On the Road Again
Last Friday’s (hilarious) post about road trips reminded me of some of the ones I have taken in the past. So it’s Off-Topic Friday here at the Posse. My first road trip was back in 1984 when a friend of… Continue Reading
Last Friday’s (hilarious) post about road trips reminded me of some of the ones I have taken in the past. So it’s Off-Topic Friday here at the Posse. My first road trip was back in 1984 when a friend of… Continue Reading
For yeas I used the same line of skin care on my face and it worked extremely well for a long time, then I noticed that as I aged it wasn’t working as well, so I moved onto the mens… Continue Reading
I think we all probably do it from time to time. We see a great buy online on something, or decide to splurge on a favorite scent or product, and we put it in our shopping cart. Now whether we… Continue Reading
First off, the winner of the PureDistance White sample is MaggieCat. Please hit the contact us radio button and give us your shipping info and I’ll get it out to you. Now here’s where I need some suggestions. I used… Continue Reading
I was reading Musette’s post of a couple days ago and started to comment, then the comment became so Proustian in length I decided just to make it a post in itself. I hate winter. I grew up in New… Continue Reading
Okay, so I’m being lazy. I was going to review a new scent this week, but I found after wearing it for a week I could find nothing I could say that was nice about it. It was a powdery… Continue Reading
When you’re in a rut, in the doldrums, or ready to doze off at the wrong time, what fragrance wakes you up, bops you on the head and jolts you out of your mood? What do you wear to shake… Continue Reading