This is Buckethead, who I figure deserves equal time on the blog. Buckethead is a nester. When he´s sad, or sick, or otherwise feeling low, he collects all the soft blankety things (coats etc.) in the vicinity and piles them up on a chair or sofa. Then he goes to sleep on them. In this photo, he is asleep on top of: a) Diva´s blue fleece bathrobe; b) Enigma´s velour Washington Redskins throw; and some pillows. On top of him is his beloved, disintegrating security blanket.
Meanwhile I was watching Beverly Hills Cop (what a great movie) which reminded me: who´s coming to ScentBar to play with us on the 14th of March? 10 a.m.? Franco needs a count so he knows how much stuff to buy. Attendance is free! You have three ways to rsvp: contact Violetnoir on MUA; contact the Perfume Posse group on Facebook (some of you have already done this, I´ll email you to confirm); or Contact Us on the blog is my last choice as it then has to be sorted and forwarded. I am so excited about this trip. By the way, according to Beverly Hills Cop, if I want to be chic in LA I need either a three-piece suit (male attire) or a blond spiral perm and a denim jumpsuit. Which is just that much funnier given that one of this month´s fashion rags (Vogue?) is full of similar jumpsuits, a look I never thought we´d see again. I´m not buying the hammer pants either.
So. That´s it. I am completely punting this post today perfume-review-wise. Instead I am asking a question: have your perfume-buying habits changed at all in the current economic meltdown? If that question is too depressing to ponder, answer this one: is there a particular fragrance or makeup item you are coveting for now or this spring? I am lusting heartily for this entire Barielle nail polish collection (okay, maybe not the yellow) and I also want something from Shiseido´s new Dick Page lipstick collection, as well as the drop-dead gorgeous Dolce & Gabbana lipstick in Dahlia, although these are deliberately, heavily scented and I am not sure how I feel about that. Also, I´m on a spring crà¨me nail polish jag – I just got China Glaze Secret Peri-winkle and Agent Lavender (squeee! so perfectly pale!) as well as Color Club Blue Light, another gorgeous pale blue. Misa Jasmine is a lovely medium violet, but CG Shower Together was darker than I expected. I´m thinking I need For Audrey, even if it is a little warmer blue than the Tiffany box (and it is.) Any other pale blue, gray or green crà¨me recs for us cool-toned gals? Also, I´m as afraid of pink polish as I am of rose perfume, and do I need to get over myself? I feel like most pink polishes just magnify the pink tones in my skin, which is why I don´t wear pink clothes either. Is there a really flattering pink crà¨me that doesn´t look … I dunno … too Barbie or too dull?
Perfume Love for Everyone!
I’ve cut way back, not so much due to lack of finances, but mostly due to the fact that my collection is huge and I have so many great scents that I hardly ever wear because there are so many of them. Time to sit back and smell the perfumes I already have. I am saving up some $$ to go to Paris in April, there is a bottle of Le Labo Vanille 44 with my name on it waiting there!
March, I have lots of pink in my skin too, and you gotta learn to find the ones that love you – try the OPI Parlez Vouz OPI – which matches my favorite all time lipstick as well, long discontinued Chanel’s Silver Mauve.
Buckethead is adorable adorable adorable!!
Thanks hon!
Y’all should use the Perfume Possse FB group to do swappage and things.
You know, the recession hasn’t really impacted me directly yet, but mentally I’m in it, just being more careful on all spending, including perfume spending.
I *need* those Shiseido lipsticks! Now I need to go read through Blogdorf Goodman, which always leads to spendage.
Buckethead, gah! He is so srsly cute, cute cute. But all your kids are.
what an excellent idea! I’m in! I’d love to swap!
Blogdorf Goodman should come with a warning label. Of course, so should we. 🙂
You love those boys, dontcha? Even when they’re all grown up and hairy. And I need to wander over and check the FB page for the Posse…
I’m really trying to scale back my buying — I was getting a little crazy last year. It’s not because my economic situation has changed very much, but I’m trying to save and thinking about a relocation back to the east coast at some point, for which savings will come in handy. My scaling back has more to do with just not wanting to be so wrapped up in a buying frenzy and feeling like this “hobby” is becoming a little too impulsive. Also, I’ve amassed a good quantity of scents that I should really take the time to enjoy. As it is, it’s easy to forget that I even own certain things and rarely wear them. That includes about a zillion samples.
