Spring has Sprung

Well, I hope everyone had a very pleasant Mother’s Day. I sent out greetings to my friends who are moms and enjoyed seeing pictures of the Northern Lights, which apparently could be seen as far south as southern California. Unfortunately… Continue Reading

Sample Haul Arrived

Sample Haul Arrived

Hi Posse! Late December I made a large order from Surrender To Chance. The other day my sample haul arrived. With all the restarting and reopening of life in Sydney I finally got to open the pack and have a… Continue Reading

Come Fly With Me: Freezing Holiday Frags + GIVEAWAY!

Hiya Perfume Posse, Portia from Australian Perfume Junkies and by now I’m in an A380 heading from mid summer Australia for Europe in winter. I was going to write this post for last week but life got firmly in the… Continue Reading

RAOK – tea style

  Okay.  This has nothing to do with the post but I have to share because we all need a giggle every now and then.  Probably everyone in the Western World has heard Carl Orff’s ‘O Fortuna’ from Carmina Burana. … Continue Reading


This is a post within a post so hang in there, okay?  It’s going to look a bit like Shameless Self-Promotion but actually it’s not – not really.  It’s more about ‘edutainment’.  Awhile back Patty and I were discussing how… Continue Reading