Posse! I’m writing this on the eve of my birthday (I’m a month older than Jesus), which is the last one of this decade and… OMG! I’m OLD!
Welp – as my papi used to say ‘you get old… or you get dead’ – so I’ll take it! It is weird, though, thinking about how things change as we age into A Certain Age – things I used to value now have little or no value to me, save their ability to ease whatever financial drama I might have (remember my 11cwt emerald-cut D internally flawless diamond lust? Sure would love that now, so I could pay my tax bill! LOL! I mean, really – at this point I would love to spend a bit of time delighting in its shiny perfection because Musette (and mama sure loves her shiny stuff) but … I dunno. They don’t quite hold the allure they used to. And… oh, yeah.
You know what does hold allure? My good friends (people who think of me and send me a postcard from halfway around the world Just Because) . You Posse, who help make this such a safe and fun place. People who care enough about me to do things to help keep me safe (who knew that I had several live wires just hanging about in my garage! Yikes!!!) Family (the ones who don’t work my very last nerve). Health. Oh, yes – that one, fo’ SHO’. All those hours on the elliptical and on the mat (thanks Nina) Im now able to walk again without dragging my foot! ::take THAT! chiro who said ‘this is the best it’s going to get’ HA! Challenge Accepted! Dropping the 2 dress sizes I gained during the El O years is a bonus! Floyd willin’ I will be on the elliptical and the mat for the rest of my life, in health and happiness!
Nature holds the living daylights out of allure! Crickets! Jiminy (what a liar!) has a lot to answer for. Like everyone else around here it’s Crickets in Your House season and I can’t be bothered to gas myself and all my belongings so I’ve just let them be – and in doing so, have learned a lot about them. Unlike Jiminy, with his top hat and spats, real crickets are omnivores – and they are rather terrifying to behold. There was a dead cricket on my office floor – I reached down with a paper towel to pick it up and was stunned to find not one but two !! crickets (the other very much alive) – the live one just… stepped back. and waited.. and I got curious about what it had been doing (I still had Jiminy in my head so I thought it might be mourning its mate?? (okay… maybe I’d had a martini or two) , so I just left it. Came back the next morning to… nothing. That entire, rather large, dead cricket was GAWN! So I did the Ggle and learned they eat pretty much anything (as do most insects ) and I’ll betcha Jiminy never let on about that one… and… why are people so delighted by crickets yet so afraid of spiders? At least around here, there are no spiders that can move or jump like a cricket can!
Crickets kinda creep me out. And fwiw, Jiminy looks more like a Jerusalem cricket.. and imo that’s not a good thing, either. YOU look it up – I’m not going to be responsible for anybody losing their guts over that … item.
Here’s a Retail Musing: Black Friday. Since when did it move a week (or more) BEFORE Thanksgiving? At this rate it’ll start the day after Labor Day (if it hasn’t already).
Oh! The little things! My birthday gift was STILL NOT an 11cwt emerald-cut ‘D’ flawless diamond – but I’ll take it. I’ve been tiling the side walls and was in despair because the walls won’t allow for 3 intact sheets of the mosaic and measuring it … well, it looked as if I was in for either a large corner gap or days and days of tile cutting and lots waste. I really was in despair…
…until I took a breath.. and realized that … if I measured from the other end of the tile the cut (right at the mesh) would allow it to fit persackly! and I can use the drop offs to fill in blahblahblah but you get the drift: Happy Birthday to ME! Whodathunkit?

can’t WAIT to finish this damb wall!
Okay – I’ll take the diamond, too. Or a professional tiler. Whichever comes first. or … both?
Last thing: The photo above is my new journal (isn’t it fabulous? And so ME!) – and stuck in the pages are several scent strips. It’s my birthday gift to YOU – but you’ll have to come back week after next to learn about it. Hint: I did it – so you don’t have to. Other Hint: #BlameTom (snerk!)
Okay: REALLY LAST THING! After much consideration I have decided to wear No5 for my birthday scent. Bath goo, Body Oil, Fragments (the gold gel stuff), vintage perfume – I’mo stank the joint up something FABULOUS! After all, what’s the point of being of A CertainAge if you can’t live a little!
Hope you had a great day!
Happy Birthday, Musette! Have a glorious day!
Happy birthday to the wild woman who brightens my life regularly 😀 that journal really is “you.” I’d rather lose a toenail than do tile work so I am veeeeeeery impressed. I think it’s going to look fantastic when it’s done!
well – thank you! and speaking of toenails, I’ve got fingers and toes (and their respective nails) crossed that this thing gets done – and done right.
