JR. I have a couple of scents by Eau d’Italie. E-mail me at bogsc at aol dawt com and I’ll hook you up!

  • Shira says:

    Dear Perfume Fairy Godmothers,
    First of all Happy New year every one. This is the first time I am making a wish and it is wonderful to find such a lovely group!
    I am looking to try a sample of Tauer Rose Vermeille and/or Rose Chypree
    My email is sprice nine five ( the numbers) at hawtmail dawt cawm.

  • Jamie says:

    Happy 2014!

    My wish for January is a decant of the Vagabond Prince Enchanted Forest. I’m also interested in trying the Van Cleef and Arpels Collection Extraordinaire line. Or if these are too obscure, a decant of Diptyque Eau Duelle?

    Thank you!

    • leathermountain says:

      Hi Jamie,
      I have a sample, rather than a decant, of Enchanted Forest. Are you still interested? If so, drop a line to my hotmail. You’ll find me under alederberg.

    • Lynne Marie says:

      Hi Jamie,

      I can send you some VC & A orchidee vanille. My email is clevelandvitz1 at gmail dawt com

      • Lynne Marie says:

        HI Jamie,
        If you have emailed me, it hasn’t gotten through. There is a number one after my name in my email : clevelandvitz1 at gmail dot com. Lots of people have trouble with it 🙂

  • VannyBL says:

    Happy new year everyone!
    I would love to try Guerlain’s Après l’ondée (very hard to find here in Montreal, Canada!). I am also quite intrigued by Escentric Molecule and woul be very pleased to get a sample of Dyptique’s Philosykos.
    My email is vanie_b_l at hotmail dawt comm.

    • leathermountain says:

      I’ve got some Apres L’Ondee to share. I’ll send you an email now.

    • Tara says:

      Hi VannyBL, I’m here in Montreal too! Etiket has the Escentric Molecule up on Sherbrooke St. and Ogilvy has the Diptyque Philosykos. However, I have a whole bottle of Philosykos and can make you a decant if you’d like more than a spritz/sample. Send me an email at cazaubon at me dawt com if you are niterested in that. 🙂

  • ewewhojane says:

    I would love to try Olfactive Studio’s Flashback or Lumiere Blanche and would happily send some samples in return. Contact me at jgbriggs at mad river dot com.

  • Lisa D says:

    I’d love to try any of the Slumberhouse perfumes, if anybody’s got some to spare! Send me a note at lisadarty at hot mail dot com, or reply here. I’d be happy to share any desired samples I have in return.

    • JanLast says:

      I can help you with that! When I return. I love Slumberhouse altogether, and a couple in particular.

      • Lisa D says:

        Thanks, Jan! Give me a shout when you get back home. Meanwhile, I hope you’re relaxing….

  • Civet says:

    Happy New Year all PFGs! My wish for the new year is to try Soivohle Carpathian Oud. I love Oudh Lacquer and Journeyman, so I’m really looking forward to trying Liz Zorn’s latest take on oud!

  • missyl says:

    Whoops on the above! It was supposed to read missyl 🙂

    • Elisa says:

      Hi Missy, if you’d like to try some Messe de Minuit, email me at elisagabbert at gmail

      • missyl says:

        Thank you Elisa! I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner,too. As I said above we’ve been busy with the new family addition and I didn’t remember to check back sooner. I’ll email you now. 🙂

  • Missy's says:

    Hi lovelies! It’s about -10 where I am today! Beautiful snow flurries flying. I have been wanting to find a frankincense and myhrr scent for the winter. I’d like to try cb I hate perfume Fire from Heaven , Dior Bois D Argent or Baum De Doges ( Italie?). Or anything y’all experienced perfumistas think is a great one! 🙂 Thanks perfume fairies! I hope Someone’s got a wish I can fill.

    • Elia says:

      I can provide a small sample of Bois d’Argent. eliared a][ zoho do][ {om

      • missyl says:

        Thank you Elia : )! Sorry it took so long for me to respond. We’ve been busy with a new grandchild and I just thought to check back. I’ll email you now. Let me know if it doesn’t get to you? Blessings!

