Home Scent Hits & Misses

Posse!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! Whatchubeendoin’? I’ve been hitting the sales!  Not for ‘stuff’ – well… okay… ‘stuff’ but Stuff, Musette-Style!  I lost mah MIND and bought scads of paperwhites because they’re 50% off and we’re… Continue Reading

I did it. So you don’t have to

I’m coining this one #BlameTom even though I think it was me who stomped around this particular tune.  Actually it was BOD, Axe’s low-rent cousin, the stuff of Migraines Yet to Come and can you believe it?  Walmart has BOD… Continue Reading

I smell

Posse!  How YOU doin’?  Just so you know, this is a further riff on the ‘You Smell Good’ theme.   I’m in the midst of the midway point of that bathroom renovation; Drywall Guy comes to sand tomorrow night!!  I wish… Continue Reading

Fall Feels

Posse!  Tis I, your Mercurial Musette!  Recently Missy March and I were talking about how… unsettled.. we both feel right now – she christened it the Fall Feels – and I am here for it.  Longtime Posse know of my… Continue Reading

What to Wear… when you can wear anything

Posse, my darlings!  Time flies!   This Halloween, it’ll be 4 years since I got bounced from my horrible situation with El O.  FOUR YEARS!  And while there are a few things I miss (all related to business and/or handyman stuff… Continue Reading