Tom Ford London – Selling Sex and Perfume

sex and perfumeTom Ford London changes the long history of Tom Ford not really selling sex IN his perfume.  He’s long sold sex in his advertising, but has steered somewhat clear of the trickier waters of sloshing out a rather skanky scent on an unsuspecting Tom Ford public.

There’s been a lot of near-sex perfumes full of tobacco and lilies and jasmine and sandalwood, etc., but nothing has come close to making my toes curl even slightly with “oh, that’s naughty” pleasure. Then Tom Ford London hit my nose.  I’d read the list of notes and noted the “cumin” and went, yeah, right, he’ll wimp out on that.  Tom Ford just doesn’t throw cumin in with wild abandon.  What else is in there? Madagascan Black Pepper, Saffron, Cardamom, Coriander Seed, Cumin, Coffee, Egyptian Geranium, Jasmine, Frankincense, Cistus, Oud, Musk, Birch, Cedar and Balsam Torchwood.

And that’s exactly what it is – a spiced incensy leather all sexed up and ready to roll its undulating, come-hither hips on the street corner.  Why in the world did Tom pick London as the exclusive home for this fragrance?  Oh, don’t get all mishish, I’m not saying Brits aren’t sexy at all.  I know a lot of Brits, and they are naughty for sure, but oozing sex is not the first thing that comes to mind as a prominent common trait. Yeah, sure, once you get to know them!  But not on first sniff.

After the open, this smooths out beautifully, so you don’t have to fear that the cumin will drive you insane after 20 minutes and drive off decent folks in the office with its sweaty sex aroma. It blends in beautifully with the wood and incense, creating a very sexy smoked fragrance, with the sex getting more subtle and warmer.  It’s lovely to wear, probably better suited for fall and winter, but wearable for me right now.  Do I love it?  Yeah, deffo do.

Luckily for the rest of us skank-loving monsters, eventually Tom Ford London will find its way to the United States.   I’m not sure when that happens, about six months after it debuted, is what the release says. Fragrantica says released in late 2013, but I’m not sure if that was exactly when it released. Any Londoners know so we can predict? I’m guessing by fall.

Winners from last week’s draw of Malle Eau de Magnolia – Lynlie, edpgypsy, Kandice and puhfume.  Click on Drop Us a Note clear at the top, remind me what you’ve won and include your shipping address. I’ll confirm once I get your e-mail to make sure it didn’t land in junkmail, and I’ll get the sample shipped out to you.

Let’s do four samples of Tom Ford London too to four commenters drawn at random.  Favorite Tom Ford?  Hate them all, love them all, mixed bag?  Am I alone in thinking the rest of his perfumes are blatantly sexual?

I should be back this weekend with an update on my Menopause cleansing adventures. I took a break because the pressure was mounting to lose something every week and I was getting a little too obsessive about it.  So I’ve continued cleansing, feel great, but had to ditch some of the obsession.  I’ll probably check in every 2-3 weeks on that to let you know how I”m doing because that is helpful, but every week wasn’t.   You know!

  • Peppermoon says:

    Liked Tobacco Vanille but looking for a spicier tobacco, Champaca Absolute was underwhelmingly simple, I have to be in a very particular mood for Black Orchid and I like Violet Blonde. My interest is piqued enough to want to try his whole line though.

  • flowergirlbee! says:

    i haven’t loved any so far….this sounds up my alley….: )

  • Tara C says:

    I guess I’m somewhat of a Tom Ford fan – I have Jasmin Rouge, Champaca Absolute, White Musk, Tobacco Vanille, Tuscan Leather, Oud Wood, Amber Absolute and Japon Noir. Would love to have a sniff of the London!

  • Katrin says:

    I haven’t tried a single TF yet. Am very curious.

  • Scott Lauze says:

    I adore Tom Ford, his fragrances, his style. The stranger, the better. And I am one of the few but proud who LOVE cumin. So puh-puh-puhlease enter me in the drawing!

  • Sapphire says:

    Favorite TF is Shanghai Lily, which I caved on and bought. Tobacco Vanille is pretty great, too. Thanks for the drawing.

