Introducing the Posse Scent Club!


Readers have the best ideas! Thanks to Anne, who suggested a Monthly Scent Club, we are going to start one, beginning in October.

Here’s how we hope to have it work. We will select 3-6 scents the month before and let you know what they are. If you have all of them, wonderful, you’re all set to play along. If you have some of them, you can just play along with us on the ones you do have, you can arrange some swaps.

Once the month begins, we’ll have a series of discussions of the scents we’ve chosen — like a book club. Some of the months we’ll have a theme discussion like “virtual reality” or “sexy scents;” other months the scents we’ve chosen (e.g., ambers) we’ll likely end up comparing to each other. All of you who have the scents can play along and offer your thoughts on those scents in the comments.

This month’s series will be Gramma’s House, and it features CB Burning Leaves, Gathering Apples and Wild Hunt; Santa Maria Novella Nostalgia; Frederic Malle En Passant; and Serge Lutens Fumerie Turque. These are all great reality-type scents, very fall-like and homey — bread, smoke, grandpa, vintage cars, fall apples – like Grandmother’s House. We’ll talk about half of those on Tuesday, October 2, and the other half on Monday, October 15. We hope this will be a great way for us all to be playing with some of the same scents throughout the month — and (as Anne suggested) this way we can talk about them after you’ve had a chance to smell them, instead of before. My guess is we will learn a lot more from your thoughts than you’ll learn from us, but we’re happy to get the discussion going.

We also set up an a topic on our Message Board, which is a great place to have extended discussions beyond the comments in the posts we’ll do and to arrange swaps for samples ahead of time, if you don’t have them.

In the months ahead, we plan to do a Gourmand theme, Winter/Holidays, incense, ambers, You Sexy Thing, and more! We hope you’ll join us because we are so looking forward to this! Thanks again, Anne, for the suggestion!  If anyone has ideas on things you’d like us to cover in  the future, do let us know in comments or via e-mail.  This is new to us, too, so we’ll be looking for all of you for feedback on how to make it work and make it better.

Now for old business, the three winners of the Sarrasins samples from last drawing are:  Eliza, Rita and Musetta. Just hit the Contact Us button over there on the left and send me your address, and I’ll zip you out the sample. Thanks to everyone that entered!

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