Musings-adjacent. Ish.

Well, howdy!  It’s that time of Time, where I don’t have anything particularly pithy to say – and I certainly DO NOT have a perfume review.  I don’t really even have … musings… right now… though I guess these natterings… Continue Reading

A Fine Romance

  A few days ago a (fully vaxxed and masked – settle down, people) friend visited.  On the way to the garden she stopped to look at a stack of books on the table. Ted Chiang’s ‘Exhalation’  – a nod… Continue Reading

Musette’s Musings – Diurnal Style!

Well!  It’s a rambling kind of day, with my brain feeling a bit untethered and skritchy, so let’s ramble together, shall we?  There will be a quiz, later. 😉 Diurnal!  With the increasing light I’m waking up even more disoriented… Continue Reading

Musette’s Musings – The Last 2020

Happy Almost 2021!!   I try not to do Musette’s Musings too often, lest I get lazy, but I’m lazy right now – so Musings it is.  Here we go!  (and this post is an early write, so ignore the future… Continue Reading


Awhile back I wrote about Lubin Gin Fizz, which I found via March who made me attend a Zoom Happy Hour hosted by Arielle Shoshana (in the midst of the Happy Hour March texted me, saying ‘you really need to… Continue Reading


Way back in the Jurassic Era, when Fiorinal (which nauseated me) was the only prescription out there for migraines & cluster headaches, I was sent to a Chinese acupuncturist.  It worked – but it hurt (a very little bit –… Continue Reading

Musette’s Musings – October Edition

Ah, October.  I hate October. Okay, that’s a bit harsh.  Let’s just say October is … challenging.  I’m diurnal, not a fan of the cold & dark (which is why I live in the balmy Midwest 😉  and the onset… Continue Reading