Hot Dogs, Ice Cream and..


Happy 4th of July, everybody!  Scent of the Day?  Grillsmoke!   Margaritas! Watermelon!




have a great Holiday!



  • nozknoz says:

    Gucci Rush- perfect for a holiday weekend! Cheers to all!

  • maggiecat says:

    Happy 4th everyone! While I find watermelon horrid in perfume, I love it as a tasty treat – and there’s one chilling in the frig now (Texas seedless, of course!) Wearing JM’s sadly discontinued Honeysuckle and Jasmine = perfect for a summer day – and chilling out at home. Love to all!

  • Francesca says:

    I’ve been on a Dans Tes Bras jag lately, so I think I’ll wear that to the barbecue later. Along with a healthy spray of Deep Woods Off on my ankles and sandaled feet.
    Happy Fourth, everyone.

  • Singlemalt says:

    Yes, ash snakes are still made! =)).

    Grill smoke, yes!! but suggestions for grill smoke–mine would be Tauer’s Lonestar memories.

    Happy 4th everyone in the USA!

  • Catherine says:

    Happy 4th! We just saw our fireworks already. I wore Gris Clair. Tomorrow it’s burgers, and I’m not sure what I’ll put on–maybe MdO Carnation!

  • Furriner says:

    Ash snakes! DO they still make these?