Musette’s Musings on books and Winners! and a giveaway (AGAIN!!!)

I’m writing this post on a blustery Sunday because WE GOT THIS AMAZING PROJECT! squeeeeeee!  but it is taking every nanosecond of my work day and basically eats like into the rest of the dayintonightandIamNOTcomplainingOMG!amISOTHRILLEDABOUTTHISPROJECT!!!!.  But!  that means that Sunday, sweet… Continue Reading

Bat. A Little Giveaway (butyagottareadthe post)

So.  Well…you know the best part about the Internet?  There is, in general, NOTHING that happens that hasn’t already happened to somebody else, somewhere on this planet – and that somebody(s) has seen fit to Share.  I am thrilled about… Continue Reading