Posse! Whew! Christmas is.. OVER! Thank Floyd. I get it. It can be a magical time. But it can also be a slog. Or an unmitigated disaster (like the time I turned the Christmas dinner table over, right into the cubs’ laps. 15yr old boys, each weighing in at 250+, starting a fistfight at the table… and throwing food. FOOD I MADE. Uh, no. so I dumped dinner in their laps and made them clean the entire kitchen. Stepmom from HELL! But they made it out alive, so there’s that, right? And that unacceptable behavior was nipped right the hell in the bud, so …. Good times.

Bah, humbug (not really) xoxo
So now I get to enjoy Christmas by my damme. And it is a glorious thing.
You wanna know what I did for Christmas celebration? I made Thai curry, cleaned off my Boo-ish front porch and hauled trash wood out to the burn pile (and BURNED it – because I’m a savage). Read. Binged the Guilty Glory that is ‘Forged in Fire’. Shopped for mini karambit knives. Toying with the idea of a Kali class. Mani/pedi. Shirley Horn on a solid repeat. And I enjoyed the living snot out of the great lashings of Chanel No 5 – ALL THE No 5 (a vinty soap, body oil, body lotion, vinty perfume…. oooooh-rah! Such sillage!) Today, I finished up some tidying, awash in enough vintage Arpege (powder and perfume) to stun a rhino. Beautiful! I’ve got on so much perfume that you can smell me on the moon! Imo, that’s a solo adventure (if your mileage varies PLEASE tell me about it – I wanna know about the unicorn who can take that much No5)
Not dissing those who crave and love spending this holiday time with friends and family – I’ve had some nice times thusly. Just not on the regular. And I’m too old for prison. So a quiet day or two indulging no one’s expectations other than my own is a beautiful thing! And indulging in great lashings of intense fragrance is a thing best left to solitude! Seriously – the sheer tonnage of No5 would’ve turned that Christmas table over all on its own!
and OMG! I forgot to have Rudy throw some ballistics – here are the winners from my last Musing’s post!
y’all know the drill! Gmail your evilauntieanita and give me the deetydeets! I’ll get some fun out to you pdq.
What did you do for Christmas (and if you don’t celebrate, what did you do anyway. If you tell me movie and Chinese food I’mo burst into tears. I am 100 miles from my favorite Chinese. Whiiiine. One time Patty, March and I went to NY and all we did was order in cheap & cheerful Chinese – for the entirety of the trip! LOL! It was sublime! All the Moo Shu. Fried Rice! Eggrolls. Lemon Chicken. Shrimp in Lobster Sauce. Droooool.
My Thanksgiving Day was similar to your Christmas Day and it was bliss. We are in Arizona visiting for my sister and her husband. Roasted a turkey for Christmas Day and otherwise having appetizers and leftovers, and walking with the dogs.
I am the unicorn that can take That Much No 5! Love it, as well as the cloud of Arpege. You smell fabulous! xoxo
that sounds like a blissful holiday, indeed!
And come sit by me anytime, sweetie!!! xoxox
Our family tradition is going out to eat at our favorite Chinese restaurant after Christmas Eve service which is at 5 pm. We had a great time. Then Xmas morning we opened all the gifts and had pancakes super early. You certainly smelled glorious for the holidays. I love No 5 AND Arpege!
and I LOVE your tradition!!! That sounds sublime!
YAY, thank you!! 🙂 We stayed home. I went all out this year and made the entire meal (ham, sweet potatoes, green beans) in the microwave and the four of us we ate on paper plates. Served with a warmed up pre-made pumpkin pie, jellied cranberried sauce straight out of the can, and cold 7-Up. My kids told me that it was a lame holiday, I thought it was relaxing.
if it was so lame for them … perhaps next year THEY can make (and clean up after) the meal…
… just a thought! xoxoxo
Went to my aunt and uncle’s house Christmas Day wearing Theorema and Sunday was spent celebrating with other family members. Wore no 5 bath stuff and the sensual elixir. I am thinking Lyric for the new year though.
Jeebus! You smelled divine. And come New Year, you’ll smell even more divine!!
Your Christmas sounds LOVELY. And judging from comments below, this year has been a … mixed bag, huh. I traveled and now I am ready to go home before Omicron gets me. Xo
You’ll be FOINE! Just make it back home safely!
I’d happily do Indian food (better here than Chinese). And walking. I’ve mentioned several times I would like Paris and a restaurant or even takeaway eaten in a 5-star room for Xmas. Just being in a city — just getting lost and then found again. Riding a quiet metro. Window shopping. Just sounds sublime.
It absolutely does. One of my favorite weekends was in NYC, at the Ritz, on a ridiculously rainy Saturday – ordered cheap & cheerful Chinese and watched a Nelso Eddy/Jeanette McD marathon. One of the most relaxing times ever!
Got to see my grown up children! The eldest just visited with his lovely gf for a couple of hours. The younger stayed 2 whole nights & shared a love of Snowball cocktails with me on Christmas Eve. Bless him he’s even more introverted than I am!
The day itself, bloody good job I had prepped for days cos Mr Jarvis Cockapoo got conjunctivitis from the big hairy sleigh driver & the upstairs loo died & the cistern overflowed through the kitchen ceiling!
Hey! I’d veg prepped & just put the bird in the oven & gammon in the instant pot. DH temp fixed the leak & clean up the kitchen, he’s the gift that keeps on giving, visit to mum had to be cut short but we all survived & dinner was late but delicious.
Vet visit made on 26th & he’s now got drops & appears to be improving.
I’ve been unscented so as not to exacerbate the doggy eyes.
Wishing everyone a happy & healthy 2022
Holy cats & crackers! That was some hollerday! Glad you got through it okay.
I went to my middle son’s house (the only one of my three sons who lives not too far from me). I got to watch my grandkids open up myriads of presents and had a nice brunch. But the days nearing Christmas were stressful at work and on a personal level. I am also glad it’s over.
I’m glad you got through it – and that you were able to find some enjoyable times within the stressful ones!
Quiet BFFs family for us, till I made a softly snide text remark. Boxing day was frosty.
We hope next year to travel.
Portia xx
(snerk! I can just imagine that text! LOL!)
Still recovering from massive back surgery, so we took a quick trip to a scenic town about 5 hours south of us in the RV the week before, and settled in for a quiet holiday. Too much food (also, too much cooking and cleaning – Chinese sounds good for next year). Resuming physical therapy this week…hmmm, wonder what my therapist would think if I wore No. 5 to the clinic (insert evil chuckle).
And I won! Yay! Thanks! Happy New Year!
omg. OMG! Back surgery!
Be careful!
Your PT would LOVE No5… right? Errrybody loves No5. Right?
(yipes! mebbe not)
Sounds like you had a great holiday. Seriously! We had fantastic food at my daughter’s house. And today—Indian food. Love it! Haven’t found good Chinese nearby, but maybe 2022. Christmas was exhausting. Now I need a rest.
I’m glad you had a good, if exhausting, time. I’m over the whole ‘exhaustion’ thing – luckily I don’t have to deal with that any longer. Y’all want to fight? Go do it at your dad’s!
No Chinese and I wasn’t gonna cook so it was lasagna from Costco which was actually quite good. Went to see the new Spider-Man movie which was good as well. So yah….relaxing day….which is what I wanted!
Oh that food fight though…..
Those cubs! They never did it again. I taught them, as I taught their boar (as well as my predator dogs) that the only thing more dangerous than me is me in a rage.
Luckily they learned that lesson early.