One thing I’m looking forward to buying for myself this Spring: The Pucci Vivara Variazioni Sole/Yellow bottle. I love that bottle and yellow is my color (for objects, not clothing). I also have high hopes for the combination of jasmine and tomato leaf. I know it’s unlikely to be anything near SL or FM quality, but I can hope for at least some swoon-worthiness. It’s already launched, but I plan to wait till April or May to buy it. Otherwise, no super-lemmings. Cellophane: I’m curious but not dying.
That sounds eminently sensible. And … somewhere above I share your feelings about collecting, at least somewhat. I must be wistful today but I miss the time when I proudly wore one scent as my “signature.” I miss that idea. I have trouble now wearing a scent all day and really enjoying the unfolding, you know?
I love those new Pucci bottles! And yes, I bet if you’ll give it a little time you can buy it at discount.
I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t miss having just one “signature.” I notice that I have two or three in “heavy rotation” at any given time and that feels about right. My bottles also take up only one shelf of the built-in bookshelf, not the whole wall. :d
Totally unrelated, but this Musc Ravageur that I’ve been wearing today is pretty DAMN yummy. It wears close and burns off fast and I usually like to have a bit of a sillage cloud going on, but I might need to get me some more of this stuff or do a split. The little 2ml guy is almost empty. 🙁
Joe, maybe that’s what I need to do — pick out two or three and wear them in rotation. I have to make an effort to just wear something… I’m always thinking of the next review in the back of my mind. I want to wear something and live with it.
If you’ve worked through your 2ml Musc Rav it’s time to upgrade! I love that smell.
You have such beautiful children!
I’m a postgrad student and most of the time have to budget, so the credit crunch has not significantly influenced my perfume buying habits. I like hunting for online bargains but avoid ebay. That is too dangerous.
I have a list of perfumes that I would like to get in the near future. A big bottle of Dzing!, Mitsouko in perfume concentration and Timbuktu for my husband.
Can’t think of any interesting pinks but have to share that at the moment I’m lovin’ Chanel’s Black Satin. Pefection.
Thanks for the compliments. And living on a budget provides discipline in times like these, and the ability to separate needs from wants. In terms of my catalog-whoring ways I’ve instituted a one-week rule. If I’m thinking about it a week later I can consider the purchase. I almost never do. 🙂 And I bet you could swap for almost all of those bottles.
Unfortunately, the economy has hit us hard. My husband was laid off and I only work part time, which seemed like such a good decision at the time, but in retrospect I should have kept the full time gig. But, I’ve seen some positive aspects come of our situation: our meals are homemade, my husband is cooking AND cleaning up the kitchen, the kids seem happy always having a parent around, and I’m feeling pretty strongly that it’s not all bad, and we need to stop and enjoy the benefits of more time and less money. Given our situation and my own frugality I have completely stopped buying perfume, but started swapping again. When I look at all the bottles I will never finish, the decants I have not made a dent in and the hundreds of samples, swapping seems like an easy way out.
I’m going to deny typing this tomorrow, but (speaking for myself) it’s not as though I don’t own enough perfume to see me through several lifetimes. At some point I think you have to ask yourself what you’re doing. Things (collections) make me nervous. If you’re after the buzz of the new, samples and swaps can get you there. Selling things on eBay is pretty easy too.
Good luck to you and your family. We’ve had to cut way back too. :)>-
I haven’t really slowed my bottle-buying habits, however the list of FBs that I plan to buy has only gotten shorter–I just haven’t smelled anything new that I felt I needed to add to the list. With my ‘unique’ skin, I never, ever buy anything unsniffed, and I try to wait for my sample to get used up before I spring for the FB so I can decide whether I truly like the scent or not.
As for the pink NCs, I’m also pale and cool-toned, and I find that the cooler, saturated pinks don’t look half bad. I really like lighter magentas, strawberrys, fuchsias and cerises. I agree that you should stay away from the more neutral pinks, and anything that has a brownish tint to it.
Thanks for the detailed nailcolor description for the pinks. It’s not like there aren’t a ton of them out there. I think avoiding the brownish tints and checking the saturation is great.
And I support everyone working through a decant before buying, but that’s only because my unsniffed record is so bad. :)>-
I recently purchased a tube of the Shiseido lipstick in Dragon — a gorgeous red. It is very moisturizing unlike most of the other red lipsticks that I have. The Dahlia looks gorgeous and I am going to have to check it out. I think I would like to buy a decant of J’adore. I did a spritz at Nordies yesterday and like it very much. I have just fallen hard for Fracas. I bought a small roll-on at Sephora over the weekend and have been wearing it all week. I love the Hello Kitty packaging but I can’t justify buying anymore makeup. I have cut back on my spending quite a bit. Buckethead is adorable.
