What is with this Febrapril?

Okay, the iris perfumes I reviewed last week have been in steady rotation.  I planned on working on the chocolate post, but it’s been running between 50s and 70s in Denver for the last 4 weeks, I think.  So, yeah, not the right time for chocolate.



What it has been the right time for is all of those spring projects around the house. In February… February in Denver … I’ve had my house painted, they are staining and sealing my deck this week, a guy is coming in to rework my water feature in the backyard, I’ve had landscaping plans drawn up for my backyard, and we are going to see if we can do some earth tilling and get the preliminaries for the landscape plan ready.  February.  I feel like I hit the bonanza. By the time you get to April/May and the weather is great to do these projects, you are competing with 700,000 people trying to get all the same projects done.  Nobody calls you back or they can get to you in August to do that planting thing. Um, no, forget it, I don’t want to.

You know what I haven’t been doing the last week?  Perfume.  I’ve been playing with Cora Lou, working with the exterior people to get things dusted up a bit outside the house, planning some new projects for inside.

Then I feel so bad because I know other parts of the country are not having a Febrapril, they are getting shit on by winter.  So accept my apology for going on and on about this spring-like weather.  Trust me, we all know we are going to pay for it in March and April with probably 2-3 feet of snow.

Winners of the three Iris perfumes sample set (Atelier des Ors Iris Fauve, Coolife Le Sixieme and Armani/Prive Iris Celadon) – Merry Rower, Aubrey Morey, Rachel W and Hayley. Just click on Drop Us a Note at the top, send me an e-mail, remind me of what you won, give me the ten samples you want and get me your mailing address. I’ll send you a quick e-mail to let you know I got your e-mail and it didn’t land in a spam filter and then get it on the way to you.

I’m trying to think of a clever giveaway this week and just can’t, so I’ll do two sample sets of like 3-4 things on your perfume wish list, if I  have them.  Just drop a comment telling me how your winter is looking in Febraury to be entered.

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