  • Kandice says:

    I have not had a chance to sample a lot of the Ford fragrances, but of those I’ve tried I’ve liked Neroli Portofino the best. Thanks for the draw and the review!

  • Cristine says:

    I consider myself a Tom Ford fragrance fan. My favorites are: Tobacco Vanille, Amber Absolute, Champaca Absolute, Jasmine Rouge, Velvet Gardenia and Shanghai Lily. I also like Violet Blonde and Black Orchid from the non-exclusive line. However, I have not had the pleasure of smelling all of his fragrances– there are so many– so, I’d love to win some samples. Thanks!

  • Barbara B says:

    Liked Tobacco Vanille, but not for the price. Violet Blonde was not good on me at all. Those two are the only Tom Fords I have tried. London sounds like a winner to me.

  • imapirate007 says:

    Tobacco Vanille was the game changer for tobacco scents, just wish the price was a bit less. Phaedon Tabac Rouge is a close match. I look forward to trying London. Tom Ford’s movie, I agree is wonderful.

  • leathermountain says:

    I’ve been senselessly ignoring TF on account of the prices. That would be very sensible if I applied it consistently to all houses, based, of course, on price. But do I? Nope. I just recently decided to let go of this particular quirk, and London sounds like a worthy place for my first….

  • Brandi says:

    I forgot to mention that I gave my husband Gray Vetiver, which is one of my all time favorite scents on him! It is clean and sophisticated. It says, “sharp dressed man”.

  • Brandi says:

    I think Tom Ford’s perfumes are very sexy, but not full on skank. In fact, it seems like it is slightly contained. Maybe that is British in a way. Such a tease! The scents give a hint of lace garters and a fresh wax, as opposed to worn undies on the floor. Also, I would say that they are very suggestive of fashion. I have “Black Orchid” (little black dress), which in the opening will make anyone’s eyes pop and they comment, “Wow! That’s sexy!” However, the dry down is a beautiful soft floral. I have “Plum Japonaise” (Cashmere sweater) that is so cozy and makes my hubby want to cuddle. And, I would like to have “Café Rose” (Blazer, scarf and boots), which makes me want to go to a coffee shop and read a book on a rainy day. All of the scenarios seem sexy to me, but not necessarily in your face. I would say more romantic. I am curious to see if he tips the scale to ‘in your face’ sexy with “London”. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!

  • poodletwins says:

    Tom Ford’s scents are a hit and miss with me. I do like Violet Blonde, and Shanghai Lily though. I wish his perfume ads were as refined and elegant as his film (the one he directed with Colin Firth, sorry the name escapes me).

  • says:

    Ooooo, this one sounds goooood… Thank you for the draw! My favorite Tom Ford is Amber Absolute, followed by Black Orchid and Velvet Gardenia. Sahara Noir is on my ‘want’ list. Oh – and right now I’m also kinda craving a bottle of Neroli Portofino plus all the bath products that go with it!

  • jjlook says:

    I have a sample of Tuscan Leather I will aim to re-try today, but most of his scents have eluded me so far…

  • Tiara says:

    Love love love Shanghai Lily, from beginning to end. I wear this more than most anything else these days. His ads certainly catch my eye and while not offended, I do kind of cringe. Is this this only way you can think of to advertise your scents?

  • tammy says:

    I am not one to get easily offended, but I do find his advertising a bit much. I do like Tobacco Vanille and Shangahi lily, and would love to try some Violet Blonde. London sounds right up my alley…. I could use some skank in my life now!

    Also, I gotta add that the man can surely make some lipstick. Is anyone else obsessed with them??

  • Rhonda says:

    I’ve not yet had the good fortune to experience Tom Ford fragrances but, after reading this article and its accompanying comments, I’m definitely intrigued. I love sexy perfumes and can’t wait to give Tom Ford’s perfumes a try.

  • FeralJasmine says:

    Velvet Gardenia is the best realistic gardenia scent ever made, bar none. Noir de Noir is great for languid evenings. I can live without most of the rest, but a somewhat dirtier TF sounds like it would get me interested again. Please enter me!