  • katrin says:

    Dear Perfume Fairies! I would love to try old Calandre (or Eau Calandre) or, on a more contemporary note, Prelude to Love.
    And a Happy New Year to all!

  • Mariekel says:

    Happy New Year, perfumista pals!

    I would really love to try that Mona di Orio Violete Fumee. Failing that, I am really curious about the DS Durga perfumes, especially Boston Ivy. Email me at lauryn d b at gmail dot com.

    • leathermountain says:

      Hi Mariekel,
      I can share some Isle Ryder, although it’s pretty much the olfactory opposite of Boston Ivy. Are you interested? Emailing you now.

    • Carolyn C says:

      Mariekel, I can provide you with some Violette Fumee. Please e-mail me at bogsc at aol dawt com.

  • Tena says:


    Thank you so much for offering to help.
    As someone who is currently looking at a thermometer that reads -27 C (Almost -17 F) I hope you are enjoying a warm and happy New Years Day.

  • eswift83 says:

    I’m mostly a lurker here, but have been trying to get my hands on a sample of SSS Cocoa Sandalwood for ages now! I should probably just bite the bullet and get a sample from Laurie. Regardless, I’ll be looking to see if I have any of the wishlist items on here… so keep posting, y’all! 🙂

    • Nemo says:

      eswift83, I have a sample that I can send you! You can email me at yukiej at geemail dawt com.

  • Lynne Marie says:

    Dear Fairy godmother,

    I am searching for two scents that I just can’t seem to find a sample of anywhere: Jo Malone’s Peony and Blush Suede or Tocca’s Margaux. Thanks!

    I also have some samples to send out if anyone is interested?
    Ineke – Derring Do
    Ineke – Field Notes from Paris
    Parfum D’empire – Wazamba
    Tesori D’oriente -Neroli e Cardamomo

    • Tena says:

      Hi Lynne Marie,

      I can help with the Peony Jo Malone. email me your mailing address to tfk31at yahoodotcaum.

    • Lynne Marie says:

      Meant to add that, sadly, I only mail samples out to the US – I’ve had too many things disappear overseas-sorry! Also my contact info is clevelandvitz1 at geemail dawt com

    • Lynne Marie says:

      Field Notes from Paris is spoken for…

    • JanLast says:

      Lynne Marie, I’ll ship to Canada for you. Tena, just email me at jdeangeo at aol dot com. Lynne Marie, I think you have my address? Don’t forget, I’m not home until the 18th. Oh, and Happy New Year to you all!

      • Lynne Marie says:

        Hi Jan,

        Thanks for your offer but Tena and I have it all worked out! You are so sweet! I hope you are enjoying warmth where you are – it’s 6 degrees outside here today 😉

        • JanLast says:

          Lynne Marie, it’s a balmy 82 here, we used the new kitchen Ninja for Pina Coladas last night and it was amazing!!!

    • ewewhojane says:

      Lynne Marie, I have a sample of Margaux I could send you, email me at jgbriggs at mad river dot com.

    • Patty Pong says:

      I would love to try that derring do if still around.
      (I don’t understand how I’m just finding this page today on the 4th) =o\

  • Irina says:

    Happy New Year to all of you
    I would be glad to be able to try “Kalemat”
    many thanks

  • Tena says:

    Happy New Year’s Eve Godparents. I am quite new to the world of niche scents, and I am having the time of my life. I would love to try Guerlain L’Instant,or Ormonde Jayne Woman, or anything by Tauer (or Amouage) or a shot of Elixir des Merveilles Hermes for women I will be following this to see if I .have any jewels to place in another’s crown. Thank you so much.
    email is t f k 3 1 at yahoo dotttttt com

    • Tena says:

      Just realized that I sound like a greedy bugger. I meant to phrase the above to mean that I would like to have 1 of these granted, not any more than that. Forgive an overtired accountant at year end please.

