In the shower, and in the garden

Love this apricot-pink-bronze combo.

I’ve enjoyed the recent posts about “smell-good” scents, including all your comments. Here’s some more meandering on the topic – next time will be reporting back on recent lemmings.

Here’s one lemming caught and released — I got ahold of LUSH Rose Jam. Thanks to you all, I was thisclose to buying it unsniffed because of the recent commentary on here, except: in general, I’m not a fan of rose fragrances, much preferring the actual roses I have in my garden. Anyway, Musette graciously sent me some and I figured I’d love it or hate it, and instead it was … fine? It was fine. I used up my sample and have no need for more.

However, it did clarify what I’ve really been wanting, which is a body wash that doesn’t smell like either the citrus or “spa” types I’ve used for years. I want something … floral? Tropical floral? Ylang, tuberose, gardenia? I did get some of the TJ Brazil Nut body wash which is apparently a dupe for one of those Sol de Janeiro things at 1/10th the price and I really like it, and yet – well, this is where you come in. Is there a body wash you like that smells like white florals, or fruit cocktail, or … an alternative I haven’t thought of? (Again, something other than citrus, or “spa” scents with lavender, pine/woods, eucalyptus, etc., which I’m kind of bored with at this point.) Any recommendations? Cheap and cheerful is fine, in fact I’d prefer that to a “fancy” body product from a legit perfume house, I don’t want to smell like Chanel or Amouage in the shower, fabulous as they may be.

ornamental oregano

I’ve been working like mad on the new-to-me walled garden, which already had foundation plantings and spring bulbs and some groundcover, and which I would describe as “restrained.” I fixed up the out-of-repair drip irrigation and am now transforming this space (with the landlord’s blessing) into something more my style, which is messy New England cottage/wildflower garden. I didn’t realize how much I missed gardening after my move out here until I dove back in … it’s a combination of fussing over things (which I’m good at) and having patience (which I’m not good at, but it’s a good practice for me). A lot of the plants are still on the small side, but by next summer it should be a sight to behold. I hope the old owner doesn’t stop by; he would absolutely loathe what I’ve done with the place.

In the midst of this, I’m realizing how much of what I’ve chosen (and what works in this arid, sun-blasted, high-elevation climate) is a lot of plants with fragrant foliage in addition to their blooms. As I work in the morning shade I smell the herbaceous sweetness of nepeta (catmint) and artemisia, a scent I adore, especially after a rain (ah, petrichor!); tomato vines; dianthus; my roses, which are going gangbusters after some tending from me; the sharpness of ornamental oregano, as well as regular oregano in my herb garden. Ornamental and culinary sage. Scented geranium, chives, thyme between the flagstones … the list goes on and on. My own tomatoes aren’t quite ripe yet, but my hands still smell of the fresh basil I chopped earlier for the tomatoes from the farmer’s market.

So, any shower gel recommendations? And are you enjoying outdoor / gardening smells right now?

(images of roses, oregano, and artemisia: mine)



  • ElizaC says:

    I had great fun with the Molten Brown sampler. I don’t usually use shower gels but I got these as a gift and really enjoyed them. Quite a variety. I just planted immortelle and am hoping that they stay happy in our Pacific Northwest environment. A neighbor has the most impressive, large and beautiful grouping of lilies – a true joy to smell!

    • March says:

      Oh I’d love to be able to grow immortelle — I should google its requirements! Musette is the lily queen, I’m envious of her garden. I should look for the MB sampler set, there are so many of them!

      • ElizaC says:

        Nothing better than the smell from running your hands through an immortelle plant!

  • Pam says:


  • monkeytoe says:

    I haven’t used it in years, but I used to like Alba Botanica Midnight Tuberose (and their coconut and mango scents) shower gels. You should be able to give them a sniff at Whole foods or the local equivalent. They come in stonking big 32 oz pump containers for less than 15 dollars. The roger et Gallet Osmanthus Flower is pretty nice, too.

    • March says:

      Oooh, you’re right, I bet they have them at Whole Foods, thank you! Osmanthus sounds delightful … I have some online research to do.

  • Dina C. says:

    Korres shower gels are great in my experience. It looks like they have one called Grecian Gardenia, and another called White Blossom. (Saw those on Amazon). Your garden looks like it’s thriving, and it sounds like it smells amazing. We’re having a drought, so everything is dried up and limp. Wah-wah.

    • March says:

      Another vote for Korres … how have I not tried any of these? I’m sorry about your drought, I know it was hotter than hell there.

  • Portia says:

    Heya March,
    Do you have Yves Rocher in the USA? They do some excellent, fairly cheap shower gels. Korres and Nesti Dante do too and you can find them dirt cheap on discounters.
    Portia xx

    • March says:

      Thank you! I’d totally forgotten about Yves Rocher, and somebody below mentioned a Korres I really want to try…

  • Sherri says:

    Try Ouai St. Barts. It’s a very light tropical fruit salad. My favorite Ouai body wash is actually Melrose Place, (citrus and rose) but I’ve found all their body washes to be pleasant, light, and most importantly not they do not irritate or dry out sensitive skin.

