More Caron love

This the next in my series of Caron love because I have declared December We Love Caron Month. If you don’t love Caron, shh!


Caron Poivre — I don’t have enough words in my vocabulary to express how much I love this scent. This is the deeper, more refined relative of Coup de Fouet. Coup de Fouet is pretty grown up most days, but you keep finding it off in the corner torturing boys while the more elegant, but still as hot, Poivre looks on, bemused by the younger cousin’s sometimes disreputable behavior. The spicy warmth of the carnation just folds down into your skin and wraps you up in its spell. Created in 1954, this perfume is absolutely timeless. Notes of red pepper, black pepper, giroflore, carnation, ylang ylang, opoponax, sandalwood, vetiver and oakmoss. There is an emotional attachment for me to this and to Coup de Fouet. Which note(s) it is that forms that attachment is unclear, and it may be a combination of the carnation and pepper and incense, but it is there, and it makes Poivre and Coup de Fouet scents that I must always have and that I wear when I need elegant comfort.

Caron Nuit de Noel — I had tried this in the EDT a couple of years ago, and I just didn’t really get it, it just didn’t seem to be worthy of the name. Liked it, didn’t love it. I got the parfum recently and changed my opinion entirely. Created in 1922 by Daltroff, it was made to conjure up images, via scent, of Christmas Eve. Notes of classical rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang, oakmoss, sandalwood and vetiver. This is the smell of Christmas Eve the way I have it in my head — the anticipation, the warmth of being with the people I love, the smell of the nuts my dad was cracking, quiet, candlelit cathedrals, Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus, the sounds of “O, Holy Night” being sung, and if I smell really close, just a bit of the smell of chocolate covered cherries that we got as gifts at church and all gave to my dad to eat because we hated them. Though it does bring to mind for me everything that is wonderful about Christmas Eve, it’s not really the smells of Christmas Eve, but the feel of being snug and happy with the people you want to be with — it pauses the human engine that is always on the hunt for its own elusive happiness and makes you content right where you are.

Both are available from the Caron boutique in New York or you can e-mail Diane at for more information.

Update on the bottle splits, I’m going to run these cyclicially as long as there is interest, and you can click on the link to the left with more details. Next up for bottle splits in January — Or et Noir (still need another 30-50 mls spoken for to make that happen), Tabac Blond extrait, N’aimez Que Moi. February bottle splits — Acacosia, Pois de Senteur, French Cancan and Narcisse Blanc.

  • Patty says:

    Oh, gosh, katie, I didnd’t take that photo. I just googled it, and couldn’t find an attribution to list on it.

  • Katie says:

    Oh Patty, Carons smell wonderful, but that photo! You are a such a good photographer. That is just fantastic. ^:)^

  • Patty says:

    Hey, Josey, I e-mailed you the particulars, but the per-ml cost is in the post linked on the left side, the CAron bottle split one.

  • Patty says:

    Bryan, agree, I’ve never run into a Caron SA that was anything less than charming and helpful. I always think class when dealing with any of them.

  • Josey says:

    Ooo how much per ml would taking part in the Tabac Blond split cost? 😕 I bought a roll-on from Dragonflyblue00 and adore it, and I was hoping to get more for less than the $35 for 5 ml I paid.

    A few months ago I sniffed some Carons in the boutique in NYC and I sniffed one that nearly killed me with it’s beauty, but I don’t remember which one! It was a rich, beautiful, spicy (?) gourmand….le sigh….anyone have any ideas as to what it could be?

  • Bryan says:

    Patty, you and I are on the same scented page. I adore everything Caron has done/does. I don’t think they dumb down their edt/edp at all. I love the urns and it has been my experience that every Caron SA is sweet…a true lady or gentleman. VIVE CARON!!
    OK, I’m crazy, it must be all the narcisse noir in the air.

  • Patty says:

    E — Oh, no! check with Diane at Caron. They sometimes have sample vials and sometimes not. Also, Dragonfly00 on eBay has, I believe, all of the extraits in samples, and she is just awesome in every way.. That’s probably the best way to try them if Caron is out of sample vials.

