56th Birthday Week was FUN!

Heya Posse! What a splendid week of fun and celebration. Even though most if it was pretty small scale it was super satisfying. Quite a few of the people I care about managed to make the Birthday Lunch at our local Chinese. I may have talked last week about Authentic 1970s Australian Chinese Cuisine. It’s only tangentially Chinese food and absolutely riddled with sugar but so bloody delicious, you have no idea. It is getting harder and harder to find in Sydney as the world gets more health conscious. Some of the crew at lunch are now calling it Country Town Chinese. It was the final event for 56th Birthday Week and 24 of us came together.

Poor Jin came down crook on Thursday night. As soon as we arrived at our city hotel, Sofitel Darling Harbour, he seemed to collapse into the most hideous cold. We seriously thought it might be C19 but tests showed it was not, thankfully. Poor bugger went from delightful to wretched before my eyes. So, as you can imagine, he was a joyful ball of love and light. NOT! One joy was that it was lightly raining and the view of Sydney CBD was so beautiful from our room on the 17th floor.

He has continued unwell all weekend and missed out on a few things. Our buddies were devo not to see him and I was a little at a loss.

56th Birthday Week was FUN!

The worst thing about having a sick husband at your 56th Birthday Week was there’s no one to wait with. We have a couple of friends who are compulsively early. So I dutifully wandered around the corner to our destination Canton House to be meet and greeter at 11.30am for a midday meet. HA! This one time no one showed till 11.57 and I was getting really anxious. So I called Jin and he was reassuring through his moldy old man coughing and nose blowing, poor guy. We even managed to have a laugh, which sent him off again.

56th Birthday

I’d booked for 24 but there were a few pullouts overnight for various reasons and we hadn’t heard from a couple so I pulled it back to 20. HA! Should have just bloody left it. So there was a last minute scurry to add an extra table. No real drama. All worked out fine and we spent nearly three hours eating, drinking and catching up. Some friends had not met yet so that meant a flurry of introductions and getting to know you conversations. Actually, it was very chatty on the two tables. We were loud but within reason and we had another really joyful table next to us as well. The place was jumping.

56th Birthday

Another thing I love about Canton house is how affordable it is. We were groaning from overeating, had enough left over to bring Jin a mixed take away container and it was all only AU$30/person. That included a tip! For those in the USA, not all Aussies tip because our waitstaff are on reasonable, live-able wages. As you can see below, no one will become a billionaire but just live-able. We still like to tip because every little bit helps and most of us remember the joy of leaving hops work with a few extra $.

Fragrantly, I wore Cedre Atlas by Atelier Cologne. There is an upcoming review. Also my mate Tim gave me a BNIC bottle of Comme des Garçons Daphne. A unicorn I’ve long anguished about not buying while its was available. Seriously cool gift.

56th Birthday Week Atlas Cedre, Daphne

There was a NO GIFT POLICY in place this year. I’m about to buy a serious sound system for MCing weddings and other events. It’s a big ticket item. The deal everyone was given this year was please write a card and hide $0-$50 in it. It’s not about the money, it’s about the sentiment. All funds to go towards the buying of the new system. Almost everyone complied and I’m super thrilled not to be taking a bunch of gorgeous but unwanted stuff down to the charity store this week.


56th Birthday Week Cards

Jin went for gold. A real, old fashioned metal twirling cages egg beater! Like we used to lick, yeah? They’ve basically stopped making them so he imported a set from South Korea! Hugely appreciated. Also, a doo-hicky that cleans the inside of the car windscreen without all the gymnastics and bloody knuckles. PLUS: he bought me the 3kg bag of South Korean mayonnaise. This man is a genius and these are the kinds of gifts that make me so happy. Lastly, Jin bought me a replacement Spode teabag mini plate after my Royal Albert Old Country Roses one smashed recently.

So another years birthday is over. I’m glad to have had so much fun with so many beloved people.

Jin is improved but still not fighting fit. He went back to work today, Thursday but should have left it another day. He’s going to work from home tomorrow. That’s always nice.

Thanks for reading this far about my 56th Birthday Week,
Did you ever try Atlas Cedre or Daphne? How did you find them?
Portia xx

  • cinnamon says:

    Sounds a great celebratory period. Not fair for Jin. Hope he’s now on the mend. Wow on Daphne. Tim went above and beyond.

