Welp! Last week was CRAZY week! Awash in work, I kept myself sane with a few of Musette’s Musings. Walk with me.
First. Deon Cole. Who knew? I don’t watch much TV so didn’t know he existed. He O, Lordy! That man is FOINE! A young Denzel/Idris hybrid, funny(ish) in that New Comedian vein – I watched his Netflix special and smirked when he talked about his lust for older women (there’s almost nothing I can quote here, it’s so NSFW – heck, it’s NSF nearly everything! lol!) – I thought he was talking about women older than me because I Am NOT Old. But he said “ I can’t ‘f’ with you unless you got a ointment drawer“. Right before I started to snicker….I thought ‘hey, waitaminit! I got a ointment drawer!. In fact, I gotz TWO (bathroom and night stand). Vicks, Benadryl, Neosporin, you name it, I got it. COME ON, DEON! The drawer is FULL!

photo stolen: improv.com
Just as well he didn’t – I don’t think I could survive that.
But! The whole ‘ointment’ thing? A lot of camphor there – and I’ve been using camphorated ointments to stave off dermatological disaster – Vicks is wonderful for settling down dermatitis. But what perfumes go with camphor? Well, obviously the camphorated tuberose of the gorgeous Carnal Flower – but what else is there to offset (or uplift) the Vickness? Well, the other tuberose, Uncle Serge’s Criminelle, supports that camphor note beautifully (I love how that bracing, resinous note cuts the butteryness of tuberose, taking it out of the marzipan territory where Fracas resides). I went on Fragrantica to see what other, non-tubey scents there are – there are quite a few but most of them I’ve never smelled. One I was especially drawn to: Bruno Fazzolari’s Cadavre Exquis. The tale is fascinating but that is for another post.
OMG! The Evil Known as WordPress just ate the rest of this post! Okay, here’s the skinny: I I’m going to have The Girl pull a commenter for some Messy Armoire stuff (and I’m only ONE winner behind, so you can expect to get your haul sooner rather than later!). Here’s why I can’t rewrite this post: I just had QuickBooks 2020 installed and have to do a tutorial – my guts are in a knot just thinking about it! But needs must and all that.
Kathleen is the winner from the Ebola post! gmail your evilauntieanita, remind me which post (and give me your deets) and I’ll get some fun out to you!!!
Carnal Flower and Bag Balm are my nighttime ritual ?
edit: ritual!
Punctuation matters as much as ointment- that’s how old I am.
Ha! I have a ointment basket in the bathroom stand. Neosporin, Cortisone, etc. Thanks for the draw!
Hey there Musette,
Sadly we don’t have an ointment drawer. What we have is a Tupperware box that slides inti a cupboard at head height. It’s a carry over from my Mum’s kitchen, still has her pill cutters, medicine cups, bandages etc in it. We have added innumerable lotions and potions to the point of overflowing. Everything medicinal is there. It’s a mess and you might bleed out before you find what you need but it works well enough for us.
Do you think that would do for him?
BTW If we are talking fine black men then I’d also like to include Isaiah Mustafa in the conversation. The Old Spice, I’m The Guy Your Guy Could Smell Like guy.
Portia xx
can you imagine rolling around on silk sheets with BOTH of them?
Haven’t heard of him and I see that resemblance. Very nice looking and I almost spit coffee laughing when I read about the ointment drawer!
LOL! He is gorgeous, with an inner spark of intelligent mischief that hints of a GOOOD time to be had. Let. Us. Spray. 😉 Otherwise he’s all hat, no cattle!
You will pry my ointment drawer out of my cold, dead hands! Love me some Vicks. Vicks cures EVERYTHING!
I’ve noticed that there’s a lot of carry-over in medicinal smells into fragrance, like eucalyptus, camphor, mint, etc. Those healing plants had that good association. There have been certain scents that make me think of my grandparents’ medicine cabinet. That aromatic, bitter, resinous tang. Serge Lutens springs to mind. Thanks for a fun post, Anita!
I love bitter aromatics!!! Uncle Serge does them really well!
I didn’t think I was very old, but I have an ointment drawer, always have! I am a product junkie, and this includes every potion and remedy for any skin or sinus or eye ailment.Cant help it, I’ve been a nurse for 30 years! But I do like good smells and coordinating perfume with the more medicinal smells piques my interest!
Humor from a good looking man! Win win!
Speaking of win, give The Girl a big hug and kiss for selecting my name as winner from last draw!
I smooched her – and she said ‘of course’ – because she rules the world! 😉
I guess I am not that old, I do not have an ointment drawer. ?
But he looks mighty fine. I’ll take him if he doesn’t snore. I guess I am old after all, any man that comes between me and my sleep gets the boot.
Honey, I coined this awhile back and I stand by it: Sleep is the New Sex. 😉
I love Idris Elba. Sigh. I will have to look up this guy you’re talking about. No oinments, just medicines. Will that suffice?
you’ll have to ask him 😉 I suspect it’ll do, though. I’m not a meds gal but I was STUNNED at the sheer volume of ointmentish stuff in my drawer! LOL! with that haul I should be around 92 years old!
I adore Cadavre Exquis! And have every incarnation of CF on the planet.
Have you seen the ointment commercials where a very older ladies embraces a much younger millennial saying, “you smell like my Paul…” Tagline: Use this product, don’t smell like Paul. Heck, I’d RATHER smell like Paul!!
No! But it sounds like a fun spot! Ain’t nuthin’ wrong with no ‘erntment’ 😉