There are a ton of red lippies in all the spring fashion spreads right now, which I find interesting. And (when they’re not featuring hideous jumpsuits, more in Elle yesterday along with hammer pants!) there’s a retro vibe I like very much. I wonder whether it’s a look backward that we are supposed to find reassuring?
Fracas is a wonder, and a roll-on is the way to go with that one. 🙂 Good for Sephora for bringing out so many small bottles and roll ons.
I saw the Hello Kitty items but … in a weird way its frivolity made it easier for me to say no. (Same with the Dame Edna.) I mean, I get that on a certain level it’s all frivolous, but that’s not the current mood, at least here. I want simple luxury.
I really hate to admit that I had a peach-colored jumpsuit in 1977 (please don’t tell anybody)!
Your secret is safe with me. I’ll show you my 8th grade photo of me in a peach cowl neck sweater (shudder) and a Dorothy Hamill haircut.
what beautiful photos of such a beautiful boy. Lovely thing to see on this chilly, rainy morning. btw – your love for your children shows through every photo you share with us. You are a very blessed family.
As far as lipsticks go – I would rather pull my lips through my nose than wear a scented lipstick. In fact, most heavily scented cosmetics/treatment give me a rash and make me vaguely nauseous. EL is the biggest villain for me – I have had to throw out so many EL lipsticks….. shame, too, as there are some nice shades in their collections.
I can’t help you on the pinks, as you know. We are at opposite ends of the colour spectrum. Those reds that look so dashing on your luscious lips make me look like a .:o)
I’m still in Brokeland and am now back in my first love – House Porn. So I’m lusting after Clarence House embroidered silks that El O can put his tool box on……=)) so FB purchases have been sparse. Two Liz Zorns: Violets and Rainwater and Historical Jasmine, are the two FBs I’ve purchased this year. Lusting after Drama Nuui something fierce but time will tell. I’m really into bottle splits these days and I hope the perfumers ‘get it’ – for a lot of us, bottle splits are the only way we can begin to approach a purchase – without them, way fewer FBs would be bought. I’m thinking FM’s L’Eau d’Hiver, which I would love to have – but not at that price point! Splits make it a possibility.
……..not exactly sure why my soapbox is up here today – sorry!;;)
We are having the weirdest weather here! Snow, rain, sleet, snow… gah, I hope it doesn’t freeze over, what a mess.
He is a beautiful boy, but I am biased. I wish you could see it, he has a small mole over his lip, a beauty mark I love… in my still limited experience the other problem with scented lippies is they seem to go off the quickest, so then they smell even nastier. I have a couple Lancomes that got funky. /:)
Smaller bottles is the universal request. At least in mainstream perfumery, Sephora is putting the pressure on and getting that done. And some niche perfumes issue some scents in travel sizes which is great.
Well, since I am notoriously 1.) cheap 2.) prone to guilt in general and 3.) senscient, I’ve cut back. But I have’t stopped buying. I’m just hunting down the bargains, and there are a lot of them on the online stores right now. For the more spendy stuff, I always go with decants anyway, although I’m not buying as many right now. I’ve pretty much quit fleabay, as the bidding process is pretty nerve-racking to me anyway. I’m doing flea markets and swaps instead. And I’ve put myself on a perfume budget. Things are ok with us, but the feeling that there’s a scimitar over our heads — it’s just hard to get away from that. I work as a consumer counselor, talking to “Main Street,” and hear so many hard-luck stories right now that it’s hard to forget that many people are in such bad shape.
So we’ve cocooned. Cooking at home — we don’t spend at restaurants much anyway. Negotiating with utilities to lower living costs, etc. Stay-cations. Drugstore cosmetics. I’d say that perfume is pretty much my only indulgence at the moment.
Your Buckhead is so sweet! My brother had a security blanket too. He finally gave it up when it was about the size of a dishtowel.
We all have them in one form or another…
Cocooning is a good idea. We didn’t go out to eat much anyway, but I’m acutely aware of restaurant bills now, and think, well, we could have bought x more meals with that dough! Of course the problem with that thinking on some level is the restaurants (and their jobs) depend on patronage… we keep going to our couple of favorite local places hoping to see them through!
Our income is tied to real estate, so this is a stressful time for us as well. For everyone, really.
He’s noticed his banken is slowly falling apart, I wonder how much longer I can stitch it together.