  • Lynne Marie says:

    Tom Ford’s Noir de Noir is hands down one of my all-time favorite perfumes and one of the few I instantly knew was FB worthy. Makes me happy every single time I wear it! My other Tom Ford love is Tobacco Vanille. London sounds scary but worth trying!

  • malsnano86 says:

    Doesn’t sound like my sort of thing, so please don’t enter me in the draw. But I wanted to talk about TF scents, so I’m here to do that. 🙂

    LOOOOOOVE Black Orchid Voile de Fleur, though I cannot manage the original Black Orchid – there’s a dirt-and-cucumber-and-cocoa sort of thing in there that puts me off the rest of it. (Wish they’d bring back VdF – so gorgeous. A favorite, not just a favorite Tom Ford.)

    I liked my mini of Tobacco Vanille but found that I would almost always grab my SSS Tabac Aurea if I was in the mood for that sort of thing. Tuscan Leather is wonderful, really wonderful. And although it isn’t my usual sort of perfume, Black Violet is sort of addictive. Both of those last two I would call sexy, by the way; I wouldn’t say that about the line in general.

    I tend not to notice the advertising for things much (it helps when you don’t go shopping often or subscribe to fashion magazines!), but I do notice the Tom Fords… most of the time I’m sort of cringing, but I do notice them.

  • grizzlesnort says:

    Oud Wood and Tabacco. Please enter me in your sweepstakes!! Er..draw!

  • Elizabeth says:

    This sounds like something I must try! From your review I almost want to buy it blind! Thank you!

  • jirish says:

    I like Black Orchid enough to have a large bottle of it, and would like to get Sahara Noir. London sounds like a must-try for me.

  • Lauren says:

    My absolute fave TF is Velvet Gardenia, but I also really like Fleur de Chine, Lys Fume, and Violet Blonde. Haven’t tried the Ouds, but have them on my list to try. London sounds right up my alley. Thanks for the draw!

  • Abby says:

    Shanghai Lily for me and Noir on my husband. Thanks for the draw!

  • Irina says:

    I love ” Sahara Noire” and would like to have a sniff at “London” thanks, Patty

  • Carol S says:

    OOOH , this sounds like a must have for me . I will start saving for a FB – maybe I will make it to NYC for Sniffa in the fall and it will be there . Meantime I hope I can win a sample !!
    My fave by far is Moss Breches , and of course it was discontinued . On my husband , Tobacco Oud is great .
    Thanks for the draw !

  • diana says:

    I’m a TF groupie… or at least I was until his last handfull of releases. I have bottles of Black Orchid, Tobac V, Champaca Absol, Moss Breches and the Coffret. My husband (and I) wear TF for Men.

    It would be fabulous if London brought me back into the fold! I found his latest things all kind of same-smelling on dry down, or if they were different, the were rather tame/boring to my nose. TF I *want* to love you again!

  • Sherri says:

    Tom Fords: all have been kinda “meh” for me–not bad, not great, except Velvet Gardenia, which he sadly discontinued. I thought that was an awesome gardenia! Glad to hear you think this one is worth trying!!

  • JillM says:

    My favorite Tom Ford is Plum Japonais. I enjoy a little cumin, BO in my fragrances, and would love to try this new one.

  • Bastet says:

    I would love to try the TF London! I have FBs of Sahara Noir and Violet Blonde (Violet Blonde does seem a bit skanky to me, enough so that I don’t wear it to work). I also like most of the Private Blends I’ve sampled, particularly Shanghai Lily, but don’t have a bottle yet (too expensive). I’ll maybe spring for a decant eventually. And although Black Orchid didn’t work for me, I am interested in trying the new Velvet Orchid flanker. Have you smelled it yet? What a beautiful bottle!

  • Elia says:

    My favourite is easily Azure Lime. I wouldn’t call them all sexualised though

  • Black Orchid is so so gorgeous. That intoxicating vanilla base….

