So. Many. Lemmings.

In no particular order, my recent scent adventures, prompted by reviews and comments on here:

MFK Baccarat Rouge – I went to the local Cos Bar and got two generous samples, one EDT and one EDP, after smelling it on that gal at the plant nursery, which I mentioned recently. So, hilariously: I can barely smell it on me, it exists as a fragrant cloud around me but I can’t perceive it, not correctly. Selective anosmia is weird. Also if you’ve ever smelled this thing you’re probably horrified that I can’t, so take all my opinions with a grain of salt, y’know?

Elie Saab Intense – After Portia’s post I got a batch of those small sample sprays on eBay and it is gorgeous, pretty sure I’ve never smelled it before? On me it’s a heavy hitter of a spicy floral, a come-hither Jayne Mansfield kind of scent, and/but I also get the occasional whiff of root beer? In a good way. Once I work through these samples I may have to buy a bottle.

Korres Greek Olive Shower Gel in Olive Flower – I was intrigued by this one, in comments on my shower gel post; online reviews mention how great it smells and how moisturizing it is. It’s an interesting scent, less floral and more musky/herbal than I expected, but it’s a lovely, creamy lather on my dry skin. Thumbs up.

Jason Apricot and White Tea body wash – these bottles are enormous and ridiculously cheap at Whole Foods — maybe $12 for 30oz.? I decanted some into a small bottle and gave the large bottle to my housemate. I think I’m going to buy Alba Botanica Midnight Tuberose body wash (also huge and cheap) next time I’m over there. Can you have too many shower scents?

Narciso Rodriguez Narciso EDP – can we talk about how annoying it is to search for specific NR fragrances since they’re mostly variations of the same name? Also, is there some Murphy’s Law that the flanker you like most is the one that’s discontinued? I waffled forever between the white cube and the pink one (Poudree) then forgot all about it, then a recent comment on here prompted a search, where I realized NRN (white cube) had been d/c’d and eBay sellers now wanted crazy money for a bottle. I did eventually find a used one to purchase but it hasn’t shown up yet. Gee, I hope I can smell it.

Tisserand Sleep Better pillow mist – this was awhile ago, from Cinnamon’s post, and I love it, it smells exactly how it sounds and is in fact very soothing on my pillow at bedtime — jasmine, sandalwood, lavender. I needed a new bottle (it’s UK based and a bit harder to get here) – and AMZ promptly lost the package, so annoying, I’ll pull myself together and order it again.

There’s an excellent chance I forgot something for this list, but that’s what happens when you purchase willy-nilly, chasing lemmings. But that’s also sort of the fun. Things show up and they’re like a surprise gift to myself.

Are you chasing any lemmings recently? Have you caught some of them?

Images from the cartoon Grizzy and the Lemmings, which looks deliriously stupid based on some YouTube clips I watched, and which (like the lemmings mentioned above) I must track down more of ASAP.

  • Maggiecat says:

    I adore Korres products, bath gels included – definitely something that not only smells good but is good for your skin! The White Tea is a current favorite, but I like the Olive Blossom too.

  • Jennifer S says:

    I’ve never really been a shower gel person but I did jump on the Korres bandwagon just to see…and I’ll tell you…that olive blossom gel not only smells nice but my skin feels so refreshed and clean and soft afterwards. I’m lovin it.
    And I did seek out some samples on eBay of the Narciso white cube scent, idk why cause I’d really hate to fall for something that’s been dc’d, hard to find and pricey.
    We’ll see!

    • March says:

      It is incredibly moisturizing, isn’t it? Certainly when compared to other things I’ve tried. I think I want to explore those further. Not sure whether to hope you love the NR or hate it!

  • VerbenaLuvvr says:

    Korres offered their Olive Blossom in a cologne, not sure if it is still available, but it has been on my want to buy list for a while

    • March says:

      I think I’m going to throw some more dollars at some different scents of their bath gel, now that I know how incredibly moisturizing it is!

  • Musette says:

    I am currently lemming coconut scents (go figure). And that AlbaBotanical body wash – #BlameMarch, though I think I can probably get it at the ‘crunchy’ store in Peoria (we’ll see…)

    • Musette says:

      and that Tisserand pillow mist sounds divine. I use Dr Teal’s Sleep mist – it’s pretty spa-y and works for me but the Tisserand sounds… prettier?

    • March says:

      Well you’re in luck, because Coconut seems like a popular body wash scent at Whole Foods and similar stores. I bet they have Alba Botanica!

