Memorial Day

My darlings – if you’re in the USA you know this weekend is the kickoff to Summer – Memorial Day.  Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and all that –

but let’s also not forget what Memorial Day is actually all about – if you see a veteran, thank a veteran.  Our men and women currently serving – please thank them, too.

All gave some – Some gave All.  Please take a moment to say Thank You – even if it’s just in your own heart.

And let Summer begin!


What did you do  this holiday week/weekend?  I’ve been murdering trash elms and wisteria (I love the look of wisteria but I also love the look of a T-Rex.  Doesn’t mean I want to live with it – this wisteria is… terrifying.  And my poor ol’ wooden fence is no match for her vicious colonization of all the surveys so after this last, great blast of bloom…. (cue Jaws – though I hope I’m Jaws and not her.  With wisteria, though, you just nebber know)

I’m also cooking.  My dear friends are having a cookout to thank everyone who helped them build their garage – but neither of them cook.  They have been absurdly helpful to me, so Concierge Cook to the rescue!  It’s fun – because it ain’t my party – I’m just the cook.  And for me, cooking is like breathing – except when it comes to deviled eggs.  I… dunno.  I just don’t get them – but everyone loves them so (insert shrug emoji)…


So.  How did you spend the weekend?  We have a lovely Memorial Day tribute here in town, with our aging vets paying tribute both at the library lawn and the cemetery – after that I’m on Designated Driver standby for some friends who take their drankin’ seriously – and I’m glad to do it.


In between that, I’m back to ripping out bindweed and murdering trash elms.  All in all, a lovely way to kick off the Summer!!

  • Dina C. says:

    We changed out almost all the metal fixtures in a powder room over the weekend, but otherwise stuck to our usual routines. Dogsat our daughter’s doggie. Made a stew last night. I’ve been reading Anthony Horowitz’s Hawthorne mysteries, which are so unguessable. And I just rewatched both seasons of Bletchley Circle, which was fabulous.

  • Maggiecat says:

    We had planned a quiet weekend, but the weather had other ideas. The deadly Saturday night tornadoes passed just a couple miles north of us, but last night’s thunderstorm hit HARD. I’m glad we grilled last night, because our very heavy, expensive gas grill is now on its side, a couple feet off the porch. This was just wind, not a tornado. Still thundering as I type this….Yikes!
    (We’re fine, no worries, just kinda sleepy at this point.)

  • alityke says:

    It has been the late May (formerly Whitsuntide) Bank Holiday on this side of the pond. Our equivalent of Memorial Day is held on 11/11, with ceremonies honouring veterans & the armed forces on the Sunday before.
    DH has been working so I spent my time ordering accessories from the t’internet & walking Mr Jarvis Cockapoo. Bliss!

  • Tom says:

    I’m grateful to all who served and who still do.

    I did bubkis. Went out with a visiting friend on Saturday then the past two did nothing. Feeling like a sore throat coming on so just stayed in, drank tea, and read. It was wonderful.

  • Kathleen says:

    I’m grateful for all those who sacrificed for our freedom. Quiet weekend with special friends and grateful heart,

  • Portia says:

    OMG! Deviled Egg FARTS! Whoa
    You have taken me right back to my childhood and laughing so hard when Mum and Dad told us not to eat them if we were seeing anyone in the next 36 hours. It remained a very hilarious thing for us long after it shouldn’t have.
    Grateful Memorial Day
    Portia xx