    • Tara says:

      Hi Tena, I have a few samples I can send you (i have most if not all the things you mentioned). Pls send me your mailing address to cazaubon at me dott comm. 🙂

  • Dina C. says:

    Hello Perfume Fairy Godparents! I’d like to sample Neela Vermeire’s Ashoka. Haven’t tried any from that line yet. My other fairy wish is to sample Andy Tauer’s Phi Rose from Kandahar. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help out. Happy New Year to All!

    • Lynne Marie says:

      Hi Dina,

      I can help you with a small sample of the Phi Rose – I wanted so much to like it but alas, on me, it does that Tauer-ade thingy that I just can’t handle. You can email me at clevelandvitz1 at geemail.

      • Elia says:

        What is a Tauer-ade thingy? 🙂

        • Lynne Marie says:

          Certain perfume lines seem to contain what feels like, for lack of a better term, sort of a :base” from which the perfume is built, so that many of the perfumes in the line have what seems to be a note or notes in common. This may or may not be actually true but how it plays out for me is that most Tauer perfumes, as much as I love and appreciate them, seem to have this background note or buzz that is unappealing to me. Probably a personal chemistry thing.

          • Elia says:

            Sounds about right.. Perhaps I’ve not tried enough Tauers to create the impression, but I do know he has a weakness for irones. That would definitely be a common vein in a lot of his work.

          • leathermountain says:

            What do irones smell like?

          • Elia says:

            Like iris :). They’re the main (fragrant) component of orris. I’ve not smelt the isolated molecule myself though, so I can’t describe an impression.

          • Carol S says:

            Andy also has a thing for iso-e-super , which is fizzy / metallic and gives great lift and longevity to his scents . I personally hate it , but can almost ignore it in PHI if I wait long enough it fades a little . The tobacco rose part id gorgeous .

          • Elia says:

            Good point, I’ll look for that next time.

    • Civet says:

      Hi Dina! I can send you some Ashoka. My gmail is civetohell

  • NeenaJ says:

    This has been a great year for me with regard to exploring new notes and niche lines. Much thanks to the benevolent perfume fairy godmothers here. This month, I would love to try Ormonde Jayne Woman if anyone has some to spare. Happy New Year!

  • Carolyn C says:

    This time of year I tend to crave animalic perfumes. Would love samples of what you all consider “civet bombs.” I own vintage Joy, Shocking and have samples of Secret Garden. Samples or suggestions for other “civet bombs” happily accepted. And if anyone knows where I can get my hands on some old Jovan Civet Oil at a reasonable price, I’d be forever indebted for that information. 🙂 E-mail is bogsc at aol dawt com.

    • Civet says:

      Hi Carolyn!!! Have you tried Le Labo Oud 27? I wore it yesterday and although I’m not sure it contains civet it sure smells animalic. Let me know if you’d like some: civetohell att gmail

    • Elia says:

      I agree with Oud 27. I’d say it def contains civet.
      In my opinion Musc Koublai Khan is a civet bomb. I can provide a sample if you need one.
      Shalimar of course. Kouros, more so the vintage, the newer one leans more into a leathery feel, both are great.
      Vintage Cachet by Prince Matchabelli I believe fits the bill, I might have a drop to spare.
      I also find Sublime is more civet than Joy.
      I’ll mail you if I think of more.

      • Carolyn C says:

        Civit and Elia, Thanks for the suggestions. Following up with both of you via e-mail.

  • Mary P. says:

    Happy New Year wonderful perfume fairy godmothers! This month I am exploring the house of Guerlain and would love to try one or any of the following: Shalimar Ode a la Vanille, Shalimar OalaV Madagascar, Shalimar OalaV Mexique, L’Instant Magic, Songe d’un Bois d’Ete, EC Le Boise Torride, EC Chypre Fatal.

