He’s Just Not That Into You: 3 Replicas

Well, you can be forgiven for thinking that we have some sort of board meeting every Thursday where we discuss what we are going to write about, so often do we seem to choose the same house week after week, if not the same scents. Not that it would be a bad thing if we could teleport ourselves to the same location to have this putative meeting- especially if it were catered. But I have the sneaking suspicion that there would be precious little meeting and a lot more eating. And sniffing. And dishing, chatting, and laughing. Which while loads of fun, probably wouldn’t be productive in a corporate way.

But no, it’s somewhat by happenstance that I chose to do Maison Martin Margiela this week. Of course I read Musette’s musing on Lazy Sunday Morning, which got me on to Surrender to Chance to choose one of the 137 ones to try, and earlier in this week Cinnamon wrote of a few others.

I chose mine from the titles, which I found intriguing, if a bit misleading.

Sailing Day is supposed to be the smell of “a boat by the ocean” (don’t you mean “on”?) Now I have not been sailing since about the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria but I do make a point to cruise by the ocean as often as I can. I love that salty, fecund scent and the feeling of cool moist air. This is bright and fresh and slightly minty on me: Less boat by the ocean and more Scope by the pool.

Whispers in the Library kind of had a high bar to clear for me- I have several times smelled (but have not purchased) CB I Hate Perfume In The Library which is a photo-realistic recreation of leather bound tomes in a silent, cool library. This one might be a library, but it’s one of those new ones with play areas and interactive toys. There might be wood, but it’s newly-milled cedar, probably forming some furniture created by someone named Hans Børge Finn or Yul Uhlu or something. I don’t dislike it, I just don’t need it.

Lazy Sunday Morning is probably the one I liked best, with it’s soft white musks and LOTV heart. It’s described as “soft skin and bed linen” scent. Surely they mean more expensive linens and much more pampered pelts than mine. This is five-star resort bedding and skin that’s been buffed, puffed, and had the sealer applied. Do I like it? Yes, very much. Do I need it? Nope.

I don’t know why I am being so sniffy about these- they’re perfectly nice, reasonably priced and offer several different sizes. Perhaps I just need to look at a few of the other ones in the line.

Or wake up Sunday on better sheets.

Have you tried any of these? Any favorites? Let us know in the comments.

My samples of these were from Surrender to Chance. Photos are from my iPhone, Wikimedia Commons and Pexels.

  • Musette says:

    Y’know… I think that’s why I let MMM go past the nose on the first run – the name ‘Replica’ (and my not paying one bit of attention) and the fact that it was at Sephora (SNOB ALERT) – it’s possible that I thought they were high-end dupes…

  • Musette says:

    Yul Uhlu …. is that from Auntie Mame?

  • Mals86 says:

    I liked Autumn Vibes and bought a set of three sample spray thingies off teh Bay for quite cheap, but didn’t need a full bottle. Might want to try Flower Market, too.

    • Tom says:

      I do like that they have the small sizes. Didn’t know they were at Sephora. Might have to meander over..

  • March says:

    Hehe thanks for that reality check! I know I smelled at least some of these at Sephora in the past, but I can’t remember them!

  • Dina C. says:

    My favorite was what I believe was the first MMM: Maison Martin Margiela (untitled). It came out before the Replica line, in Saks. It’s a really green scent with boxwood, gaalbanum, bitter orange, and incense. I liked it when it first came out but didn’t buy a bottle. All the recent posts about MMM stirred me to go onto eBay and buy really overpriced carded samples of LSA and untitled. I liked LSA, too. But I don’t need it either. The drydown bugged me. Thanks for the reviews, Tom!

  • cinnamon says:

    Oh please on teleporting to ‘corporate’ meetings. Could the first one be at Chez Panisse in Cali? I’ve always wanted to go there. I do really like LSM and I too made my picks based on name.

  • Maya says:

    I have tried but I simply don’t have much interest in Maison Martin Margiela perfumes. I don’t know why so I let it go. That being said, I always enjoy your posts. They’re fun.

  • Marko says:

    Ha! Love Yul Uhlu.

  • Portia says:

    Heya Tom,
    Come On! You are definitely worth a set of beautiful sheets and I can imagine you lounging around in them reeking of LOTV and feeling inordinately smug with life.
    Portia xx

    • Tom says:

      I’m more the prosaic Kate Hepburn plain white cotton sheet kind of person (line-dried, natch). The LotV (and the smug) goes without saying.

      • Portia says:

        We do line dried bottom sheet and dryer the duvet covers.

        • Tom says:

          We don’t have a place to line dry here. Lord knows they’d dry fast. I’d imagine in Palm Springs or Phoenix you could line dry a soaked down duvet in about ten minutes flat..