Labor Day This ‘n That
Well, it’s another long weekend, one that unfortunately I think I will have to work part of. So no barbecues for me. I did get as a present from a friend one of those Instant Pots, of which I was… Continue Reading
Well, it’s another long weekend, one that unfortunately I think I will have to work part of. So no barbecues for me. I did get as a present from a friend one of those Instant Pots, of which I was… Continue Reading
Sorry I have been so absent of late; combo of excess work load and a month of stifling heat have conspired to make me not want to leave the house. I promise to be better soon. From 2013: I have… Continue Reading
Jo Malone is a house that for some reason always manages to fly under my personal radar. Which is odd since they one of the places they are in is Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills, where there placement by the… Continue Reading
Well, it was, on the 20th. I turned 27 years old, for the 30th time. I did get a sample of something that I should be reviewing, but I found myself indulging in scents that I already have: the heavy… Continue Reading
Well, Musette’s post inspired me to take a look at some of the home fragrances I usually use. My old place had a closed kitchen with windows and a windowed bathroom so the extent of necessity for home fragrance was… Continue Reading
Well, Memorial Day has come around again and as is usual in Los Angeles, we have what is known as “May Grey.” I was in ScentBar the other day (I know, shocker that..) and I cadged samples of a couple… Continue Reading