  • Patty says:

    V — definitely have you down for some TB. Oh, cool, you have to be on a sniffing frenzy. Come up for air every now and then!

  • Emotenote says:

    I know this is horrible and I am ashamed, but I’ve never done a Caron, I haven’t even not inhaled. I think my complete aversion to Guerlain somehow poured over into Caron. I swear I will find some samples and get on the love train. …Does Caron do samples? I don’t think there is a store that sells Caron within 300 miles. Excuses Excuses

  • VeronicaV says:

    Lady!! Count me in on that Tabac! Just finally got my packages (my fault) yesterday and I’m in heaven! Guess what? Totally surprised that I liked the Lipstick Rose. I’ll try the Coup tonight. I gotta go back to Fripperies for a few more!

    Take care.

  • Patty says:

    Hey, Maria, yes, I’d say you aren’t. Caron doesn’t agree with everyone. If it does, it’s magic. If it doesn’t, it’s just hell.

    Now, I have a similar problem with some skank, it’s just too skanky. Or powder, I get all twitchy if something is too powdery on me, and I have to scrub it off.

  • Patty says:

    Twibbet — I don’t think so. I think if the Caron base does not agree with it, it’s pretty hopeless, unless your nose turns around a lot some day, but I wouldn’t expect that.

  • Patty says:

    Thanks, Robin!

  • Maria B. says:

    Oops! That should have been En Avion of course.

  • Maria B. says:

    I tried on On Avion for the first time today. It’s spicy and deep. Unfortunately, as soon as I put it on, my nose turned red and started itching. 🙁 I’m afraid someone’s going to ask me to guide his sleigh. At least it’s not as bad a reaction as with L’Artisan Dzing! Just from dabbing that one on my wrists I got a horrific coughing fit that didn’t stop till I had thoroughly washed my arms. Alas.

    Back in the Pleistocene when I was in high school, I wore what the label said was Fleurs de Rocaille EdT. I loved it. It was fresh and comforting. When I tried it again recently, the experience was totally different because the fragrance was totally different. Yiiikes!!! The guy at the perfume shop said they had reformulated it. If that’s the case, it was not for the better.

    I never have problems with Guerlain. Maybe Caron and I aren’t compatible?

  • Twibbet says:

    Patty, you make these sound so good – but I know for a fact that every Caron I’ve smelled (not a lot, admittedly) has been overpoweringly icky for me. But Tabac Blond sounds so wonderful…am I missing something? Should I keep trying?

  • Robin says:

    Two great reviews of two great scents…and cracking up at R feeling like the flat-chested girl. R, have you tried Alpona?

  • Patty says:

    Tom, I miss those old department stores. We used to have one here in Denver called The Denver. It was still around for a year or so after I moved here, but it used to have a great, eclectic selection too. Once it got bought out by Macy’s, it started looking like every department store everywhere.


  • Patty says:

    Dusan — no Carons ever? you’re kidding, right? Okay, e-mail me, we have to talk.

    Birfday, what birfday? Stay tuned tomorrow.

  • Patty says:

    Oh, R! Now, I like to give March a hard time about her tin CAron nose, but don’t be sad! :((

    I don’t think tis’ a “get” thing, I think it’s just the base, kind of like Ormonde Jayne and Guerlainade, it either appeals to you or not. I’m less likely to love Guerlainade as far as wearing it all the time (Sous Le Vent is a notable exception), but I could live with the Caron house forever and ever, amen.

  • Patty says:

    Ina, yup, Poivre would make a great candle… too!!! 🙂

  • tmp00 says:


    Wonderful reviews! I’ve only ever smelled NdeN once, at the (tragically now defunct) Bullocks Wilshire. That store had the most crazy collection: almost all of the Carons and most of the Patous. I sniffed NdeN there and Patou Normandie among others. Yum!

