Lemony Favourites (by Nava)

Thanks for all the input last week on my decision to try and come up with a “signature” scent. I know going “cold turkey” is not the way to do it, and I’m starting to think that a small grouping… Continue Reading

I Smell…Nothing. (by Nava)

I had a really interesting Thursday. I went on a sniffing expedition and was, how shall I say this: disappointed. I’ve tried to keep an open mind over the years and do my best to be an equal opportunity sniffer.… Continue Reading

Wanna Be My “Boyfriend”? (by Nava)

I’m not really in the market for a boyfriend. I’ve got my hands full thank-you-very-much. This is about “Boyfriend”, another in the sea of celebu-scents. This one is by Kate Walsh, the actress from “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Private Practice”. I… Continue Reading

The 7 Virtues (by Nava)

Don’t worry; this isn’t going to be a lecture about how you should love your neighbours, be kind to animals, or stuff like that. This is actually a pretty inspiring story, and it involves perfume. What’s better than that? Wednesday… Continue Reading