Layering Roses: Everything’s Coming Up Roses

Hey there Posse! Layering Roses. This evening Jin put up a new Fanaway fan in a spare bedroom. I often use this room when our schedules don’t work. Jin works 12 hour shifts (that move constantly) in a dangerous job… Continue Reading

Spice Girl

Wow – this chestal thing is almost gone but it’s really jammed my tastebuds something awful!  I mean…I can taste stuff..but I can’t TASTE it, y’know? It’s confusing because my sinuses are largely clear, so you’d think I could make… Continue Reading

Aftelier Sepia Review – Only 700 years behind everyone else!

First time I smelled Sepia, it was just like that – some fecal qualities to it, underlying rot, hay, grass, then layers of dust and time smoothing them all out until I splashed it on and disturbed their peace, and they fanned out, animating time and death. Continue Reading

The Commercial and Non-Commercial

Update on the VI Peel:  I’m much, much, much happier today!!!  Most of the peeling is done or winding up, and my face has emerged out from under all this mess, and it looks amazing.  There’s still some peeling, just… Continue Reading