I’m trying to pretend recession isn’t here. That will work, right?
Go *LALALALALALA* while plugging my ears with my fingers will do it. Thankfully, I’ve never been a big spender, perfume- or otherwise.
So re: pink, how about peachy/melony shades? I recall from earlier pics that your colouring is rather similar to mine, and they do wonders for me. That or hard, almost neon fuchsia tones.
I used to have a perfect melon cream, but it dried out and now I can’t find it. The same colour + glitter, though, is found in Rimmel 60 seconds Wishing on a Star. You could check it out for reference and maybe find a similar toned cream.
LALALALALAAAAAA!!! There’s a melon-y shade from Sephora OPI that I’ve held up against my skin that might be just the ticket. And a bright neon is probably the right idea but I feel like the mani has to be perfect, ya know?
Having recently discovered nailgal, I’m wasting waaay too much time there. :”> OPI Baguette Me Not, OPI My Chihuahua Bites or China Glaze Atelier Tulle look very similar to the shade I had.
Thanks. And wow, can I waste time on Nailgal!
Buckethead looks so comfortable….hmmm…I may need to imitate him!
I’ve been curtailing perfume purchases since September. It was mostly to reduce/consolidate my stash. I’ve reduced by almost 50%, which is amazing, and it also makes me happier. Knowing that has kept me from buying new things for months now. Swapping is how I get new bottles. I think swapping is great! In this economy how else could I now have bottles of Bois de Violette, Attrape Coeur, Le Labos, Montales, etc.? With spring coming, however, I’m feeling the lust and the desire for a fragrance spending spree. I keep sane by hoping for a new Mona di Orio to appear, and that’s how I’ll spend my dollars. But it’s not that I’m not spending, mind you. I finally broke down and ordered much desired shoes. But I consider that an investment in the health of my joints! :d
Hmmmm. I really need to get my swap on. Surely there are things here that could be better appreciated by someone else. :”> In some cases, almost anyone else.
Buckethead is adorable, and brings back memories. Recent ones, actually, my 11-year old dd still nests on a daily basis. ‘Nester’ is a great term, btw, so much easier than ‘one who hauls soft items’.
My work situation rolls with the economy, so I’m in the land of fewer dollars and more time on my hands. Dangerous. A couple of affordable-but-unsniffed fragrance purchases didn’t work out, so I’m abandoning that route for now. I haven’t launched myself into the swapping/selling arena; maybe it’s time to reconsider.
On the makeup front, I’m dreaming of a magical elixir which fakes beautiful, glowing-but-not-sparkling skin! But until such a potion comes to light, I think I’ll head out and check out those lippies. I never found the red for me, but I see some other interesting options…
Hey, of all the ways they can self-soothe, there are worse, right? Plus nesters tend to be really snuggly, in my opinion.
Okay, speaking of hauling soft items, I’m going to put this on there and hope the Cheese doesn’t read comments today — he remarked the other day on the sprightly way I run up and down the steps. Then he thought a bit more and observed that I don’t hold onto the railing as I am going up and down, and how had I developed that skill? And I laughed and pointed out the obvious — because each time I go up or down the steps (all day long) I am …. *carrying something.* You know, the constant floor-to-floor flow (toilet paper, towels, dirty laundry, etc.) Empty hands are a waste, I am almost always carrying something back where it goes. He was baffled.
I stink at the unsniffed purchases, so generally confine those to super-cheap samples (which is how they become sniffed. 🙂 ) And when you find the elixir that doesn’t make you look like you feel in a vat of disco glitter you let me know.
That is a great staircase story; it’s an interesting insight into our daily lives. I always have something in hand as I head up and down the stairs, but I doubt my husband has ever even considered the need. (Bless his fuzzy heart.)
When I find that Elixir-Of-Awesomeness, I’ll let you know!
Everyone else in the house just steps over the items on the stairs unless I point them out and/or threaten to dispose of them. 🙂
you find me the guy who will pick up stuff on the stairs and carry it up (without instruction) and I guaran-dang-tee ya that at least 1000 women will run over you in an attempt to make him their own. I certainly would. My fave is when I have an entire armful of groceries/laundry/dog and El O is simply standing there – and I ask him to take something….
and then he gives that martyred , like I’ve just asked him to donate a kidney or something.
gotta love them, lest we all go to jail.
I came back from TJ’s with the groceries in the snow, lugged them to the front door, rang the doorbell, and he opened it and rolled his eyes at me. He’s lucky I didn’t throw an apple at him.