  • alityke says:

    Another suggestion for Molten Brown here. I love Rose & Rhubarb as well as Fiery Pink Pepper. Your white flower lemming might be met by Flora Luminaire. Not cheap though.
    Don’t forget good old Radox. It now comes in lots of different scents, rather that the regular spa herbals

    • March says:

      See, you’ve mentioned good ol’ Radox before, and I’ve never heard of it? But hey I can probably get it on AMZ, must investigate.

      • alityke says:

        Maybe it’s a UK-centric brand. It was always flogged as relaxing & was a herbal “spa” smell. Now they do loads of scents.
        Have you tried SBC? Only available on QVC over here & another range that was spa-ish but now has loads of smells

  • cinnamon says:

    Love your garden pics. Your weather is the opposite of ours: mild, humid, incredibly wet at times (we’re looking at flash floods again on Thursday), clay soil that kills many things even if you add other matter to it. My roses are not happy this year. But, jasmine has always loved my garden and is rampant and my fig and apple trees are doing quite well. Cheap and cheerful shower gels: Faith in Nature. I looked and they are available on Amazon US. I’ve currently got rose and coconut in rotation, and there’s a really nice seaweed one.

    • March says:

      So jealous about your jasmine! It’s not a thing here, I love that smell. Oooh, Faith in Nature, another brand I’ve never heard of, thanks!

  • Maya says:

    That ornamental oregano is beautiful.
    I regularly order my supplements from iHerb and usually throw in some fun stuff too. Deep Steep Body Wash Lilac Blossom was one of them this last time. I don’t think it counts as white flowers unless you’re thinking white lilac, but the scent is pretty…and floral.
    PS Not affiliated – just have been shopping there half of forever.

    • March says:

      How had I completely forgotten about iHerb?!? They’re great and a few years ago I was ordering regularly from them … I bet they have some great stuff. And yes, that ornamental oregano IS gorgeous — it was all in one overgrown patch and I spread it out along a low wall that it now spills over very charmingly.

  • Maggiecat says:

    I wonder if you’d enjoy a Molten Brown sampler? And I just tried Korres Olive Blossom tonight (shower gel and lotion) and it’s very nice – sort if a cross between floral and fresh and a very little herbal.

    • March says:

      I am absolutely going to try that olive blossom — we have flowering olive trees here (very briefly) and they smell terrific. Thank you. I really need to explore some Molton Brown as well, I know it gets raves.

  • Kathleen says:

    I am learning to grow things, and have very pretty pollinator wild flowers from seed that are doing well. My tomato and pepper plants are producing, nothing ready to eat yet. I hear mention of the love of tomato plants/leaves, I don’t quite get the enjoyment though. For cheap and cheerful floral or fruity shower gels, Bath and Body Works has a variety and they smell very fragrant in the bath or shower. Also Caress body washes smell great, inexpensive on Amazon.

    • March says:

      BBW! I feel like I spent years in there with the girls when they were teenagers… wonder if there’s one close by, hmmm. I don’t think I’ve ever tried Caress, believe it or not!

  • Jennifer S says:

    I am soooo not good at growing anything outdoors. Or indoors for that matter. I so admire all the yards I pass with their healthy pretty flowers!
    I don’t have recommendations on the shower gels but I’m listening!

    • March says:

      We have soooo many plants — every window sill in here is now taken (mostly succulents). I love looking at people’s yards and seeing what they’re up to, getting ideas. Lots of good suggestions on here today for body wash.

  • Musette says:

    Oh!!! Ornamental oregano – soooo pretty! I grew it for a few years, then never saw any more plants – dangit! They make a stunning display in a hanging pot (or 12)

    Alas, no recs on shower gels – I love spa, love citrus… love Amouage… love Chanel.

    I’m glad you enjoyed the experience of trying Rose Jam but tbh, I would’ve been STUNNED had you fallen for it – it is so… Not You.


    • March says:

      Well thank YOU for saving me from myself lol. If you were closer I’d drive some ornamental oregano to you, it’s so darn pretty! It’s a perennial here? Or a re-seeding annual, not sure which. I did spread it out and re-plant it, it’s very pretty spilling over the low wall to the raised bed.

  • Tom says:

    Actually I kind of went on a bit of a shower gel spree recently. I found one on iHerb called Eco Love tomato beetroot and red pepper that doesn’t smell like that at all. It’s quite perfumey (in a good way) and I’m looking forward to trying some of the others. Cucumber parsley and spinach sound interesting.

    Also Mrs Meyers has a tomato leaf limited that’s wonderful.

    • March says:

      Another vote for iHerb, I don’t understand how I’d forgotten all about them, I used to order various things from them regularly … maybe it’s because I live in such a hippy-dippy place now. Gonna have to investigate that Eco Love.