  • Solanace says:

    I have only tried Black Orchid, and really like it. Thank’s, Patty!

  • taffyj says:

    I really love Tom Ford Noir de Noir. Oh, and yes, Moss Breches, which of course goes by the anti-sexy name of Mossy Britches.

  • Jennifer Smith says:

    I bought some Black Orchid VdF for around $30-40 at a discounter awhile back .Loved it and went on to get some of its parent ,Black Orchid. I’ve tried Tom Ford for Men,Extreme,Gray Vetiver,Violet Blonde,White Patchouli and Noir. All were nice and like able , though I heartily agree that most all the ads for the TF line are way too overtly sex oriented. Mr Ford should save himself a ton in advertising and just do a pic of the newest bottle with a tag line underneath New from Tom Ford._____________ ___________. We would be off in droves to go sniff the new one. He could save the price paid to a model or two at least.

  • Peppy OBrien says:

    Tom Ford is my favorite. I love all his fragrances that I have tried. Violet Blond and Shanghai Lily which I purchased in a 10ml decant are my favorites.

  • Jennie says:

    I don’t own any (yet!) and have only sampled a few. I was quite attracted to Fleur de Chine. Tom Ford is difficult to find at bricks and mortar stores in my area, and the perfumes are a bit pricey to risk a blind buy online. Thanks for the draw.

  • shylotus says:

    Oh – Japon Noir, Urban Musk, Moss Breetches…and so many more! This London release sounds very alluring. Thanks so much for the draw!

  • Nemo says:

    I love Tuscan Leather, and Black Orchid is lovely too…but I don’t get any sex-vibes from it? On me, it mostly feels warm and cuddly in a very non-sexual way, but I don’t have a second opinion on that. I look forward to the next update on teh cleanse!

  • Jaime says:

    I haven’t tried too many TFs; so far, my fave is Black Orchid, but I am too introverted to wear that in public!

    Glad to hear your cleanse is helping you feel great! Don’t feel pressured — the main thing is to do what you can manage, and keep at things if they help you feel good.

  • eldarwen22 says:

    I did enjoy Tobacco Vanille and didn’t much care for Shanghai Lily so Tom Ford is a mixed bag perfume wise for me. Now, his perfume ads drive me up the wall. I find them to be too crude for my liking. I seem to compare those ads to maybe a slightly glamed up porn mag.

  • Tenzin says:

    Favourite tom ford: tuscan leather, tobacco vanille, noir de noir, oud wood, plum japonais.

    Thank you so much for the draw!

  • rosepotpie says:

    I tried his Black Orchid a few years ago but found I couldn’t wear it as it just smelled like SEX to me, in shouty capital letters. Would like to check out this one and see if I’m less embarrassed to wear it in public…

  • Artist says:

    Would LOVE to sample Tom Ford London!!! I’m mad for Shanghai Lily & White Suede!
    Thank you!

  • Janet in California says:

    I love White Patchouli, although my hubby doesn’t. Tobacco Vanille is lovely on him.

  • Angela says:

    Would love to try London! My favs are Jasmin Rouge and Tobacco Vanille!

  • KimB says:

    Shanghai Lily is by far my favourite, considering a full bottle. Also like Fleur de Chine. There always seems to be a note in the others that I don’t like. Would love to be in the draw.

  • Becky says:

    I have only tried a few TF, and I don’t think any of them are quite “it” for me yet, though Tobacco Vanille hits pretty close to the mark. I have this idea that Sahara Noir might be “my” TF, but I still have yet to see it ANYWHERE! Is it in limited release? London sounds very much like it might be by bag, baby. Thanks for the giveaway. Cheers!

  • Holly F. says:

    Ooh, sounds skanky! I do enjoy Amber Absolute and Black Violet. I’m definitely up for trying London!

  • Elena says:

    Love Violet Blond and Shanghai Lily. I would love to sample more but they exclusives are a bit expensive for me.

  • Rina says:

    Fave TF is Jasmin Rouge followed by Oud Wood and Black Orchid. Thanks for the draw, hope I win!