Everything’s Coming Up Roses

So all of this talk about Rose actually got me out of the house- to Neiman Marcus for the (off topic) rhubarb body wash and to the Lush store in Century City for the Rose Jam that everyone was saying… Continue Reading

Getting Clean

Well, Memorial Day weekend came and went. My friend Tomas was visiting from NYC. Part business and part personal- his work does have an office in Los Angeles and his elderly parents have an apartment in a high-rise on the… Continue Reading

Cheap and Cheerful, for the Boys: Pinaud Clubman aftershave

I was a little too young and perhaps a little too, er, stylish to ever get too into barbershops. Now I know that I got my hair cut somewhere when I was a kid. I do remember going to one… Continue Reading

Turning to Comfort: A whine

Well, the heat is back on. With humidity, today at 80% according to my neighbor. And while it is not going to stop me from whining about it (in an, I hope, mildly amusing fashion) I do have to point… Continue Reading

Wasting Quality Time and Skin Stuff

Well it was sort of a wasted weekend here at the Okay Corral- I kind of had to work and it was threatening rain so I ended up staying in and doing things that didn’t involve testing out the perfume… Continue Reading

Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow and GOOP goop

So today’s post is about hair. I have not had mine cut in about a year. One of the things I can thank my maternal Irish ancestors for is that at my advanced age (35! Can you believe it!?!) I… Continue Reading

Old Softie: Avon Skin So Soft

So last weeks post about Avon seemed to be a fairly popular, and never being one to let a chance to ride a train right off the rails get away, I decided to go forth and actually get some of… Continue Reading