Uncut Gem
Possedarlings!!! No… I promise I’m not two (now three years behind). I’ve actually tried Uncut Gem on and off since it was launched in 2022 – but it’s not until now that I’ve felt I could give it the attention… Continue Reading
Possedarlings!!! No… I promise I’m not two (now three years behind). I’ve actually tried Uncut Gem on and off since it was launched in 2022 – but it’s not until now that I’ve felt I could give it the attention… Continue Reading
Possedarlings! We’re (and by ‘we’re’ I mean I) in the midst of Bleak Midwinter – except it’s been a wild couple of days – I’m writing this on Friday (because tomorrow and Sunday are Plumbing Day!!! Wheee!) and today, in… Continue Reading
Posse! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! Whatchubeendoin’? I’ve been hitting the sales! Not for ‘stuff’ – well… okay… ‘stuff’ but Stuff, Musette-Style! I lost mah MIND and bought scads of paperwhites because they’re 50% off and we’re… Continue Reading
Posse, my darlings! By the time this post goes live it’ll be Christmas Eve! And, blessed be… just One More Day… …Until this is ALL OVER for another year. Heeheee!.. sort of kidding – sort of. Don’t get me wrong… Continue Reading
I’m coining this one #BlameTom even though I think it was me who stomped around this particular tune. Actually it was BOD, Axe’s low-rent cousin, the stuff of Migraines Yet to Come and can you believe it? Walmart has BOD… Continue Reading
Posse! I’m writing this on the eve of my birthday (I’m a month older than Jesus), which is the last one of this decade and… OMG! I’m OLD! Welp – as my papi used to say ‘you get old… or… Continue Reading
Posse! How YOU doin’? Just so you know, this is a further riff on the ‘You Smell Good’ theme. I’m in the midst of the midway point of that bathroom renovation; Drywall Guy comes to sand tomorrow night!! I wish… Continue Reading