    • Portia says:

      Yeah, poor old Jin BUT honestly his idea of hell is 24 assertive people speaking English at 700 m/h. He has much more enjoyed our quiet solo times around the events. Tonight he made Pad Thai for the first time and it was bloody delicious. We sat companionably eating, chattering away and half watching trash TV. That’s his happy place, and I really love it too.
      IKR! Daphne is a big ticket gift. Naughty but amazing.
      Portia xx

  • March says:

    Oh this is fantastic! (OK not the part about Jin being sick.) What an absolutely delightful birthday celebration. And I love that view from the hotel. And his thoughtful gifts! I love all of it.

  • Maggiecat says:

    We share a birthday week! Yours sounds delightful, and well-deserved. And I’m intrigued by the interior wind screen cleaner device – the last time I tried to clean the inside of the windscreen in my husband’s truck, I went into gyrations that may be illegal in some states ( in public anyway)!

  • Pam says:

    What a wonderful birthday week! Loved the view and all the other photos. Happy belated birthday from the US.

  • Musette says:

    I haven’t tried either – but I absolutely LOVED reading about your fabulous birthday week!!!

    Love to Jin – I’d give him a smooch but he sounds pretty grotty right now.


  • Tom says:

    Your birthday sounds lovely! I kind of miss those “chinese” places (we had them in the US as well- throw in some pea pods, water chestnuts, and some nuclear orange sauce with 8 pounds of sugar and it suddenly Chinese! And Lychee nuts for dessert- in sugar syrup, of course.

    And a real, honest egg beater? Did it have a side crank? Like this one? Love them..


    • Musette says:

      there are still a few of those places around – and I LOVE them!!!

    • Portia says:

      Thanks Tom, it was.
      HA! I think the USA had its own version of the idea. We didn’t get water chestnuts or lychees till the 1990s. The nuclear sauce though, yes.
      Yep, a real, honest egg beater with a side crank. The one I like has metal blades rather than rounded. Part of the reason I find the whisk unsatisfying is because the edges are round. So Jin found the one I dreamed of having again. It’s mundane but also very exciting.
      Love YOU.
      Portia xx

  • Jennifer S says:

    Happy Birthday Portia! What a wonderful gathering of friends/aquaintences. Hope Jin is feeling better soon!

  • Dina C. says:

    What a fabulous birthday dinner and gifts, Portia! I’d be hard pressed to dig up 24 friends who would show up for a dinner on my behalf — that says a lot about you!! I haven’t tried either of those scents so I look forward to reviews. So sorry Jin caught a cruddy cold. What a bummer. You are such a delight, I’m glad your bday was a fun one!

    • Portia says:

      It really was DinaC. I think you’d be surprised who would want to come celebrate you and catch up with the crew.
      Reviews coming.
      Thank you,
      Portia xx

  • Kathleen says:

    Happy birthday Portia! xoxo
    Your celebration sounds wonderful (except for Jin’s cold and missing out of course). You are blessed to have many loving friends!

  • Neva says:

    I like the idea of a celebration week, Portia. Sounds like a lot of fun. So sorry that Jin was not participating in all the activities but life often has other plans for us…
    I have never heard of Daphne but Cedre Atlas was the perfume that my daughter liked on me this year on the beach. I have a travel size and used it to spritz myself before going home from the beach. I bought her a small bottle for her birthday in September. It’s a beautiful fresh woody perfume.

    • Portia says:

      Hey Neva,
      Jin is such a lovely guy. On Monday night after the week of celebration, even though he still wasn’t 100% well, he cooked Roast Pork, extra crackling and veg. We feasted together. Heaven.
      Cedre Atlas gets a bad rap. I really like it. Fresh and woody done beautifully.
      Portia xx

  • alityke says:

    Belated Happy Burthday Portia!
    Is Daphne the huge tuberose from CDG? If so, yes I tried it early on in my online perfume journey. Scared me! Even more tuberose than Poison & Fracas. Now I have major envy! Enjoy in good health.
    Best wishes to Jin x

    • Portia says:

      Thanks Alityke,
      Yeah, it’s fairly monolithic in my memory. Currently it sits on my desk unopened and I’m just enjoying owning such a rarity. There will be an opening ceremony in the near future.
      He’s coming out of the woods, still a bit coughy.
      Portia xx