He’s lucky he’s not in Intensive Care!8-x
I was big into pillow and blanket tents when I was that age. I am almost tempted to build one now. He is adorable. 🙂
I would love one of everything in MAC’s Hello Kitty collection, even though the colors are a bit bright for my taste; I’m smitten with the packaging.
As for fragrance, I keep hearing that Barenaked Ladies song in my head: “If I Had a Million Dollars…” I’d buy up all the bottles of Le Labo Poivre 23 from Liberty in London. :d
They are very big into building forts as well. Some part of the house has always been turned into temporary lodging or some other type of sheet city. /:) And then they drag their spoils in there like tigers. Or possibly magpies.
I love that song, I just heard it a couple days ago. If I had a Million Dollars, I’d travel. 😡
Those Shiseidos are gaw-jeeus! Seriously, I’m smitten. I’m ridiculously addicted to lipstick and makeup lately and I’m blaming you (or the recession – I buy into the affordable luxury theory.) Still loyal to my semi-smooshed LQ Saint Nude, but have been going brighter, too, and found My Red: NARS Manhunt. Also found a ridiculous hot coral/watermelon in the wonderful and cheap new Revlon Matte lipsticks: Pink About It.
Buckethead is gorgeous, too. Poor bunny, I’m glad he’s better. M just got over what we think was Fifth’s Disease (or “slapped cheek syndrome”).
Ugh, we did Fifth Disease a couple of months ago. The problem we had was the gastrointestinal component, about which I will say nothing further. The slapped cheek part was not that big a deal.
Glad you found your red! And I want to check out those Revlon Mattes, the colors look good. How do they taste?
Having just put some on – work appropriate colour? Just barely! – I am happy to report that, nearly lone among Revlon lipsticks, they taste/smell like nothing. Teensy wax taste, I guess, but barely perceptible. Colour selection is quite limited at this point, but the reds (the point of the line, I guess) look great. In the Red looks like a lovely warm red. I bought Mauve it Over, too, which is awful on me, but it cost $7, so I’m not too bitter.
Hey, that’s good to know about the taste! The colors look really pretty, and I wouldn’t feel too terrible about $7.
March, you just might want to try that yellow. When you get it on your nails, you just fall in love.
Marsha Smith
Oh, I will definitely try it! Even if I don’t love it, I have two tween/teen daughters who would cheerfully wear yellow.
Hm. I’ve always been pretty frugal, and have funded most of the perfume shopping through selling unloved scents and other items, but still now I worry that I should be squirreling even that money away. I’m purchasing almost exclusively aftermarket now also.
Your son? Paifully adorable, seriously.
Hey girl! Page me…:d/
Thank you. He is a cutie. And he loves the girls, having three sisters… I think he will be a nice man someday.
Aftermarket is the way to go.
Your son is beautiful, March.
Ah perfume. Over the past year and a half, it’s grown from a casual hobby to a daily obsession. And I keep finding more and more creative ways to sustain it. Swapping and gift cards help. Yes, I have one of those credit cards that give you miles every time you purchase something. I trade those miles in for gift cards. If you charge everything, it adds up pretty quickly. 10,000 miles = $50 gift card. Of course, don’t let that credit card balance sit there on the card – gotta pay it off every month. Have you seen the interest rates these days? Ridiculous! So, my greatest goal – how to get perfume for FREE! It’s worked out pretty well so far, though I’ve given in a few times and actually paid for something. Last purchase was a $120 bottle of 100% Love from Barney’s, along with a $12 shipping charge! Not very thrifty. But throw that in with the two 3.4oz L’Artisans, 1.7oz Notorious, 1oz Missoni, 1oz Lolita Lempicka, 2.5oz No. 5 Eau Premiere, 1.7oz Magnifique, and 1oz Flower by Kenzo that I got for FREE through swapping, gift cards, giveaways, and Christmas/birthday gift certs from family, it doesn’t sound so bad!
So, yes, my perfume buying habits have changed, but I’m still finding ways to build up my collection. Another idea – sell stuff on eBay, then buy perfume with the cash. I haven’t done this yet, but it sounds like a great idea. I’m actually wondering if some day we may evolve into a trade economy. In that case, I’ll have plenty of perfume to bargain with. 😉
Hey, your strategy sounds like a good one in terms of frugality! I’m kind of lazy regarding the swappage, but I know lots of folks out there who love it. Bottle splits, samples, etc. And selling stuff on eBay is certainly a popular way to make some extra cash, your castoffs being someone else’s treasure. Recycling. :)>-
Yeah, I’m not big into the swapping thing either. I’ve only done it twice, but both times were for the L’Artisans (Vanilia and Premier Figuier)! And the Premier Figuier was in exchange for NAIL POLISHES! As they say, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Who knew I had a treasure trove of valuable discontinued nail colors tucked away in a drawer – sitting untouched and neglected for years? You never know what you’ll come up with that may have value to someone else. And sorry, no, I don’t have any more polishes!!!
