Frederic Malle Cologne Indelebile – orange blossom perfume

Frederic Malle Cologne Indelebile and its soaring sunshiny scent reminds me of some other orange blossom perfume, but which one?  I scurried over to my oversized Orange Blossom Perfume post to get some ideas.  L’Artisan Seville is gorgeous and a little naughty,… Continue Reading

Iris Perfume – Comprehensive Guide to the Best Iris Perfumes

iris perfume o'keefe

We happily arrive at my favorite – iris perfume.   Now, the thing you have to understand about Iris Perfume or What the Underpants are Hiding, they can’t capture the bloom’s smell except through headspace technology, and even that is pretty… Continue Reading

I Want to Find a New Perfume that Smells Like…

How do I Find a New Perfume? … is one of the most common questions I hear over and over, phrased in a thousand different ways.  It can vary from – “I used to wear Giorgio, but it smells like Mule… Continue Reading

Leather Perfume – Comprehensive Guide to Best Leather Perfume

Best Leather perfume.  What a paradox, when you consider that originally perfume was used to mask the scent of hides used for gloves, boots and garments.  And the long, exalted history of leather glovemakers scenting their creations that evolved into… Continue Reading

Best Perfumes Not Enough People Know About

best perfumes best niche perfumes

The perfume industry has its own publicity machine, and everyone knows the best-selling perfumes from the mainstream icons – Chanel, Dior, Hermes, etc.  Niche perfume lines also have their own “best perfumes” pecking order, with people quickly being sent to… Continue Reading