

Was living life after my fun day away. Being annoyed at work but of course doing it; wondering when we would start to see solid spring weather; took the dog for his health check where he behaved badly while getting his claws clipped; contemplated a longer holiday later in the year; bagels and cream cheese, things to cook, etc, etc. All of life’s regular things.

But then, bam. Was eating a piece of chocolate with Easter egg bits and big top molar went craaackkkk.

It was probably needing a crown anyway but I was hoping to wait on that till late summer/autumn. Nope, now have appointment with dentist soon and soft food – that’s it till I see her and probably for a couple of weeks after that appointment until the crown is ready. In a serious grump.

Thus, in addition to having to pay for US taxes in May or June, which won’t be pretty, I’ll now be looking at at least £800 for the tooth – and that’s assuming a crown will do it (please think positive crown thoughts).

And eating Pablum for the foreseeable: soup, creamed rice breakfast stuff with a lot of cinnamon, rice pudding, raspberries, yoghurt, baba ganoush, scrambled eggs. You get the picture.

And no real discretionary spending until I come through the other side of taxes and tooth. So, feh, just really feh.

Am going to take a long time with each of the samples I’ve ordered once they arrive and really start hunting the local charity shops for stuff.

For reasons I don’t really understand, it’s Kilian Love Don’t Be Shy from a sample since the tooth debacle because in the past I’ve only really paid attention to the marshmallow/cotton candy opening, which I love. It’s a serious gourmand which is what I need right now.

Patty wrote about this here. And the review sent me off looking for it at least a year ago. My first sample from a place in London leaked and the spray didn’t work. Managed second one from Liberty last autumn and it works fine.

I really enjoy this and it keeps me from thinking about how boring my food intake is.

Beyond that carnival food smell opening (sugar, vanilla, caramel) there’s a bit of fruit (neroli, bergamot) which keeps things sweet but not nauseating. Other notes include orange blossom, jasmine, honeysuckle, rose, iris, musk, civet and labdanum (per Fragrantica).

In the middle and into the drydown the flowers and skanky stuff comes to the fore but it’s still sweet – a very adult sweet. And even has this sort of weird but really mouth-watering caramel-nutty aspect. It’s a pleasure to wear, long-lasting (seems to be a Kilian thing), and incredibly distracting – like smelling my wrist is falling down a rabbit hole of perfume contemplation.

I actually really liked cotton candy/candy floss as a kid though I can’t see eating it now. Still, it has a weird, incredibly artificial sweet smell that I like – and then that caramel-nut thing much later in its development.

So, hope life is calm for you with no big expenses and if you like gourmands is there one we should all be looking at?

Pic is pexels

  • VerbenaLuvvr says:

    I need a new crown too and keep putting it off, the cost of dental work is an absolute crime and the whole process all so unpleasant. Kilian has out now an extreme version of LDBS that is even better. I’m holding out for second-hand bottles to start showing up on the market. Worth the price, I’m just not going to pay it in these uncertain times.

  • Tom says:

    Ooof, I am sorry about the tooth (and the taxes of course.) I am constantly shocked that there isn’t better dental coverage in insurance plans- so many health problems can come straight from bad teeth. Not to be a total downer but I had an acquaintance actually die from not having an infection taken care of in enough time because he didn’t have the insurance, didn’t have the money, and couldn’t find someone to see him without those before it was too late. Sad and just wrong, IMO. Oddly enough it was his birthday this week which made me think of him earlier.

    • cinnamon says:

      That’s awful regarding your acquaintance. Awful and scary. You can buy private insurance here for dental, but I’m not sure a lot of people do.

  • Musette says:

    YIKES! on the tooth! Hope it’s sorted quickly and at the least expense – I just had one of those ‘are you KIDDING me?’ expenses, myself. Car. Ick).
    Love Don’t Be Shy sounds like my Very Worst Nightmare. Okay – that’s a lie. Opium and Angel are my Very Worst Nightmare, mostly because once they’re on/in I can’t get them out of my soft palate.
    But this sounds…bad.. at least for me.

    Wishing you back to solids, quickly!

    • cinnamon says:

      Ack on car. Opium is among worst nightmares? Explain, pls. Love Don’t Be Shy is definitely a specific taste. I am finding it very engaging at the moment, but maybe that also goes with eating scrambled egg, creme caramel, yoghurt, etc, and soft bagels with cream cheese very very carefully.

  • March says:

    I am SO sorry about your tooth! I hope it works out in the least aggravating and expensive way possible … that’s hilarious about Love Don’t Be Shy. I know I have a sample of it still, I should dig it up while it’s still on the chilly side here. I think in summer it would kill me.

    • cinnamon says:

      Feel very grumpy about the tooth. Very. Hmmm… I think Love Don’t Be Shy might be ok in the summer. As I said, it makes me think of the carnivals I went to as a teenager — and all the things we got up to.

  • Dina C. says:

    Oh no! So sorry about the broken molar! Here’s hoping that a crown will fix it. The dentist can be sooo expensive, sadly. I’m not a gourmand lover, but those notes you listed sound pretty enticing. I can see why you like it.

    • cinnamon says:

      I’m still trying to figure out why someone becomes a dentist — beyond the money. But I guess it’s good we have them.

  • Tara C says:

    I am dealing with very big tax bills, so things will be tight for quite a while. Fortunately I already have so much I don’t need a lot. Gourmands is one of my favorite categories and I have many choices: last night I wore 4160 Tuesdays Hammersmith Tea & Biscuits. Other favorites are Profumum Vanitas, Xerjoff Lira, Kerosene Sweetly Known, and 4160 Tuesdays Over the Chocolate Shop.

    • alityke says:

      Tara we both suggested 4160Tuesdays. I always think of Sarah doing excellent fruities but it seems she also does really good gourmands. I have tried Over The Chocolate Shop but it was WAAAYYYY too much chocolate for me. How is the Hammersmith Tea & Biscuits? I feel a sample will be winging its way to me if it isn’t too sweet

    • cinnamon says:

      It’s hard to keep the focus, isn’t it. As to 4160 Tuesdays stuff, I prefer the light, weird fragrances, like Doe in the Snow. The gourmands don’t work well on me. But, I love her names.

  • alityke says:

    Cinnamon I’m so sorry about your tooth. I hope it’s gets resolved as quickly & painlessly as possible, for both you & your wallet!
    Boo to mushy food too, although I made a lovely almond & vanilla rice pudding & prune compote. Delicious but boring eaten on repeat.
    Sorry I’m not big on gourmands but easy to get samples off the interweb are Sunshine & Pancakes and What I Did on My Holidays. Both have that fairground thing going on & if you enjoy that, you may enjoy these.
    Both by 4160Tuesdays

    • cinnamon says:

      Ah, forgot Sunshine & Pancakes. Like that. Yes, sigh, boo to the way boring goo. I have figured out a way to eat bagels. They have to be warmed, not toasted, and I have to take a half hour to do it. Worth it though, as I love bagels.

  • Maggiecat says:

    Oh Cinnamon, I feel your pain! Both my husband and I cracked a crown/tooth within three weeks if each other about a month before Christmas. We both needed an implant costing us thousands if dollars (and many boring soft foods). Fingers crossed this works out as well as it can for you, and that you find fragrant solace.
    (While not technically a gourmand, Fragonard’s Grain de Soleil has vanilla, amber, and cinnamon and is quite reasonable in price.)

    • cinnamon says:

      Oh, not fun at all. I am crossing all fingers and toes that it’s a crown. I take blood thinners and anything surgery-ish I want to avoid. Vanilla, amber and cinnamon sounds lovely.