That sounds like it worked out just perfectly for you! And I can feel the ache of a thousand np nuts right now, that they missed a chance to score… 😉
Aww, snuggly Buckethead is cute – what we can see of him, anyway! 🙂
Yes, my scent-buying habits have changed. I haven’t bought any decants lately – and not because I don’t want them! It’s because the sites are based in the US and the exchange rate is not in my favour any more…… *sniffs*
And I’m looking more at the ‘nice but cheap’ end of the market, too. I recently bought a bottle of the original La Perla, which is just lovely, and dead cheap at discounters like Superdrug.
I stuck a head shot up there, hoping you could see his beauty mark… but it just looks like dirt. 🙂
There are definitely some inexpensive finds out there… we were contacted recently for an article regarding drugstore scents. I’m trying to stay away from eBay, can you get fragrances cheap on there? Some countries seem better for that than others…
ok, I was replying to this but it ended up in a totally different post – since when did we need to select what we’re replying to instead of it being done automatically?
Anyway….. my answer was, dunno, I’ve never used eBay. It’s a bit too intimidating!
Our threads have a mind of their own sometimes. :-w
Regarding eBay – As a fairly regular buyer on eBay over several years, the way I began was just teeny things. Ease into it. Pick something less than $10 or whatever. A sample spray, a nail polish. And sign up for PayPal (it doesn’t cost you anything, the sellers pay). I’ve had one or two things that didn’t quite work out but I’ve never been totally ripped off.
My general eBay rule is — my dollar limit is such that if the item were a *total* fraud or bust, it wouldn’t ruin my day. I’ve only violated that rule once, and I was sorry. 🙂
Another cutie! March, I may just take you up on that offer to trade lives… (loved hvs’s Mary Cassatt comment–perfect!)
Econ situation has definitely bitten into the perfume-buying habit. Eventually, though, I’ll start sweating and shaking and turning all clammy and I’ll have to succumb.
Meanwhile, I just got a gift card to Blue Mercury from my husband for my birthday, so I’m looking forward to stocking up on some of the amazing Dermalogica skin care products I love so much.
I keep rummaging around in my old unloved samples for my next fix. 🙂 There are all sorts of things I either didn’t know I had or forgot about. Part of the thrill is the newness, isn’t it?
Skin care porn! Well whatever you are doing, it’s working. Your skin is lovely. I’d say that in general about New Yorkers, though (assuming they’re living right.) They’ve never looked pasty to me.
Thank you! and ROFL at “skincare porn”–I know just what you mean.
I look at the spreads in Bliss or what have you … briefly obsessed with the *idea* of SK-II, recently. But then you start thinking about what it would be when it all totals up… this seems like the time to stick with the tried and true. :)>-
Hello, I’ve never posted to the blog before today, but as I am up at this ridiculous hour finishing a paper about linoleum – yes, you read that correctly, linoleum, I felt it was the perfect time to read what was happening over here with you all.
As for my perfume-y habits in the ugliness of our current economic situation, well I had to put off my purchase of Narciso Rodriguez…I had to write a paper about perfume product design and marketing last semester and that’s how I found this blog. Anyway, I digress, I loved NR from the day I found the scent at Sephora but alas I cannot afford the $80+ price tag at this moment.
Luckily, my friend went home to Germany and returned for the Spring semester laden with delicious fresh fragrances from PUMA that we can’t purchase here in the states. I’ve almost gone through one bottle (eek!) but her Mom is coming for a visit in March…I think I’ll be getting a fresh shipment then. 😉
I really enjoy the blog and will keep lurking about…and maybe the next time I’m up all night writing a ridiculous paper I’ll chime in!
But I love linoleum! It’s an excellent product with retro appeal, in my opinion. We did linoleum in our laundry room and basement so I can mop it up.
Thanks for delurking. I am happy if you are happy with the NR, although (as you probably know) I can’t smell it! I wish I could. 🙁 Stay tuned, I think on Friday Nava’s doing the new Narciso, it’s nice, and the bottle is gorgeous.
what an amazing picture! H was cute in her VDay outfit, but this looks like a Mary Cassatt painting!
