Author: Tom
Still Appealing
Well I am still peeling from that foot peel. They did say that it could take up to 14 days, so I will keep you informed.
Coming Soon: Foot Peel
So I got one of those foot peeling things that have been all over the interwebs. I was about to write a post that it wasn’t doing anything but lo and behold, the bark is coming off. I will be… Continue Reading
Smell Bent 1993 and 1999
First, for those of you who asked, part two of the story of the a-hole boss and my assist to Karma.. So, the a-hole boss had (finally) been sent packing by the overlords at work. Several months later, I was… Continue Reading
Serge Lutens Fleurs d’oranger
This is almost a rerun since I had tried this one eons ago when I first got into Uncle Serge. Did you have the experience I did with Serge Lutens in the early aughts? The first Lutens I smelled were… Continue Reading
Frédéric Malle Portrait of a Lady
So in one of my freebie bags was a sample of Malle’s Portrait of a Lady, a 2010 release created by Dominique Ropion. It’s a rose scent that was named after a Henry James novel (That I read eons ago…)… Continue Reading
Byredo Eleventh Hour (and my eyelashes)
As part of a Barney’s Freebie I received a sample of Byredo’s new one “Eleventh Hour,” which I was going to ScentBar to try if it hadn’t. According to LuckyScent, Eleventh Hour contains “Ban Timmur, a Nepalese plant related to… Continue Reading