Roxana Illuminated Perfume Impromptu

GriffinIf you have been reading my random natterings for a while you know that I think that Roxana of Roxana Illuminated perfumes is a true artist. She’s resurrected one of her older perfumes, Impromptu. When I reviewed it on PST I wrote “Without being consciously retro, it makes me think of a scent from the 40’s. Mainly because it’s such a rich scent, taking the smoky-sweet aspects of Chaparall with additions of of butter-soft carnation and her botanical version of leather. For me the opening is all about the carnation, which is almost soapy but then quickly warms with the spices. As it progresses you get into the parts of Chaparall that I love- which I wrote of as the ‘distillation of California with it’s herbal woodiness and hint of wildfires.’ While the scent itself is delightfully smoky, as Donna noted the leather shows none of the birch-tar aspects of other scents. Nor is it of a new car; it’s more Hermes than Honda.”

Now this is a re-imagining or recreation of that version. I think it’s perfection- I love how it goes from slightly chilly and sweet on my skin to darker and richer. When worn with the solid, it’s adds a sort of buttery richness to the scent (and also makes it last much longer.) I love the fact that we have these people out there making these scents, basically in their homes, and they are so talented and committed to bring beauty into the world rather than just generate some forgettable flanker that will be at the discounters by the time you get home from Macy’s.

Impromptu is truly beautiful.

Impromptu is available on her site in several sizes. May samples were provided by the perfumer.

Image: Her Blog

  • einsof says:

    Aurora and i had a torrid love affair one spring a bit back. Roxana is a true talent and with her husband manning the graphics, it’s an experience from sight to dry down!

    thanks for letting us know of this risen again gem! (How Easter appropriate 🙂

    • Tom says:

      They are both really lovely people. As a matter of fact, all of the local artists I have met are really lovely people and putting out some great stuff, all in different styles.

  • Maya says:

    I have been thinking about trying Roxanna. I was especially interested in Greenwitch and Gracing the Dawn. Thanks for giving me a “yes” answer without even knowing I was asking the question. 😉

  • Jan Last says:

    Thank you for the article. It reminded me to revisit GreenWitch, and I did. Then I took a very deep breath and ordered a bottle. It is art I can smell all day.

    • Tom says:

      That’s a good one too! I really love that she has the solids as well. They seem to make the perfumes last that much longer and they’re wonderfully moisturizing.

  • JillM says:

    Couldn’t agree with you more! Roxana truly is an artist, her fragrant creations reflect her love of nature, art and fragrance. Trying her perfumes really elevated my opinion on all natural perfumes, real masterpieces. Thanks for the great article!

  • Katherine says:

    Thank you for the review. I will seek it out.

  • Ann says:

    Tom, this sounds just wonderful. Thanks for giving this talented perfumer some love — she sounds like an awesome lady!

  • Portia says:

    Hey there Tom,
    Roxana is a star. Can’t wait to test drive this one now it’s back in the range.
    It’s nice to be in world where there is a space for Illuminated Perfumes.
    Portia xx