Or close as dammit, dammit!
Happy Birthday! I am similarly creeped out by crickets (inside…fine with them outside), but LOVE spiders, even after a run-in with a black widow. No 5 is a GREAT birthday choice, and that tiling job is gorgeous! I can’t wait to hear about this scent strips…
Yet another hint: I did it. So you don’t have to 😉
Happy Birthday!! Smelling fabulous and doing lots of your own reno’s. You.Are.Awesome.
I. Am. BROKE! which is why I’m doing my own stuff. (but thanks!). If I were in funds I would simply hand my checkbook to my Cranky Contractor, go to Taran Tactical in San Diego (and eat mountains of tacos) and come back when it’s done!
Happy Birthday! Thank you for another year of entertaining and enlightening stories, and congratulations on your accomplishment! I’ve been on a similar road, just taking a long time moving toward the goal. As per any sort of bug, pest control is on speed dial at my house. I do not agree to share my space with other than humans, pets, and a few lucky plants. Best Wishes and I hope you have a lovely day!
It was a very nice day, culminating in my finishing that one side wall!
it’s the little things.
I like (nonvenomous) spiders in the house -not in the bed nor in the shower – but everywhere else they are welcome to share my space because they eat the Dreaded Silverfish. Who devour books.
Happy birthday! Both an amusing and thoughtful post. About 10 years ago money was very tight and I sold a load of jewellery my by then ex husband had given me. We had decent groceries for months. I love your diary 🙂
That was a definite WIN! imo. I had a bunch of my mother’s/grandmother’s rings redone – they were nonessential little stones that I had made into more interesting bands… y’know… I should wear those more often!
Happy Birthday Anita! I enjoyed your bday reflections and admire your dedication to your health and mobility. I’ve been on a similar journey, but alas no smaller dress sizes…yet! You smell great in your layers of No 5. Loved the sassy journal. The tile job is coming along really nicely. As for crickets: annoying. I don’t like any creepy crawlies. My bday was also this month. I celebrated in Paris, Germany, and Switzerland. Today I’m taking a boat ride across Lake Zurich. I’ve stopped into some perfume shops, but no scented purchases. No big discoveries of discontinued treasures. That’s okay. I hope your emerald cut diamond becomes reality. Keep manifesting! Hugs and best wishes for another great year ahead!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! and what a lovely way to celebrate! I celebrated by going to the Kroger in Peoria for Hatch chiles. Not quiiiiite in your league!
If I’m going to manifest anything it’ll be the money to pay that tax bill!
Happy birthday!!! You are fabulous, and you smell fabulous in all the No 5!
Your tile is so pretty, and I’m impressed you are tiling yourself. Superstar!
I’m fine with spiders, crickets are kinda creepy.
Thank you, darling!! Crickets ARE kinda creepy, aren’t they?
I was smart – and chose EASY tile. These are basic intelocking sheets so if you get the first column level and you aren’t sloppy, it mostly does the work for you! I don’t have the skill for those giant solid tiles that require spacers and nerves of steel. Nope!
Your new journal IS fabulous and so you – and a bit of me too, according to a few people but what do they know. And don’t pick on Jiminy Cricket even if you are the birthday girl. He taught me how to spell encyclopedia and I still sing-song spell it to this day.
Happy happy happy Birthday!!! I wish you a sparkling day!
He did? Well, then! He’s back in my good graces!!!
Thank you! It was a fabulous day!
YAY for a CHANEL No 5 birthday Musette.
Hope it’s a fabulous one.
Portia x
It has been a lovely day, culminating in me getting one of the short walls tiled. WOOOT!
(it’s the little things)
I got a wonderful postcard from a lovely Diva Queen on the Saturday before – it really kickstarted my celebration! 😉
Happy Birthday, Musette! Enjoy the heck out of it!
I did! Thanks!
Happy Birthday!!! You deserve diamonds, and emeralds, and, rubies, and cake.
Crickets I’ve only gotten in the office, and I’ve only felt a bit bad for them. Is t the chirping thing about signaling availability? Well, chirp away, kid. It’ll do you about as much good as it would do me..
I’ve been getting “Black Friday” emails for weeks now and I’m not biting. And there isn’t a chance in hell that I’m going to be near a mall.
Thank you!
And they are LOUD! but once I assign it to ‘that’ part of my brain that registers ‘not a threat and ain’t nobody dyin’ I can just go on with my night.
How long do you think it will take before we’re getting BF emails/texts in…July?