Welp!  As you all have surmised, I am in the weeds with this ‘emergency’ bathroom reno.  It’s in italics because it’s been An Emergency for the past 10 years – El O built the back bathroom so we’d have somewhere to Bathroom whilst digging this dawg out – and I now understand why it never happened.  This is not a ‘let’s take out the tub and put in a new vanity’ reno.  It’s a total gut job – and involves chasing wires (some just rando live wires that go……?) and (my absolute favorite) digging out the floor to change the ‘pitch’ – since neither the tub nor the sink drain … yay.

I’m exhausted, filthy almost all damb day – and I am fortunate beyond  imagining – this happened because my galpal’s husband, a Master Electrician, got really nervous about some wiring – and the next thing I know, we’re ripping out the bathroom walls, etc.  Wiring (old knob and tube spliced to some almost-as-old Romex, is now gone, replaced with current wiring).  He’s doing it for… (wait for it) DINNER!  whaaa?  My plumber is my nephew in law who just wants me to have my bathroom!  I buy gas for them to come down here, take them to dinner and BOOM!  he replumbs the bathroom.

So.  Fortunate.  Beyond Imagining.

But So. Damb. Tired.

Took Father’s Day off to take my Phenomenal Electrician and his wife (that’s Monsieur’s former +1, btw – he would’ve walked over my twitching body to hand her a soda, he loved her that much) to Naperville on the train because in 58 years Tim had never been on a train!  It’s a 20 minute drive to Kewanee to get on the damb thing, not hitching up the wagon to go through the Cumberland Gap!  Whatever.  My gift to her, in repayment of her gift of him to me, was to get him on the damb train so he could shut the hell UP about it.  We went to Naperville because it is Busted-Friendly – every shop in that upscale burg has a bench outside and every planter is designed for you to sit on, should your feet start screaming.  He napped.  A lot.  It was 9000F out there and there’s only so much a non-perfumista male can take.

So this trip is how I ended up at LUSH.  I didn’t care what we did, as long as I went to LUSH and to Sephora (more on that in a minute – or maybe the next installment – we’ll see)

LUSH was never ‘my’ kinda store – back when it was ensconced in Water Tower I would studiously avoid it because OMG!!!  It STANK!  I think it was the bath bombs?  Dunno but you could smell it across the street!  So… I don’t think I ever stepped foot in there.. and when I first smelled Breath of God I realized that I might’ve been in error – but by then it was too late.  Both I and they had vanished off Boul Mich, gone with the wind.

Tom’s posts on Rose Jam (et al) brought me to the store, which still … smells.  But this time I was open to the possibilities of those smells not taking me out since I wanted to score some Rose Jam.  The shop has a small bottle (3.3oz) for $12.50 and I figured it would be enough to let me know if I wanted to spring for a larger bottle.  And I probably will (in 2026 because this stuff is STRONG!  and I’m now broke, what with the Emergency Bathroom Remodel) – it’s stunning, with that indecipherable (to me) note that suggests rose hips, rather than an actual rose.   It makes showering a whole ‘nother experience.  Since it’s more hips to me, I paired it with this body lotion from Urban Hydration and it was perfect.  No perfume required, though if you want to amp up the rose a little dab of Amouage Tribute or Rose Aqor attar will do the trick.  No Lyric, though – She just took over the whole damb thing.  But since I was there I also sprang for a jar of ‘See & be Seen’ body wash goo, from the Bridgerton line because Elizabeth mentioned it in Tom’s original ‘Getting Clean’ post.  Hmmm.  So.  I didn’t think I could love it more than Rose Jam but I would’ve been wa-ronnnng!  ‘S&bS’ is a completely different experience, both because of its viscosity (it’s jelly-like ) and it has a vaguely … jammier?… note to it – about 1/8th teaspoon on a Salux bath cloth (the woven polyester ones, that are vaguely exfoliating – love them) – well, that’ll wash you, your partner and probably two midsized dogs!  And you all will smell glorious!


Okay – I’m whupped (I had to remove about 3000 nails from the studs this morning – thank FLOYD Mrs Monsieur came to help – but it was a lot of work and a lot of dust and dirt and even with the shower and all I just feel… icky)


Maybe I’ll take another shower – with Rose Jam!