    Thanks so much! My email is shuvanidev at yahoo dawt com

  • thegoddessrena says:

    I suspect that I’m the guilty party so I’m publicly apologizing. I did receive everything that was sent to me by all fairy godmothers within the past year in case I neglected to acknowledge them and I thank you all for your generosity. I also apologize for being so slow to send things out sometimes. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

    • leathermountain says:

      I hope it was you, Rena, because you have great karma here and it can withstand a little slip here or there. 🙂

    • JanLast says:

      Rena, you are a good soul. Your intentions are right on. It’s not possible to get it perfect every time.

    • FeralJasmine says:

      Bless you, Rena! I know how you feel. I had the last awful event of 2013 about six weeks ago, and have just woken up to the fact that, not only did I neglect to mail some samples that I had promised (sorry, Jan Last, I should get them out next week) but also no doubt forgot an acknowledgment or two along the way. So I offer a blanket apology to anyone I may have unintentionally slighted, and if I owe anybody anything, please respond to this comment and let me know. We all have lives that can contain who-knows-what misadventures, and I am so glad to belong to this generous and forgiving group.

    • Jamie says:

      Thanks for taking the time to post this, Rena.

    • marymom says:

      I want to publicly apologize for being so slow to package up the last samples I promised, that I lost track of who and what I had promised. This was many months ago. I can only plead the life and work crazies. I realized that I would have to sit on the sidelines for a while, if I did not have time to participate, and that is what I have done. So, sorry again for my neglect– I know there was one person at least who was disappointed, and another person who disclosed she lived in Europe, a couple weeks after I committed to send the sample, so that it was cost-prohibitive for me to fulfill her wish. Mea culpa!!

  • leathermountain says:

    Greetings, Fairy Godparents, and a very happy new year to all!

    A wonderful new development from my flesh-and-blood mother: a rekindling of her interest in perfume. Hurrah! This bodes very well for 2014. 🙂

    She recently rediscovered an old bottle of VC&A First EdT in her cabinet, and she likes it very much. She fondly remembers wearing Chanel No. 5 (a vivid memory I have of her as well). She also found an empty old box of No. 5 EdT in her cabinet 🙁

    She was born in France in the 1930’s and immigrated to the US as a child. Her mother continued to identify very strongly with French culture, including art, dance, food, and of course perfume, for as long as she lived. So that is the context that molded her earliest love for perfume.

    It has been many years since my mother wore perfume, but somehow now we have reconnected with that joy. So I would very much like to gather together any and all versions of Chanel No. 5, especially vintage, for her to try, as well as scents in that vein. PFGPs, can you work your magic?

    My mother is also interested in learning more about contemporary perfumers who are doing old-school work. I remember hearing DSH described in those terms, but I don’t know where to begin. Recommendations are always welcome!

    One last shot in the dark: after the Chanel No. 5 era, my mother became enamored of a scent called Rain by The Body Shop out of Berkeley, CA, before it was bought up by the giant Body Shop we find today. Rain was discontinued at the time of the merger, and I have no clue where to find any old bottles that might exist. Any suggestions?

    Thank you, dear FGPs.

    • Carolyn C says:

      Hi there dear. I definitely have at least one (maybe 2) versions of vintage Chanel #5 I’d be happy to provide. Will also think about what else I have that has been compared to Chanel #5. Send me an e-mail to remind me?

    • Becky says:

      Maybe try Tauer’s Tableau de Parfums? I’ve tried Miriam, and it’s lovely. Very reminiscent of No. 5 EDT, but with a modern twist.

      I have a pretty small sample, but I could spare some if you can hang until I get some decanting supplies.

      • leathermountain says:

        Hi there, Becky. I don’t want to drain your tiny sample. I will keep my eyes open for opportunities to smell it, though. Thank you for the recommendation!

    • NeenaJ says:

      I find SSS’s Champagne de Bois to be in the same vein as Chanel No. 5 and it would fulfill the request to explore contemporary perfume makers. If you’d like the sample, write me at jpreciose at the gee mail.

    • Ann says:

      Hi, dear Leathermountain, just wanted to say that I loved your story about your mom. How wonderful that you can share the world of fragrance and it will bring back some good memories for her and make some great new memories for you both. Enjoy, and Happy New Year!!

