Honey, Lost and Found
When I went to Sniffa in October, I went a day early so I could go to CB I Hate Perfume in Brooklyn. I met a couple gals there, and we sniffed all sorts of fun things. But it was… Continue Reading
When I went to Sniffa in October, I went a day early so I could go to CB I Hate Perfume in Brooklyn. I met a couple gals there, and we sniffed all sorts of fun things. But it was… Continue Reading
Of all the perfume accords, in all the world, musk perfume was the one, in general terms, I couldn’t warm to. Ironically, considering how fleshy and real musks often are. Though I don’t exactly wear scents that are diaphanous little… Continue Reading
The mid-Atlantic region of the United States was abuzz for days about the impending snow storm. My sister-in-law Kate and I, both having lived in areas where serious snow is neither unusual nor a cataclysm, started swapping drama-nuggets from the… Continue Reading
Yes, ladies and gentlemen — it’s that time of the year again, when we all put forth our Top Ten Fragrances of Winter. These are scents that may be new, or just new to us — or perhaps rediscoveries or… Continue Reading
So on Monday I mentioned sandalwood, and I’ve got some other stuff on the back burner, but the great thing about being a perfume fiend with a large sample collection is that I had several things on hand, so fasten… Continue Reading
Serge Lutens Fourreau Noir – perfume review, a hot mess. Hey, there – I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving, for those of you who swing that way. I got my husband back safe and sound, and I’m still sleeping… Continue Reading
I think the unthinkable has happened: my relocation, my surroundings, possibly my diet, and other contributing factors have altered my chemistry. Things don´t smell the same, and the tenacity of scent on my skin is no longer as impressive as… Continue Reading