  • Patty says:

    Oh, Marina, thats so sad, but I have to say, NdN, for thinking it’s to remind us of Christmas Eve, isn’t as easy to wear or get, even in parfum. I think it’s just as difficult as sometimes the whole holiday time is. I have to be in a relaxed, happy place to really appreciate it. If I’m not, it can annoy me… like family can sometimes. See, it is really reflective of Christmas Eve.

  • Patty says:

    J, was it you that first introduced me to Poivre, or Marina? Probably Marina.

    I have slowly changed my mind over time to love Poivre just a teensy bit more than CdF. Mostly CdF doesn’t make me feel quite so guilty spritzing it on like a drunken sailor.

  • Dusan says:

    I’ve never even been close to a Caron, let alone sniffed one [yeah I know, March, I’m not missing out on much], but I did love your description of NdN or rather what you would like it to be. 🙂
    Btw, isn’t your birthday this time of year, or am I late to sing you a HB song?

  • Patty says:

    Sharon, you’re so welcome, hope it got there safe and sound!

  • Patty says:

    E — I think that’s a great idea. until the calendar companies, filofax and the other organizer makers, I’ll just write it in with a magic marker.

    Yeah, a warning label would be nice, ot better yet, just zip about half of the EDTs and make an EDP instead, or don’t make it at all if it’s not close enough to the parfum. It’s a horrible introduction, like asking someone to smell the catbox before you introduce them to the Prideful Abssynian cat that uses it.

  • Patty says:

    March, I’ll just keep hoping, one day, you’ll get a eureka moment and go, Oh, yes! But if not, I’ll just keep trying, which I zipped of another one or two to you to try and see if it’s “the one.”

  • Patty says:

    Pam, I actually like the NdN EDT much better now that I’ve smelled the parfum. I get what it’s doing, but I just didn’t get it without that reference, which was weird.

  • Patty says:

    Chaya, I cannot wait to try the pois! It really does some special.

  • violetnoir says:

    Patty, why do I feel like the flat-chested girl who can’t keep up with her bustier junior high friends who have all gotten their periods? :((

    I guess I’m just not mature enough to “get” the Carons, save for Bellodgia.

    Please doctor tell me: What’s wrong with me? Is there a cure for Caronitis?


  • Ina says:

    Nuit de Noel in parfum is simply irresistible, and one of the very few Carons I love. Poivre would make an excellent candle. 😉

  • Marina says:

    You know that I share your love for Poivre. Ah, I love it so much. Nuit de Noel, sadly, isn’t as magical on me as it is on you and many other lucky people, not even in perfume :((

  • Judith says:

    We do love Caron!:x I adore Poivre–and my portion of the split just arrived last night! Thank you soooo much for doing this! I really like Nuit de Noel, too, but it’s Poivre for me today!

  • Sharon says:

    Hi fellow Caron junkie….

    I’m so excited for my Poivre! I do have the Nuit de Noel parfum and just love it. It’s so much better than the edt.
    I think I’ll wear the NdN today.

    Thank you for all the splits. You know you can count me in!

  • Elle says:

    Gets out best stationary to write notes to all calendar companies to add “We Love Caron Month” below December on all future editions they put out.
    I don’t think I could imagine life now w/out Poivre and Nuit de Noel. The edt of NdN did not work for me. At all. None of the Caron edts have. I think they should be required to come w/ easily visible warning labels telling innocent consumers to be aware that they in no way reflect the pure magic of the parfums.

  • March says:

    Wow, P — you are really, really good. You can make them sound so appealing.

    — b-) Anonymous

  • Pam says:

    Patty, if Dec is “We love Caron Month” then count me in. What beautiful reviews. NdN and Poivre (and Coup) both are on my favorites list. [I confess that I like the NdN EdT quite a bit. Not as much as the parfum, but I like it all the same.] Thanks for this lovely post! Wearing Nuit de Noel parfum can make one rather nostalgic, can’t it. Great day, all.@};-

  • chayaruchama says:

    Hello, Patty !
    I’m so with you on these…
    And you are going to LOVE the Pois de Senteur- it’s so golden, honeyed, lovely.

    Have a glorious day…