    • Sally M says:

      I can send a couple of vintage No 5 samples. I’ll send them with the resins! What a great story and reconnection with a perfume love 🙂

    • Martha says:

      Hi Leathermountain –

      I’ve tried several DSH perfumes and think that she is a talented perfumer. If you look at her website you’ll see myriad examples, but in particular the YSL tribute collection does contain fragrances in the traditional style and is based upon well-known perfumes such as Opium. Also, the website lists her best sellers and a couple of those look to me as though they are traditional, French-style perfumes (though I’ve not tried those specifically).

      • leathermountain says:

        Thank you, Martha!

        Does anyone know the YSL collection, or any particular traditional French-style perfumes from this line? I don’t know Opium, believe it or not, but I’m thinking it’s not quite the right idea for my mom.

        • Elia says:

          Opium is a fairly heavy oriental, I’d think it would not fit.
          My recommendation is Le Dix. I believe you should have some, if not let me know.

        • Elisa says:

          The one inspired by Paris, called La Vie en Rose, is a really beautiful rose-violet floral.

          DSH Pandora is another vintage-style floral.

          • leathermountain says:

            Thank you, Elisa!

            I think I will order a few samples. Anything else folks think belongs in that cart?

    • Civet says:

      Hey Leathermountain, good news! The Berkeley Body Shop wasn’t bought by the UK Body Shop. Rather, they had to change their name to Body Time. Anyway, I’m in Berkeley right now and just stopped into Body Time and lo and behold, there was Rain!! I went ahead and got a little bottle of the perfume oil for your mom, so email me and let me know where to send. My gmail is civetohell.

  • Becky says:

    What a wonderful idea! I’m still pretty new to the perfume game – new enough to have only recently discovered this blog, but long enough to have a fair amount of samples to share. I’ll keep my eyes open for any godmothering I can fulfill on this thread.

    Right now, I’m most anxious to try Kiehl’s Musk (EDT) and Serge Lutens Fille en Aiguilles. Try me at schoolmarm80 AT gmail.

    Happy New Year! 😀

  • I went to some trouble to decant and mail a couple of scents in response to a request. I never got any thank you or even any acknowledgment that they were received. Kind of makes me less willing to do it again, ya know?


    • Patty says:

      sorry that happened to you. I’ve learned to just go with it. I send out so many giveaway things on here, and maybe 1 out of 20 I get an e-mail saying it arrived. I just figure I’ll hear about it if it doesn’t arrive and that’s human nature, and I still liked giving it regardless and just try not to have any expectations anymore. 🙂 It makes it more fun now. xoxo

      • FeralJasmine says:

        Appreciate your attitude, Patty. I once received a swap package from you that was so generous that I spent weeks intermittently trying to think of something else that you might like…weeks during which I failed to acknowledge your generosity. That has caused me to give a blanket cheerful amnesty to anybody who doesn’t shoot me a return email!

    • leathermountain says:

      Cynthia, I’m very sorry to hear that as well. I’m no Patty, of course, but I’ve sent out a few goodie bags, and I’ve gotten a lovely thank-you every single time, usually along with some fragrant treats as well. Don’t give up on this spectacularly generous community! If you email me, I will try to put together a little consolation prize for you: it’s a gmail address, and it’s alederberg. I hope you’re still reading this post.

    • JanLast says:

      Cynthia, I hope it was not me. I left for Puerto Rico and have been informed packages arrived after I left. If any of you have not heard from me, I’ll return the 18th. I’m bringing goodies to share, as well. Most of us would never willingly hurt anyone’s feelings. It’s the point of being here. Just shoot me an email to jdeangeo at aol dot com.

    • Jamie says:

      Cynthia, I’ve experienced this in the past too. As a newer person to the perfume world, I was really excited to share what I could and I was really disappointed when I wouldn’t hear anything back (even after sending a follow up note). It is disappointing when you take the care and time (and expense) to package something special and the recipient never acknowledges your thoughtfulness, attention, and generosity. Sadly, I’ve learned there are some people who will never say Thank You. But there are some wonderful people here who are just a pleasure to know and I hope you get to interact with more of them and less of the other.