  • Portia says:

    YAY for another Rose Jam convert Musette
    Portia xx

  • Jennifer S says:

    Well. It can’t get any better than knowing an excellent electrician and plumber for the job. That’s most of the battle right there!
    Gotta agree with the lush store smell. Wow. Never tried the rose jam I guess because it’s so strong. Like the store smell. Five minutes in there and I’m ready to get out already.

    • Musette says:

      They are truly a blessing. As is my Cranky Contractor whom, though not free, is someone I truly trust.

      This is… unarguably.. the least stressful construction project I’ve ever undertaken, because there is serious trust in these guys.

      and yes! on the five minutes in LUSH!

  • cinnamon says:

    I have to say I don’t understand half of what you’re saying needs to be done to the bathroom to make it safe but I’m glad it’s being done and the people around you are both competent and kind. As to Lush, I have had Rose Jam at times and love it but haven’t had it in a while and I think I need to pick up a small bottle the next time I’m in town. I am wondering if there were so many complaints about how Lush stores smelled (and wafted) that they had to come up with some sort of in-store ventilation system to severely limit what leaked into the world.

    • Tom says:

      I think in general stores have calmed down with the perfuming thing. I remember back in the day when Giorgio was a store (not just a fragrance) and used to pump the fragrance out by the front door. Then Fred Hayman sold the perfume and the name to Avon, named the original store after himself, and came up with a new scent, 273. Which he also pumped out. Meanwhile Avon set up a Giorgio boutique in the next block that also pumped out the original. Rodeo was quite stinky for a while.

      I didn’t notice the LUSH store in Century City smelling that much but I was so focused on getting the hell out of there they could have been cooking crack and I wouldn’t have noticed or cared..

      • Musette says:

        I remember those Rodeo days! Ick! Like walking behind some guy who’d marinated in Polo – even in a stiff breeze, 30 ft away, you were enveloped in the miasma

  • alityke says:

    Yay! Another Rose Jammer!
    Mr Jarvis Cockapoo is going for his rug off tomorrow. I’ll take the new to me car for a run out to Megahell (US style mall WITH AIRCON) & have a peak & sniff at the Bridgerton smellies.
    In this UK weather I want all the citrus bath goos.
    Congrats on getting huge strides on the bathroom. You’ll have fun choosing the pretties very soon

  • Dina C. says:

    Yay! I’m delighted you’ve stepped aboard the Rose Jam train! It’s great stuff. So much bang for your buck. I’ll have to check out See & Be Seen. I’m excited for your new bathroom renovation to be completed. I wanna see pictures. If only it wasn’t so blasted hot while you were doing it though, right? I’m glad all the electric wiring will now safely be up to code. Sounds like it was very dicey. Wishing you lots of speedy progress!

    • Musette says:

      Honey. This house is older than all of us put together! And I suspect it was dicey even back then!!! It’s nice to feel safe(r) – we’re in a holding pattern now, until my Cranky Contractor gets on board for the framing. His work is perfection but right now his mood is…well…

      let’s hope it lifts and he’s inclined to do this soonest!

  • March says:

    Y’all are KILLING me with this Rose Jam nonsense, but I still haven’t driven to Albuquerque lol. I’d loooove to take the train to Naperville! I remember it being really nice. And I am so, SO happy about your bathroom progress, even if this isn’t the fun part!

    • Musette says:

      I’m eager to get your thoughts on RJ and its sister, C&bCn!

      ::lol! as if you’d drive to ABQ for anything other than a 911… that is mos’ def NOT your (Rose) jam!::

  • Kathleen says:

    Blessing to have the right friends to help you, dinner and train ride are a good trade. Best wishes for the renovation! I love how Rose Jam smells, rose and honey, warm and cozy scent.

  • Maggiecat says:

    I’m happy you have good friends and a soon to be remodeled (and safe) bathroom!
    I’m still not a Rose Jam fan though. More for all of you!

  • MMKinPA says:

    Good luck with the reno- so much work. My son buys me Rose Jam – the big bottle – every Christmas. Allows him to give me something he knows I will love and doesn’t have to spend too much $$ for it. It’s divine – and I don’t really like Rose perfume.

    • Musette says:

      I wish I had a son who would do that!!! The cubs would always give me the strangest gifts, though one year I did get a selection of OPI polishes in nudes, which was perfect!

  • Tom says:

    Well I’m glad to read about the LUSH saga, but even more to read about the bathroom! It has all the plot twists of “Knots Landing” but with a frame of “This Old House”.