Green Beans
Caution: Green. Jurassic Green. And A lot of cussin’ in this post. A lot. Autumn. You guys. Autumn. Such a pain in the ass. I mean, let’s take the humble green bean, shall we? I grow pole beans because… Continue Reading
Caution: Green. Jurassic Green. And A lot of cussin’ in this post. A lot. Autumn. You guys. Autumn. Such a pain in the ass. I mean, let’s take the humble green bean, shall we? I grow pole beans because… Continue Reading
I am SUCH a liar. I told you we were going to discuss ‘lagenlook’ today – and I. Wuz. WRONG! Because This Stuff: Construction (as in Home stuff, not my job). In the weird way that construction/reno is, it has… Continue Reading
omg, you darlings! You haz NO idea. I am SO beat. Lemmetellya what’s up. My garden. Is. A. Wreck! But! it’s a wreck in a good way, if I choose to pull those lemons off the Meyer tree and make… Continue Reading
Okay – I’m just going to say it! FOOD. I. Ate. Too. Much! A friend asked me to be her VIP guest at the Fulton Market Harvest Festival this weekend. And, not being a lunatic, I said OKAY! It’s the… Continue Reading
it’s been stinkin’ hot these past few weeks and it’s been great because I have been able to fool myself into thinking we’re still in Midsummer, even though the dahlias, those regal harbingers of Autumn, are beginning to bloom and… Continue Reading
March is out for this week so I’m sneaking in to post some winners! I did NOT forget, I promise! I got all caught up in the Love Tuberose review and didn’t want the Rants winners to get lost therein.… Continue Reading
Tuberose. Love it or hate it, it cannot be denied its place in the Pantheon of Flowers. Tuberose is a Beautiful Beast. Consider Colette’s sublime essay (from Flowers & Fruit, one of my favorite Winter bed-books), titled The Gardenia’s… Continue Reading