
O, Posse!  My Posse!

It just ain’t happening today!

Try as I might, the Forces that Be keep coitusing with me, sucking all the lifeforce out of my soul.  Here’s a sample of What’s Happening Now (and it’s barely noon!)

  1. Renovation drama – nothing TOOOO dramatic but my nerves are already at Eleven and… well, one of the floor jacks came undone (I suspect they just kinda ‘put’ this one … somewhere… because it wasn’t deemed essential… and… oh, well.
  2. It hit my Master Electrician on the shoulder.  Luckily he is 6’4″ , a skoshe under 400 lbs and, when I asked him if he was all right he just looked at me as if he’d forgotten what he just said (he did.  Forget.).  I guess it was like getting hit with a stick – by a 2 yr old.  He’s fine.  But the floor jack has to be anchored in.  Not Today, Satan!  Contractor is jammed – they’ll be here tomorrow.
  3. (see?  No Biggie.  But I really don’t like that sort of construction drama since, where I do my rent career, that can be really catastrophic)
  4. Laptop, wherein lies my life, is WonkyAF today – it’s shut down 3 times.  So.  Not really in the mood to wrestle with it.
  5. Logistics.  Always a drama.  Always.  Logistics on a Monday?  My Worst Nightmare.  And yes.  It is.  I will prevail – but it’s The Labours of Musette right now.

There’s more… but it’s all in the same vein and I just Can’t.  It’s soaring up to 95F in a minute and …. ew

I was going to talk about Hinoki and its siblings – but if you don’t mind, I’ll do that on my next Tuesday when Life has, hopefully, settled down.

Please don’t hate me – I’m just in Can’tland right now.



  • Maggiecat says:

    Sending you wishes for easier days. We will happily wait for your next insights – they’re well worth waiting for!

  • March says:

    Oh, hon — you have a LOT going on right now! And Mercury retrograde is messing with everything. Fortunately you are YOU, and you have your “team” and you will be okay!

  • rosarita says:

    Oh honey, how frustrating!
    I woke up yesterday with covid, so there’s that. And Humana kicked my mom out of the rehab center where she’s been for (only) two weeks, so I need to be taking care of her at home right now and I…..can’t. No perfume since my nose is not having it. Hang in there Ms A!

    • March says:

      Oh noooooooo! Everyone is getting COVID right now, I hope you are doing okay, and things work out with your mom. <3

    • Musette says:

      Me? YOU! My darling girl – you take good care of you so you can then take care of your mom.

      and you hang in there, too!


  • cinnamon says:

    You need to look after you (and contractors) in all this. Reburb work is so stressful — you never know what you’ll find.

    • Musette says:

      Luckily I have these amazing people to help me through this. I trust my contractors implicity! I feel so very fortunate.

  • Dina C. says:

    Oh my dear perfume friend! So sorry to hear you are mired in the land of Can’t. What a bummer. Sending light and hugs and spritzes of Mitsouko and/or No 5 your way to clear the bad spirits and get things back to the land of HunkyDory.

  • Maya says:

    Hate you? Cannot happen.
    Lately our wonderful writers here have been coming up with some great lines that I am mentally saving. You did it today with the Forces that Be keep coitusing with me. Love it! And so true for all of us.

    • Musette says:

      Alas, yes. Luckily they don’t seem to coitus with all of us at the same time!!!

      Glad that line is worth saving for you (h/t to Sheldon Cooper for ‘coitus’ 😉

  • Tom says:

    Some days you just C A N ‘ T. You’re allowed.

    Give yourself a little treat. An ice cream. A cocktail. Imagine someone under indictment. Something soothing. You deserve it.

  • Portia says:

    Love you Musette.
    Portia xx

  • alityke says:

    Can’t land can be a shit show after a storm of shit shows, large or just nigglin’ poops.
    Ya just know them poops ain’t gonna clear themselves up. The “have to’s” always bear the want to’s into submission!