I’ve let myself buy only bargains since the first of the year – a 24.50 bottle of Vivienne Westwood’s Let It Rock! I’m still not sure about it, but I would always sniff it in stores, so I went for it.
That’s a good way to go, though! If you’re always smelling it in the store, why not get yourself some?
He looks so warm and cozy. I need to get cuddly ASAP.
Wish I could hit LA with you ladies. I will be in SF that next weekend though and plan to do some fun perfume hunting in between lectures (I’l be there for a women’s health conference).
I am so lemming pretty much all the Hermessences line, Liz Zorn scents thanks to Patty, Rich Hippie Wild Thing, all the glosses in the Josie Maran line. I could go on and on. But I’m reigning it in. Mostly b/c I have a trip to NYC this summer and know that I will be doing damage there. But I will be going to In Fiore while I am in SF and they have amazing oils and solid perfumes and body balms…..their jasmine is to die for!
Hey, have fun in SF! I bet that is a good place to do exploring for natural perfumery as well. I love a good jasmine, will have to check it out. And I’ve heard great things about Vanille Galante. :)>-
Buckethead is adorable. I hope he’s not sick, or that if he is, he’ll soon be all better.
I have tried to cut back but I was waylaid at Saks last week by a totally unexpected Guerlain scent trunk show (didn’t even know they had such things) and before I knew it I was heading home with not one but THREE). I’m still in a daze over that but they are all so GORGEOUS! I got Mayotte, Sous le Vent, and Vega which is my favorite so far.
The Shiseido lippies look really nice and I like their stuff a lot. I’ve got three in their line and have been waiting for them to have some new colors. Must check those out. They definitely seem affordable after the Guerlain splurge!
Have fun in LA, and be sure to have someone take photos of you in your jumpsuit. 😉
He was sick in that photo but is now better (now it’s Hecate’s turn, apparently. There is a really nasty virus going around here.)
I love how you somehow wound up with those Guerlains… I know how that happens … :d Sous le Vent is really interesting, and Vega is so wearable. I’m embarrassed to admit I still haven’t smelled Mayotte. :”> Or if I did I’ve forgotten.
The idea of me in a jumpsuit makes me giggle… I would look like a troll.
Ooh cozy.
So of course I’ve had to reel in the spending like everyone else. But my strategy is to keep the chic – that the chic factor, in fact, will also be the wise choice economically. Reason being: like in fashion, quality lasts longer. i.e. if I spend a bit more money on a Coco pink Chanel lipstick, it will be used up much more slowly than a cheapie with less pigment / staying power. The same goes for perfume.
It is all about buying real eau de parfum, and complex eaux at that. The most long-wearing ones I’ve found are the Bond No. 9s. When I spritz some on my arms in the early evening, I can still smell them the next morning when I wash my face. Amazing!! So totally worth the pricetag.
…and I think maybe the Secretary of Commerce should give me a buzz…
If you’re sampling a lot, longevity can be annoying :”> but there is definitely something to be said for lasting power, particularly if the drydown is the best part, and sometimes it is. I’m glad the Bonds have worked out for you.
Aw, such a perfect picture of your snuggle bunny. I, too, had a burrowing lad, and that snap of Buckethead reminds me of his sleepy sweetness.
All my buying habits have been reined in lately. I am saving for a big trip, and for once am keenly aware of how my small expenses add up. I haven’t stopped buying entirely, but am thinking a good while before splurging. That said, I am considering getting some Eau Premiere for spring. While it is somewhat fleeting, I figure I can use all I want from a 5 ounce bottle with impunity.
The Barielle spring nail polish collection is great…the greens especially are lovely. And I might definitely consider the yellow. Now given my skin tone, I can’t make recs on blues for you. For pink you might try something strong, like OPI Strawberry Margherita-it is fairly neutral, but a statement. Or go for a flat cream retro pink-Milk of Magnesia shade (Essie Mod about you). What probably won’t work is a “blend-in” pink-it would just emphasize your cool undertones.
The Shiseido lippies are lovely (you saw me in Bubblegum one day). But caution-they are supermoist-good for me, maybe not so much for you 😕
A couple of other pinks to consider-CC Vintage Couture, RBL Pepto Pink…;)
Wow, thanks for your thoughtful recommendations regarding pink, O Nail Polish Guru. ^:)^ That makes a lot of sense. You are so right about those blend-in pinks and I hadn’t thought why. I kept erring in that direction thinking subtle would be better, but those fleshy or warm tones look horrible on me.
