Labor Day Blues (ish)

Hi, my beloved Posse.  You know… I really should name this post Blame Portia… because I wouldn’t be talking about this were it not for New Idea 2023.   Well.. Portia and A Person Incredibly Close to Me (she’s not Posse so don’t worry – I’m not outing anybody here),  whose hoarding tendencies (the Person, NOT Portia) are terrifying.  This bathroom reno has yielded some …disquieting evidence about my own ‘tendencies’.  I, Musette, tend to hoard ‘scrabs’ of stuff.  I cannot imagine why – 2T of body creme is of no use to anybody (pun mos’ def intended ) yet … omg!  the jars and bottles of little scrabs of lotions/gels/creams is astonishing.  And gross.  Not the stuff – just the idea that I would keep jars with 2T of something.  Ick.  Yet. …. just dumping them (especially the more vintage/obscure/heavily perfumed stuff) seemed … wrong.

So. Enter New Idea 2024, Musette-style, in which she takes a jar a day (or however long) empties it (on her body – unless it’s some cheap shower gel in which case I use it to wash the bathroom walls and floors).  It’s a daunting task – but an interesting one – I’d forgotten I had a lot of these, so I’m having fun revisiting – on the way to recycling the jar.

First up:  Henri Bendel Orange Blossom Body Cream.  This is from the Jurassic Era when Lex Wexner’s L Brands bought Henri Bendel and folded it into the newly-named Bath and Body Works and I cannot go on writing about that, lest it make me cry all over again.  For nearly all my adult life I shopped at Bendel, both in Chicago and New York and half my closet has that label in it…. it broke my heart to see it go, just as I’m sure San Francisco’s heart broke to lose Gump’s and I Magnin (we had an I Magnin in Chicago as well but while I enjoyed shopping there I still blame them for the time I got stuck in a Donna Karan bodysuit and 2 SAs had to wrestle me out of it, as my then-BF was too busy laughing to even lift a hand.  To be fair, though, it was an hysterical disaster – and she was laughing HORD!  Still….)

But I digress.

I don’t remember the original 2 body creams being at the original Henri Bendel.  Something tells me this was a Lex Wexner innovation – but the Orange FLOWER (not Blossom – sigh.  I can never remember to name it correctly. )  and the Jasmine and Tuberose were the ones I seized upon.  I really liked the Jasmine/Tuberose cream (though ‘cream’ is a loose interpretation – it’s more a ‘lotion in a jar’) – I remember it being a lower-rent Carnal Flower (which hadn’t yet been created) and, since I didn’t yet know the Heaven that is Carnal Flower body butter, I adored it.  The OFlower took a bit more time to beguile me – but this ‘thunk’  has me rethinking the notion of a well-made Orange Blossom/Flower body cream – unlike a heavy hitter like tuberose, orange blossom is a note that plays well with a whole lot of Others.  It took me 4 days to ‘thunk’ the scrab in that jar and during that time I paired it with everything from coconut (a Sol de Janiero sample) to the luxe fruity-floral Morillas ‘Ines de la Fressange’, which I wear to bed when I am mourning the loss of my own luxe life.  Were it not now ‘vintage’ this would be a great addition to my body cream wardrobe.  Oh… and it would help were it actually a cream.  I am not a fan of body lotions.  And…dagNABBIT!  would somebody please change it to Orange Blossom?  I am tired of getting it wrong all the damb time.

Result:  I ‘thunked’ it.  I liked it – but I doubt I will miss it.    And if you’re jonesin’ for a tuberose-heavy cream, spring for Carnal Flower – you won’t regret it.  The Bendel is just ‘lotion in a jar’ , it’s nice but not Carnal Flower – and it’s selling for hefty simoleans ($70+)

The next one I ‘thunked’ was one I decanted from its original heavy-as-a rhino, poorly designed glass jar – wide at the base and tapered at the top, it’s almost as if the designer wanted you to grasp it with maybe slightly damp? slippery? hands and drop it on your bathroom floor, shattering both the jar and the floor tiles…and definitely your foot, should that heavy-assed thing land on it.  … yes, my friends, I bring you my bete-noire:  Creme Riche by Diptyque.  I say ‘bete-noire’ because of that damb jar.  The creme itself is diiiivine! with a distinctive perfume that still manages to become a skin scent, a few minutes after application.  I used to wear that stuff under nearly everything!  And it was heavenly to wear apres-shower, just before bedtime.  But that damb JAR!  Worst Design EVAH!

