A Trip to the Mall: LUSH Sticky Dates and Grass

So the cold was pretty much mild- it never really got to anything really terrible, for which I am thankful. It did allow me to stay in bed for a day and drink Simply Limeade. which was nice. Yesterday (Sunday)… Continue Reading

Roses Vanille by Mancera

Hey there Posse! Now that I’ve worked out that Australia is heading towards summer and you lot up north are heading towards the cold I think today’s perfume choice will be perfectly cosy and cuddly for the deep freeze. Mancera… Continue Reading

What to Wear… when you can wear anything

Posse, my darlings!  Time flies!   This Halloween, it’ll be 4 years since I got bounced from my horrible situation with El O.  FOUR YEARS!  And while there are a few things I miss (all related to business and/or handyman stuff… Continue Reading