First, a little explanation. I miss posting, but life is so complicated, right? Not that I am some prolific poster, but I miss it nonetheless. I have the oddest schedule in the world. Who doesn’t? But I don’t want to neglect the commenters. What to do? “Why not the week-end,” Patty asked…so here we are. So it’s winter. Blah Blah Blah. Where is the fast forward button. Just a bit, mind you. We are so close. And yet. And yet we still have to get to those first blooms. The crocuses, God love ’em, will be showing up soon enough. Where am I going with all of this? I suppose I should remind all that I detest the winter. Oh gee, what an original sentiment…but honestly, I am that random dude who smells of all things Spring-like in mid-Winter. (Of course I’ve been known to waft incense in July, too, but that’s another post). I complain so much about the winter that I forbid myself to complain about the horrific heat in the Summer. I can’t have it both ways. So I suppose where I’m going is this:What are you reaching for/loving/coveting during this ugly time of year? Guerlain’s latest to hit the States have been knockouts. Thanks to Jason at Bergdorfs (and thanks to Patty and March for the heads up after their return). Cruel Gardenia is anything but cruel. (Is it me or have any of the scents in the L’art et la Matiere line been named correctly? Rose Barbare was anything but barbaric. Was there Cuir in Cuir Beluga?…ahem) The Gardenia, though is so polished and so, well, beautiful that I’m thinking I better get a second bottle so I have some left for Spring proper. The Gardenia peaks out amongst the shrubbery only long enough to tease before slipping back into the greenery and allowing her sisters (the young buds on the breeze) to tickle the nose. I find it lasts and lasts without being bothersome….as some gardenias are a bit insistent.What the bleep is a Purple Fantasy? It doesn’t matter, I promise. If it’s floral you seek, this is the stuff of, wait for it, fantasies. A sweet floral that brings a smile to my face every time I spray….and in the gorgeous Parisienne Bee bottle. That horrific name needed a gaudy bottle before, I suppose, to go with the silly moniker. All is forgiven, though, as I am transported out of Winter and into a garden, complete with an erotic undertone. Gotta love Guerlain. I promise to return soon. Look for me on Sundays. I can’t start my day without reading the blogs. The Posse, Marina, Robin, Tom, Kevin, Victoria, Ina, Katie, et al….thanks for getting me through the winter.
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