Result: Dregs (in a tiny Clinique jar) thunked!

Posse: I would buy it again (it’s that gorgeous) – but only if it came in a better designed, plastic jar.  Musette is old – and cranky – and I don’t want a broken foot.

oh, jar… how I hate you so…

So that’s 2 ‘thunks’ down – and many more to go.  I don’t want to go into my pristine new bathroom with a buncho scrabs of ‘stuff’ so… onward and… onward, I guess.   I was going to ‘thunk’ my 1/4 jar of Lyric – but that gorgeous stuff has the half-life of yellowcake and I can’t wear it to bed – it’s too distracting.  So I’ll polish up the jar and it’ll go back into the bathroom, when it’s finally done (the bathroom, not the Lyric – that’ll last forever).  I’ll put it front and center.

Last thing:  the title of this post.  It’s blue(ish) because Labor Day spells the end of Summer.  Kids are back in school, leaves are thinking about starting to turn.. and if we have a heat wave it’s a desperate sort of heat, rather than the desultory, ‘we have alll the time in the world’ heat of a sultry July day.  I kinda want to cry a little every day, as it stays darker just a bit later in the morning and gets dark just a tad earlier in the evening – but T-Rex doesn’t cry.  So I just take a deep breath and go clean something.


And I’ll continue to ‘thunk’.  Do any of you keep little scrabs of body stuff?

  • Mals86 says:

    Oh lord, Musette, I love you.

    I still have teeny tiny samples of ALL THE THINGS. I should either use ’em up or toss ’em…especially since I’ve downsized, but that’s a whole ‘nother story…

    You are absolutely right about Carnal Flower.

  • March says:

    I love this post. I don’t have bits and bobs of things to use up (probably all the moving lol); like some commenters I will toss a relatively new thing if I straight up don’t like it — shampoo, lotion, toothpaste, etc. Life’s too short to use meh body products. I do occasionally use things for other than their intended purpose — as body wash, floor scrub, shave lotion, dog wash etc. if I like the smell but not the performance.

    • Musette says:

      Y’know…. I wonder if it’s my inherent frugality… or if it’s the container…? I found an entire box! of empty, clean containers…

      …. or maybe it’s just me. And my Inner Crazy.

      (insert shrug emoji)

  • Dina C. says:

    Dear Musette,
    I was raised with my mother’s favorite Yankee philosophy:
    Use it up!
    Wear it out!
    Make it do!
    Or do without!
    Seriously, in her heart, it’s right up there with the ten commandments and the 23rd Psalm. So I’m definitely Camp Use-it-up. I’ve been working on a particular bottle of neroli lotion for 3 years now. But. However. I will heartlessly toss products that I deem gross. I threw out an almost brand new drugstore mascara this morning that was clumpy. I’m not willing to put up with that kind of yuck. Congrats on your thunks! I love orange blossom and neroli notes. Tuberose, too.

    • Musette says:

      Omg YES! on the mascara – I use cheap mascaras because I like to toss them after 2-3 weeks (I have a friend who wanted to use a mascara she’d had for TWENTY years! ‘but I only used it once or twice!!!’ – I wrestled it out of her hand and gave her a brand-new Maybelline. And every month or so I go into her bathroom and remove a mascara, replacing it with a brand new cheapo).

      Your mom is Not Wrong – and it’s why I am so freaked-out/intrigued by my hoard! And it’s GOING!

      • Dina C. says:

        I can’t even imagine the bacteria level in a 20 year old mascara! Amazing she could still see! You were doing a Good Thing for her.

        • Tom says:

          I have a friend who gave herself a really bad case of conjunctivitis from using an old mascara that she found in her car. She learned that lesson. Mascara- Buy Chap, Throw Out Regularly (and never ever share!)

  • alityke says:

    Well done for the thunkings.
    I overbuy & “maybe” hoard new lotions & potions, like Tom I can’t resist a bargain, but once it’s opened it gets used to the last scrapings. After I “saved” my Clarins Eau Dynamisante lotion “for best” & found one day it had split into oil & wax that refused to emulsify again & the fragrance had turned my lesson was learnt!
    Enjoy your scrabs

    • Musette says:

      Yep! That’s actually Reason Number One to use them up – I found that out with a jar of CFlower body butter – luckily the scent was intact and I could move the nearly-solid mass back into some semblance of what it was… but… it wasn’t quite the same.