Eau Premiere is so pretty. I wish I brought out a tad less rose. BTW did you realize Alahine had a ton of rose in it?!? Allegedly. I can’t smell rose at all.
I consider myself warned about the Shiseidos. The colors are lovely.
I just pulled the trigger on Eau on *bay…so much for curtailing spending 8-| Now to figure if it’ll layer well with one of the #5 body products to increase longevity 🙂
There must be SOMETHING. Does 22 eat its lunch?
To my nose, Eau Premiere smells like the best fruity-floral ever– if I wanted to wear a fruity I would choose it, but since I love and wear the real no 5 in extrait, I actually scrubbed Eau 1ere after the first test spray. It’s the best of its kind, but that kind is so shallow compared to the real deal. Eau 1ere compared to no 22? A pink nightlight compared to the sun over a warm, dry landscape. If you’re in the mood for one, you won’t be for the other. That’s my take on it, anyway– but I can imagine that if I were struggling through a nasty east coast winter Eau 1ere could be just the scent to lift my spirits.
Hmm. I think this will be my strategy for dealing w/ the current recession – curl up on soft, blankety things and sleep it away. What an excellent idea from Buckethead! And he is absolutely adorable!
My intentions for perfume buying have changed w/ this recession (which has really hit us hard and feels ominously like a long term depression). I intended to make *no* unsniffed purchases and to seriously cut back and just get decants. I did *really* well – for quite some time (for me). But something happened (bad planetary alignments?) and I somehow ended up getting three unsniffed scents in just the past couple of weeks – two SIPs and a scent by Clement Gavarry called Love, the Key to Life. I absolutely should *not* have done this. No question. But I’m getting back on the wagon and am once again swearing off unsniffed buying. And will stick to a rigid (well, my somewhat wavy definition of rigid) budget. Oh, and I *love* those Shiseido lipsticks!! Definitely will have to check them out. As an aside, there was an interesting piece in the NYT a couple of months ago about how lipstick purchases (at all price points) increased during bad economic times as women felt they were an affordable luxury.
I have read a number of raves regarding those Shiseidos, although Louise comments below that they are quite moisturizing so maybe not my first choice… I get that Joker thing going on with wet lipsticks. :o)
I’d not even heard of that Clement Gavarry scent – what does it smell like? And how is your unsniffed purchase track record, are you pretty good at anticipating what you will like?
I want to say that I *love* it. That I did not err. No regrets. But I’d be watching my nose grow longer w/ each statement. Sadly, it’s one of those scents that is very nice – a quite lovely oriental (a distant cousin of Coco Mlle?) – but gives me the distinct feeling that it would be very much at home on a dept. store shelf. It would fit in perfectly at a Palm Beach garden party. Would *never* offend. I just wanted something a bit more unique I suppose (especially since w/ shipping it was around $148 from Turtle Bay Spafumerie). The ankh bottle, however, is quite lovely and will serve as an eternal reminder to *not* go the unsniffed route. My unsniffed track record is only about 50/50. Not great odds. 🙂 The notes on this one sounded ideal – as they so often do – but something got lost in translation.
When I first read your response I thought you meant $154 in *shipping* and about fell out of my chair! Whew. I have not seen the bottle, I will have to go look it up. Ah, well. It sounds tolerable, even with the dept. store vibe. :)>-
No, shipping was certainly not that bad. 🙂 But not long ago I ordered a very small bottle of a vintage scent (Lapidus Vu – quite simple bottle, not difficult to pack or easy to break) from German ebay and the shipping turned out to be 50 euros! AAAARGH! That was one for the record books.
I don’t know, I’ve never used eBay. I’m askeered of it…:)
Elle, How do you like Love, the Key to Life? Saw it featured in the latest edition of Sniffapalooza e-magazine, and checked out their website. Am hoping they will decide to offer samples–the price tag is a bit too steep to buy unsniffed.
Given all the economic uncertainty, I’m TRYING to be good and (1) work through all my FBs and samples, and (2) avoid buying unsniffed. But rationality doesn’t always temper perfume lust…
Gave my take on it above. You really might love it. I just wanted something w/ a bit more “oomph”. It really could just be my skin chemistry. Maybe it ate up the more interesting, deeper parts? I believe they are planning on offering samples soon. And Bendel’s has it as well as the Turtle Bay place if you can get by there.