It’s My Party

Father’s Day Car Show

Yes, it’s that time of year again. Gay Pride, Flag Day, Juneteenth, Father’s Day, and arguably the most important, my birthday.

Yes, I will be celebrating my annual 35th birthday. I plan on celebrating it until I am either in a nursing home or get it right.

This will post on the eve of the day, and I think I am being feted with a nice Chinese food dinner by one of my BFFs, which is lovely. She offered something more chi-chi (and spendy) but I really don’t need that- I’m not entirely comfortable with people dropping a load of cash on me for dinner. Something inculcated by my mother, the Good Manners Police- when invited out to dinner make sure to order one of the least expensive things on the menu; so I skip the surf ‘n turf and get the risotto. I’ve never been embarrassed by anyone dropping an actual wad of cash in my lap, but I assume I could get over my embarrassment quickly.

My friend Bitsy sent me a cool neck pillow thingy- it’s for relaxation, smells delightfully of clove and cinnamon and apparently can be microwaved for heat therapy (which she loves) or even better, frozen. I can tell you that the best thing you can do on a hot day is have some cold pack (wrapped in a towel) around your neck. Better than AC. I can’t wait to try it out.

I am going to try to skip the cake this year since I really do need to get serious about shedding the extra tonnage I put on during Covid. Amazon has gotten to the point where they suggest clothing in sizes previously reserved for Carny folk and my Apple Watch keeps bitching at me that I am not getting enough exercise. (“Time to Stand Up!” it chirps. “Time to buy a Seiko” thinks I) The photo is of a cake that some very generous friends got together and had for me (and one for another Gemini) at the FM store on Melrose Place several years ago, before Covid. It was delicious.

The glasses are something I got for myself, because they were just silly. I wore them with my giant sunhat (so butch) to the Father’s Day car show on Rodeo Drive this past Sunday. They have it every year and every year I go, as early as possible to avoid the heat of the day and as much of the crowds as I can. If you want to see more pix and read about it you can do so here (until next week then the URL will roll over)

The flowers are actually from last year. I have a friend who send me these lovely bouquets every year on my birthday and I let them sit in the lobby (during business hours where I can keep an eye on them) for the rest of the building to enjoy. Might as well brighten someone else’s day as well, I think.

And I did get a birthday shout-out from one of the local papers that does that. he picture is funny- it’s actually cropped, taken at a birthday party for my BFF (the one who is taking me out for dinner) that was held at the home of and hosted my another friend who is a fabulous cook. The blossoms held the place cards and I made some comment that we should wear them like Dorothy Lamour. Someone dared me to and the photo was taken. I figure if it’s the most embarrassing thing I’ve done in public (that’s actually made it to film) then I can live with it.

Not my b-day present, but I have a nice car.

My actual birthday (when this posts) I will be taking off, both from work and literally- I’m going to take a drive up the coast and since Topanga Canyon has reopened early from the slide that closed it, stop at the shops there. Maybe a cup off woo-woo tea at the Inn of the Seventh Ray, a place that my late friend Lynn joked she liked to take New Yorkers because it scared them with all that LA Witchy-poo-ness, and where I once had a wonderful dinner that would have been magically seductive for both parties were we not BFFs.

I will be wearing Rose Jam because it’s so darned jammy..

Images are from my iPhone and a screen grab from the Beverly Hills Courier

  • March says:

    Happy birthday, you! I hope you are having a fabulous time. I do NOT think you should skip the cake, though.

    • Tom says:

      Thanks! There will be some sort of cake thing at dinner- my BFF chose the restaurant for it.

  • Jennifer S says:

    Have a wonderful birthday Tom!

  • Dina C. says:

    Happy Birthday Tom! Have a wonderful day! I love the looks of vintage cars in shows like Downton Abbey or Agatha Christie. Those old, open touring cars with running boards, like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, make me smile. You smell great — enjoy the Lush Rose Jam and the tea!

  • Musette says:

    Happy Birthday, darlingest !!! You are ( deservedly) blessed with so many friends who appreciate and love you!

    And you smell DEEEELICIOUS!!!

    • Tom says:

      Thank you my dear- I am vary aware and extremely thankful for all of the wonderful people in my life!

  • alityke says:

    Many more happy 35th birthdays Tom!

  • cinnamon says:

    Happy birthday! So, you don’t start going backward in years (ie, 35 to 34) at some point?

  • MzCrz says:

    Wishing you the best 35th-EVER.

  • Maggiecat says:

    Happy Birthday, Tom!

  • Portia says:

    Happy Birthday you gorgeous human Thomas.
    Love you to the sky and back my friend.
    Portia xx

    • Tom says:

      Thank you my dear! I was thinking of going to the outlet mall but it won’t be the same without you..

  • Maya says:

    Happy Happy Birthday!!! 35th, huh? If I were to celebrate my birthdays until I could “get it right”, this world would be stuck with me for a very long time. lol.
    That cake is gorgeous! Psst, if you can get a cake that looks like this one, eat it and temporarily dump the diet.
    Wishing you a lovely day.

    • Tom says:

      I can too easily get a cake like that one- the baker went out of business them someone swooped in and purchased it and is supposedly carrying on the tradition. I’ve been too scared to see it it’s true..

  • Shiva-woman says:

    Have a fabulous birthday–I know you’ll smell wonderful with the Rose Jam (yay, you finally got it). Enjoy the food, friends, flowers– and your 35th fo-evah!

    • Tom says:

      I am enjoying the rose jam. Especially with a good spritz of Fille de Berlin after..