  • alityke says:

    My current lemming is Papillon Epona. Hay meadow floral, saddle soap & the suede of a pony’s nose & breath.
    Anyone looking for a badly functioning kidney or fatty liver???

  • Dina C. says:

    What a bunch of lemmings! As for MFK BR, that, I’m afraid, was a no go for me. It has the dreaded saffron note that I can’t handle. But I know so many people love it.
    I haven’t tried the Intense flanker yet, but I’m actually wearing Elie Saab Le Parfum today. I need to get a sample of this myself!
    I love the Korres bath gels! So glad you are enjoying yours. I haven’t tried Jason or Alba Botanica, but I have a Whole Foods less than 2 miles from my house so… and yes. I’ve always got 4 different scented bath gels going at any given time!
    Had no idea NR white cube was discontinued and hard to find. looks at my bottle with more respect It’s a beauty. Hope yours gets to you safely.
    Haven’t heard of the Tisserand pillow Mist. That’s a lovely combo of notes. Very dreamy.

    • March says:

      I like the Intense so much I should try the regular — and yeah baby those Whole Foods body washes are cheap as chips, although not as moisturizing as the Korres (which I clearly need to try more of.) More “this smells good in the shower”. Yeah GOOD LUCK finding that white NR cube! I think the lemming might be your fault too. 😀

  • cinnamon says:

    After Tom’s musings on Lush Rose Jam I visited my local Lush last time I was in town to re-check it out, along with a couple of other things. It’s still lovely but what really caught my attention is a date molasses thing (Sticky Dates — I guess they are trying to be cutesy with the innuendo) which smells really really good. The other thing stuck in my head is that 30ml bottle of AE. It will happen.

  • Portia says:

    YAY for enabling you March! This makes me so happy.
    YOU sent me looking for Tisserand Sleep Better pillow mist. It’s hardly in Oz at all and everywhere in Sydney is out of stock. Next time I’m in Tasmania it seems to be there in a few stores. I’ll check it out.
    Yes, I’ve got a list of lemmings longer than my arms that are still awaiting time, funds and proximity.
    Portia xx

    • March says:

      LOL we’ll see who winds up with the Tisserand first — Amazon’s deliveries have been falling off the radar more frequently than I’d like, here in the middle of nowhere.

    • Musette says:

      I LOL’d at the ‘next time I’m in Tasmania’ line – for me, that sounds so… exotic. For you? Probably just Tuesday.

      • Portia says:

        HA! Well, it will probably be next year. I have a few friends who moved there in the last few years and they all need a visit.
        We used to be down a couple of times a year when we had properties there but haven’t been back since we sold up.
        Portia xx

  • Maya says:

    I am always chasing lemmings or being enabled. Thanks to Portia, I got Clinique AE and you March, Clarins Eau Dynamisante 🙂 . Shower gels because, well, everyone. Tom – SL Santal Majuscule. Nobody more shocked than me, but I threw it in a sample order I had ready before I heard the word Vlasic. It does have a hint of Vlasic but it disappears quickly and doesn’t come back. Yay! I am ordering a bottle this week and adding a Korres shower gel, jasmine or coconut water, or both.

    • March says:

      Oh, that’s fantastic! Or at least I hope it is, how is the AE and the Clarins? I hope you like them. I think I’ll pass on the Vlasic though … but I’d take some more Korres, they seem very moisturizing, not “just” a good smell.

      • Dina C. says:

        I went to the 3 department stores at Tysons looking for the Clarins Dynamisante after reading your blog post, March, and none of them had it. Also checked Sephora and Ulta: nope.

      • Maya says:

        It’s definitely fantastic and I’m very happy with both AE and Clarins. I’m getting the SL Santal Majuscule at FragNet and they have only a few Korres left at what appears to be clearance prices. Aaand I forgot Musette in my enabler list – Salux Bath Cloth. I love it too and now so do my daughter and her boyfriend. Hehe……seems you can “catch” being an enabler.

  • Tara C says:

    I can’t smell BR540 either and my nose works just fine. I’ve heard many comments about anosmia to that scent.

    • March says:

      Whoa, that makes me feel sooooo much better. It’s still the weirdest thing; how could I smell it so clearly on someone else?! Hey, saved me some $.

  • Tom says:

    I’m starting to get into shower gels. I’m going to have to look at some of these.

    I was just at Whole Foods the other day doing an Amazon return and was looking at those big bottles. I’ll have to go back..

    • March says:

      I almost wish they had a smaller size (for even less money) — I feel like it’d take me a lifetime to work through one of those big bottles on rotation.