      And that’s the whole point of these little luxuries, innit?

  • Portia says:

    Heya Musette,
    I loved this story and I’m verging on hoarder myself. Every few years I divest a shitload of stuff and then start again.
    One thing I don’t hoard though is half used stuff (except perfume obvs). If it’s in the bathroom then it’s being used. Everything there has a pretty rapid roll over. Two exceptions: a vintage 15ml Caron Bellodgia bath oil that takes one drop to scent the whole apartment and my Original Musk body lotion by Kiehl’s that is so fragrant I can’t apply very much or it gives me headspins (BUT I freaking love it so much).
    Portia xx

    • Musette says:

      Sweatergawd, babysnakes! I’m coming to your house!


      • Portia says:

        HA! It’s a happy shermozzle right now Musette. Too many hats and too much living.
        Yesterday a girlfriend told me she is arriving and asked to stay a couple of nights. Now I’m cleaning and organising like Mother In Laws First Visit.
        Enjoying a cuppa and some blog time while organising my thoughts.
        Portia xx

  • Tom says:

    Oh Larry yes I do. And I have to ruthless toss out those little beensy creams that come in the Beauty Event that I overspent to qualify to get then promptly forgot about. So to keep myself from justhisside of being featured on “Hoaders.”

    Of course it doesn’t help that you dear people turn me into e total lemming every time you write. Because yes I did have to get that body butter as soon as you described it. Even with the stupid jar. Because I need my pelt softened and maybe just a little pampered. And yes, I am feeling the change of season, even though I moved to a place with a climate that mutes it as aggressively as a game show host hits the Botox and Just For Men. It’s the damned days getting shorter and knowing that we’ll get off Summer Time and it’ll get dart at four. So I will dip myself in Dyptique and pout. Gently, since I can’t afford the Juvederm.

    • Musette says:

      LOL! I know what you mean about the ‘pout’ (fwiw, I’ve been using Roc, about which I’ll post when I’ve done it more times)

      I ALSO know persackly what you mean about those damb Beauty Event bags, damn their eyes! Those stupid little jars…. so enticing. So beguiling. So space-taking.
      Be verrra careful with that Dyptique jar. My advice is to apply it while on a carpeted surface. (ask me how I know this)

  • Maya says:

    I think your thunk idea is great. Keep it up. No scabs of body lotions or creams here because I rarely use them. I keep one cream or lotion around for any dry skin I may get, eventually use it up, then try another one.
    This is the first year I am not upset by the end of summer. This last humid heat wave was just way too awful. Walking out the door literally felt like walking into a hot sauna. High 70’s to low 80’s and cooler nights right now. Wonderful!

    • Musette says:

      LOL! Maya, you and I are the yin/yang of body creams. I have enough jars to soften everyone’s skin here in town, probably twice over.

      I confess… I don’t ‘really’ hate Autumn. I just… I dunno… it’s the one season turn that really gets to me, the diminution of Summer. It’s gorgeous, Autumn is, but kinda sad.

      I don’t miss the extreme heat, though.

      • Maya says:

        I have the same feeling as you about autumn and I know it will hit me – just a bit later this year. As pretty as autumn can be, it means winter is peaking around the corner and you eventually feel the chill of winter coming.
        LOL, here too. Yin/yang is good. It would be boring if we all agreed on everything all the time.

  • Tara C says:

    If I like it, I will finish it off, otherwise I just toss the scrabs. And when I get a wild hair, I have been known to savagely throw away full bottles of things that are meh. My husband hides when I get into massive sudden purge mode.

  • Maggiecat says:

    I feel seen here. Yes, I hoard body products and am loathe to toss them. And I keep getting new ones… The thunk project is a great idea, and as I’m working on clearing out stuff – it’s on!

    • Musette says:

      Report back! I confess I probably would’ve never even considered it – save the removal of THREE totes (the big ones, mind) of … stuff.

      I feel like it would be insulting to my new bathroom, to just throw all that stuff back in there.