      • Mary P. says:

        I have swapped, bought, gifted and split a LOT since I started on this perfume loving path and have only had a couple of experiences where someone didn’t get back about the packages I had sent, which I think is pretty good odds! 🙂 And I guess what I need to say is that it might be helpful if we didn’t take things like this quite so personally…. to try to give people a break because we don’t know what’s going on with them, what their situations are, what is happening in their lives, and to be aware that it’s not always what we think it is. Sometimes swapping is confusing. Sometimes in the flurry of exchange it’s hard to remember who is sending what to whom, and if you forget to write it down somewhere, woof!….. don’t give up on swapping, it’s so much fun and you meet the most amazing and generous individuals. Sometimes you just have to let the other stuff go and remember that after all is said and done it’s only a smidge of perfume 🙂

  • Connie says:

    Hi Perfume Fairy Godmother,
    This month I would like to try some scent from Olympic Orchids- in particular any of the following: Ballets Rouges, Olympic Amber, Golden Cattleya, Tropic of Cancer, Osafume, Midsummer Day’s Dream, and Seattle Chocolate.
    Happy holidays!

    • Elisa says:

      Connie, I can send you a sample of California Chocolate. Email me at elisagabbert at gmail with your address and it’s yours!

  • Elia says:

    Dear Fairies,

    my wish is to try some Papyrus de Ciane this month,

    and Happy New Year to all!

    • Dina C. says:

      Dear Elia,

      I’ve got that one! 🙂 I’d be glad to share a sample. Please email me at dina church at verizon dot net with your email and address, and I’ll be glad to mail it to you.

  • lucasai says:

    Happy New Year perfume friends!

    I’d like to try ANY of the fragrances from Cloon Keen Atelier (especially Sybarite & Lune de Givre) or ANY of the Les Heures de Cartier fragrances.

    Twinkle twinkle little star!

  • Heather F says:

    I’d love to try Krigler’s Oud, Patchouli, or Topaze Imperiale, Hiram Green’s Moon Bloom, or Tom Ford’s Shanghai Lily. And happy New Year everyone!

  • thegoddessrena says:

    I am looking for a few Guerlains and would be happy with any of the following: Shanghai, Parfum du 68 (not the cologne), or Cuir Beluga

    • Heather F says:

      I can send a sample of Cuir Beluga and Parfum du 68 🙂 My email is heather.elizabeth.freeman at gmail.

  • Matsukaze says:

    Hi! Newbie me again.

    I only have one wish this month: I’m a huge francophile, but I will admit to you guys that I’d never heard of Rancé! The thought of having a royal parfumeur never even crossed my mind. I’m very interested in the history behind these scents. I’d love to try Joséphine, but any Rancé fragrance would tickle me pink. My email is (laka bu kih ime (at) gmail) no spaces in that first gibberish lol

  • edpgypsy says:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the Fairy Godparents out there! Looking forward to an exciting 2014!
    As for my desire this month I am still conducting a Battle of the Tuberoses’! I would like to throw Diptyque Do Son in the mix if anyone has a bit of that. Another choice, just for fun, would by Gypsy Water. After Portia’s review awhile back, I must try it (especially since it seems to fit my username!) My email is my username thru gmail. Thank you!!

    • Heather F says:

      I can send a sample of Gypsy Water (and possibly of Do Son, if I get to the mall and can snag one from Nordstroms). My email is heather.elizabeth.freeman at gmail 🙂

    • leathermountain says:

      Have you tried vintage Poison? I can spare a tiny smidge if you’re ready for this bombastic diva. I love it! I think I’ve determined I would only ever wear it on my birthday, when I could (maybe) justify singing, “me me me me me me me me me” everywhere I go. 🙂

    • edpgypsy says:

      Emailing you both, Heather F and leathermountain now! Yay! 🙂